Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2027 He wants to do something big

The motorcade roared in and stopped beside the square.

The door of a Dragon Flag car opened. Hua Youlin took Xiaojiu's hand and got out of the car and walked over.

"Boss, what do you need me to do?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "Youlin, help me check the Kyoto Steelworks, especially Yao Xinggang!"

"No problem, I met their boss!" Hua Youlin nodded.

Kyoto Steel Works, this is a real state-owned enterprise.

No matter how knowledgeable Chen Xin'an is, he can't just go to someone else's workplace to investigate this and that.

The boss of this family has an administrative level, and his status is not low.

Let Hua Youlin do this, then there will be no taboos.

"Duoduo!" He Lijuan and Chen Rong got out of another car and ran over.

The little girls hugged each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely and they didn't let these guys out of Tongshun Gate.

Otherwise, once they leave the city, it will not be easy to find them, and Chen Duoduo will be in even more danger.

Chen Xin'an turned around and shouted: "Chenghai, send them to the hospital first to get bandaged.

Then take him to Zhongyi Hall, I'll be there right away! "

"I know, boss!" Cheng Hai responded, clapped his hands to his men, and shouted: "Do something!"

Following a burst of ghostly cries and howls, the little bastards covered in bruises were picked up by the brothers from Zhongyi Hall and thrown into the car.

The scene was quickly cleared, leaving only a few pools of blood.

Chen Xin'an walked to the side of the road and waved to the waiting police officers to express her gratitude.

After saying a few words to the leader, the police car retreated and roared away.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo boarded the helicopter again and returned to Dayucheng Mall.

Soon Chen Duoduo, Chen Rong and the others also came back by car.

Aunt Guilan and the others knew something was wrong, but Ning Xi told everyone to ignore it, so no one asked any more questions.

After a whole day of shopping, we bought a lot of things and everyone was satisfied.

Moreover, everyone was tired and didn't want to go shopping anymore, so they told Chen Xin'an and went home.

After sending everyone home, Chen Xin'an said something to Ning Xiruo, then took Li Qi out and came to Zhongyi Hall.

Yanghe District was originally an industrial area, and almost no one was there during the holidays.

However, Zhongyi Hall is relatively busy.

The end of the year is originally the day to collect accounts.

Zhongyi Tang now has cooperation projects with major banks in Kyoto, helping banks to collect debts.

But today, when the big boss Chen Xin'an gave an order, all the brothers in Zhongyi Hall dropped what they were doing and came to help.

The people brought back from Tongshunmen Square were locked up in an empty room in Zhongyi Hall.

The temperature in Kyoto has already reached below zero, but everyone, including Brother Hao, has been doused with cold water.

Their clothes were frozen as hard as iron.

Each and every one of them still had injuries on their bodies, but they had only been briefly bandaged, and they were trembling and huddled on the concrete floor.

Chen Xin'an opened the door and walked in, saying to the loyal cousins ​​around her: "You continue!"

A boy brought two chairs for Chen Xin'an and Li Qi to sit down.

Brother Hao had woken up and cried to Chen Xin'an: "Stop torturing us!

Dear brothers, we were really wrong!

The worst we can do is lose money! "

Cheng Hai slapped him in the face and cursed: "Compensate?

You really have the nerve to say it!

Do you know who is sitting over there?

The richest man in Kyoto!

Even if you pull out all the hairs on your head, they are thicker than your thighs!

Where do you have the nerve to ask people for money? "

Brother Hao cried, knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: "Brothers, please make a condition!

As long as I can let us go, I can agree to any conditions! "

Chen Xin'an stood up, walked to Brother Hao, knelt down and looked at him and said:

"Then tell me, why did you find Duoduo?"

Brother Hao cried and said: "I just happened to meet her! At first, I really wanted to share a fortune with her..."

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Cheng Hai: "Continue to pour cold water on me, it's not enough!"

Brother Hao hugged Chen Xin'an's legs and cried: "Mr. Chen, please let us go!

If we knew Duoduo was your sister, we wouldn’t dare to provoke her even if we had ten courages! "

Chen Xin'an lowered her head, looked at him and said, "Listen, the life of a little brat like you is really worthless in front of me!

So you better not play tricks on me!

I've seen the surveillance and you've been tracking Duoduo for two days.

When you go to Dayucheng today, you are also going to Duoduo.

So you better tell me the truth as to why you are doing this.

Otherwise, I will help you soak in ice water tonight. Whether you live or die is up to you! "

The gang of losers on the ground were wailing.

Chenghai and several younger brothers brought buckets, which were full of freshly received cold water.

Just when he was about to splash it on Brother Hao and his gang, Xiao Huangmao shouted loudly:

"We have a mission! We must earn three million by the year!

Otherwise, Master Gang will not let us go!

If you want to make money quickly, it is easiest to make money from those school girls.

So Chen Duoduo is our inevitable goal!

As long as she can help us sort out that school, we'll be done! "

Chen Xin'an asked coldly: "Who is Mr. Gang?"

Huang Mao glanced at Yao Lele, lowered his head and said, "That's her father, Yao Xinggang!"

Yao Lele waited for Huang Mao to curse angrily: "How dare you betray my father?"

Huang Mao wailed loudly: "I have to go to the hospital!

It can still be used if my ears can be connected!

I really don’t want to die here! "

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Yao Lele and said, "It seems that you still have a lot of things to hide from me?

Do you think I won't do anything to women?

Let me tell you, this idea is really wrong!

I will never be soft-hearted towards my enemies, regardless of gender! "

He stood up and said to Cheng Hai: "Hang her up!"

Someone brought a rope, tied Yao Lele up, and tied it to the hook on the ceiling.

Yao Lele scolded Chen Xin'an angrily: "You surnamed Chen, you are also a prominent figure in Kyoto, what kind of man do you think you are when you bully a woman!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at Yao Lele and said, "It seems you still don't understand me!

In my eyes, there are three types of people.

Relatives, friends and enemies, and another one is the passerby.

There is never any distinction between men and women! "

While he was talking, he had already taken out the silver needle and quickly inserted it into Yao Lele's body.

The whole room was filled with Yao Lele's shrill and painful shouts, and his suspended body was twisting extremely like a snake.

The people next to him were frightened when they saw it, and Xu Dan was so frightened that he burst into tears!

The phone rang, and Chen Xin'an took it out to answer it. It was Hua Youlin calling.

"Boss, big problem!

This Yao Xinggang is the chief of the business section of Kyoto Steel Plant.

Last month, he purchased a large amount of glycerol in the name of a steelmaking plant.

Some of it has been given to others.

I suspect that the two barrels found in Four Seasons Flower City were given by this guy.

There is still part of it in his hands, but there is no steel mill.

And the leaders of the steelmaking plant didn’t even know about this!

Boss, this person may be causing big trouble. Do you want me to arrange for someone to control him immediately? "

"No need!" Chen Xin'an said to Hua Youlin: "Don't alert him first, I want to see what his purpose is!

Arrange for someone to monitor his every move. If there is anything unusual, tell me immediately! "

"Okay!" Hua Youlin responded and wanted to hang up the phone. Suddenly he remembered something and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, is that guy with the Mohawk haircut where you are?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the ground next to her, nodded and said, "What's wrong here?"

Hua Youlin said fiercely: "This bastard attacked Xiaojiu!

I'll come over in a minute. Boss, please give this person to me! "

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