Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2028 Chen’s Education Group

This kid is really interested in Xiao Jiu.

Chen Xin'an did not interfere.

He brought out all these princes. Although they are all dandy, their character is trustworthy.

He regards Xiaojiu as his own sister, and naturally hopes that she can find a good man.

Hua Youlin is about the same age as her and can play together.

As long as he can be sincere to her, Chen Xin'an is willing to see them succeed.

There were quite a few people in the Prince's class who were interested in Xiaojiu, but as soon as Hua Youlin took action, these guys all retreated.

Xia Hongfeng is now very interested in Du Yunyan, and took advantage of the opportunity to learn programming to become Du Yunyan's master.

The master is very attentive, but the apprentice has no good intentions towards the master. He calls three times a day and is very clingy.

Chen Xin'an didn't interfere in the relationship between his brothers and the girls around him.

As long as you pursue it normally, success or failure all depends on your own abilities. He won't help or stop you. Everyone relies on their own abilities.

Hua Youlin sent someone over to take Moxi Gan away.

Chen Xin'an didn't care whether this little brat was dead or alive.

Chen Xin'an did not kill the remaining people, but handed them over to Sun Galuo, and they will not be released until at least the new year.

Hua Youlin called and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, that guy Yao Xinggang is not only the business section chief of Kyoto Steel Plant, he also has another identity.

Vice president of the Kyoto Shooting Association.

He is also a shareholder of two shooting clubs.

He also has a nickname, Gun King!

The marksmanship is very accurate. "

"The gun king?" Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said in a disdainful tone: "Give me the names and addresses of those two shooting clubs, and I will have someone check them out later!"

"Okay!" Hua Youlin said to Chen Xin'an, "I'll give you Yao Xinggang's address by the way!"

After a while, Chen Xin'an hung up the phone and immediately called Huang Hexiang.

"Tell Jiang Yu to work hard today and help me look up this person.

I will send the information to your mobile phones. I want his activity track this month.

Send someone to monitor him and be sure to know his every move! "

"Okay!" Huang Hexiang responded.

Don't look at the fact that this guy is usually out of tune, but he is still picking up girls even though he is quite old.

But once I start working, my attitude is still very serious.

The police station also called Chen Xin'an.

The interrogation of Yao Lele went smoothly. As she confessed to Chen Xin'an, this woman did not have a good relationship with Yao Xinggang.

Yao Lele's mother betrayed Yao Xinggang, so the two divorced.

Yao Lele took after her mother, but never changed her surname.

It was probably because her mother was thinking about Yao Xinggang's house in the south of the city.

But under the instigation of his mother, Yao Lele had not had a good impression of Yao Xinggang since he was a child.

Apart from asking for money, she hardly gave Yao Xinggang any good looks.

As a result, Yao Xinggang also ignored her.

In addition, he was somewhat patriarchal in the first place, so having this daughter was almost like not having him at all.

So Yao Lele once worked in Guifei City for two or three years, and Yao Xinggang didn't care.

Yao Lele didn't know much about Yao Xinggang.

All I know is that he is very powerful and has a group of disciples around him, and I don’t know what he learned from him.

Brother Hao and Mo Xigan are both Yao Xinggang's apprentices, and most of the money they earn will be given to Yao Xinggang.

This time, she was brought in to work together.

He promised to give her the house in the south of the city after completing the task.

This task is to earn enough five million before the year.

Now there are still two million short.

So I started thinking about school girls like Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan.

Chen Xin'an has no interest in this strange father and daughter.

But what he wondered was, why did Yao Xinggang get five million years ago?

There was a false alarm during the day, but at night Aunt Fang and Aunt Xiao cooked a sumptuous dinner to calm Chen Duoduo's shock.

Since Aunt Fang came, Aunt Xiao basically doesn't have to do the cooking.

It just so happens that if we want to build a monkey forest in Maoping New District, we will need a lot of vegetation coverage.

Aunt Xiao has devoted all her energy there in the past few days.

It has to be said that Aunt Fang's cooking skills are a level higher than Xiao Cuihua's.

The meals are more delicious.

Originally, Ning Xiruo wanted Aunt Fang to go to the company, but she preferred to stay at home and do some housework within her ability.

Aunt Xiao abdicated and gave up the power of housework to her.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo did not object.

After all, letting Xiao Cuihua, a plant expert, be the housekeeper is really a bit of an inconvenience.

After dinner, Chen Huang called Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo to his house, where a bunch of old people were present.

Huang Qihui made tea and served it on the tea table. Everyone gathered around the tea table.

Zhou Mao said to Chen Xin'an: "After the New Year, Ah Hui and I went to Chenjiacun.

If nothing else happens, we will both be prepared to die there..."

Ning Xiruo smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Zhou, don't talk about this during the Chinese New Year!"

Zhou Mao smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "It's not a matter of bad luck, it's just to express my attitude to you.

We are both very young, and we don’t have much time left to fight.

So since we are asked to be principals, we have to give it a try.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Uncle Zhou, just try your best to teach, don't be too tired..."

"This is not a matter of trying your best." Huang Qihui said from the side:

“The two of us went to see it some time ago. It has great potential and student resources are not a problem.

What is lacking is only teachers and equipment.

So the investment in this area is not a small amount, so I came to discuss it with you. "

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Just tell me what you need, and we will meet the highest standards.

It is worth spending any money on this area."

"It will cost a lot!" Zhou Mao said solemnly: "I will give you a low price.

Let alone Qizhou Beishan, do you know how many primary, middle and high schools there are in Haidong?

There are almost 20.

The admission rate of high-quality universities is less than one thousandth.

Not to mention primary and middle schools, just high schools, where is the highest admission rate to famous universities?

Dongshan No. 1 Middle School! "

Chen Xinan widened his eyes, looked at Zhou Mao in disbelief and said: "Uncle Zhou, you are not going to run a continuous school that exceeds Dongshan No. 1 Middle School, are you?"

It is of course good to have a goal, but if the goal is a bit unrealistic, it is too ambitious.

Zhou Mao shook his head and said: "I don't need to surpass its admission rate, I just need to surpass its enrollment rate! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

This kind of knowledge is really a bit profound for someone who has never been to school for a day.

Zhou Mao said in a deep voice: "Nowadays, people in Haidong are proud of having their children admitted to Dongshan No. 1 Middle School.

I want to change this concept to make children proud of entering Chenjia School.

What we want to run is not just a school, but an education group!

It includes martial arts schools, technical schools, vocational schools, etc.

What we want to provide to society is not only top-ranked talents who can get high scores and go to college.

There are also practical talents who can go directly to work in society!

It can even be direct training talents for Anhao Group to directly train employees! "

Huang Qihui nodded and said: "This is a big project. It depends on whether you, Mr. Chen, dare to do it!"

Chen Zhou said on the side: "Brother went to the Qizhou Construction Committee and approved nearly 600,000 square meters of land east of Chenjia Village and Wujiazhuang.

And there are all trees behind, and you can buy if there is not enough space.

Such a large area is dedicated to building a school, and the town has given a lot of support.

We listened to the ideas of Lao Zhou and Qihui and thought it was very good.

Especially the eldest sister-in-law, she is very supportive! "

Mu Jinrong nodded and said: "This is a matter of great benefit to future generations. Your grandfather, your master and I are very supportive.

But we don't want Junhao to participate, do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo looked at each other and nodded.

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