Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2037 If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price

I thought he would ask to spare his life.

I didn't expect that he actually asked to spare his daughter.

But according to Chen Xin'an, the relationship between the father and daughter is not very harmonious!

Xiao Zhang laughed, looked at Yao Xinggang with sarcasm and said:

"Do you know that we can chase here because of your daughter?

Your daughter betrayed you, do you still want to save her now?"

Yao Xinggang sneered at him and said indifferently: "Do you have children?

If your child does something wrong, will you kill him or forgive him?"

This time it was Xiao Zhang's turn to be stunned.

If it was Guoguo who did such a thing, even if it was betraying him as a father.

Xiao Zhang would not hesitate to leave the chance to live to Guoguo.

There is no way, pitiful parents in the world.

No matter what mistakes children make, there is nothing that cannot be forgiven in the eyes of parents!

However, Xiao Zhang did not want to be humiliated, so he snorted and said, "What a loving father and filial son!

If you were really a good father, you shouldn't let her become like this!

You don't even care about your daughter working as a hostess in a nightclub, and you still have the nerve to play a good father here?

Are you hypocritical?"

Yao Xinggang looked at him calmly and asked, "What else?

She has lived with her mother since she was a child, and she has a big prejudice against me.

I rarely see her, so do I have to quarrel with her every time I see her?

She can do whatever she likes, why should I stop her.

As long as she can live happily, that's fine.

But no matter what she does, she is still my daughter.

Whether she is a dancer or a hostess, she is still herself.

Our relationship will not change because of anything!"

Xiao Zhang blinked, and felt that he was speechless!

Yao Xinggang no longer paid attention to Xiao Zhang, turned his head and said to Chen Xinan:

"How is it? Have you thought it through?

If you agree to my request, I will tell you where those things are hidden!"

Chen Xinan turned his head and glanced at the street corner.

A motorcycle came speeding over, and the person on it was not wearing a helmet.

Chen Xin'an recognized the person riding the motorcycle and smiled.

The motorcycle stopped, and Li Qi took three wooden barrels from the back seat and threw them on the ground.

The wooden barrels were exactly the same as those in the room on the second floor.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Wenda and the others have been sent to the hospital by the Mu family.

I asked where the main city was, and then went to the lake for a walk.

I still found these things.

Because they were modified, they were more dangerous.

I handled them on the spot and brought back the empty barrels!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay, I know you will be fine when you go there!"

Yao Xinggang widened his eyes, looked at Li Qi in disbelief, shook his head and said:

"Impossible! How can you find it?

Even if you find it, you can't rule out the things made by the Cannon King!

You must be lying!"

This is his last trump card, used to threaten Chen Xin'an.

He certainly knows the craftsmanship of the Cannon King, whether it is the selection of sites or the modification of things, it is top-notch.

In China, few people can compare with the Gun King.

So even if someone finds it, it is impossible to dismantle it!

But how long has it been?

This person found the thing on a motorcycle and dismantled it!

This is simply impossible!

Chen Xinan smiled, shook his head and said: "You frogs in the well, what are you calling Gun King, Gun King, Fire King, etc.

I want to laugh when I hear this nickname!

I can pull anyone out of the special forces at random, and he can crush you!

He is a real professional master.

You just pretend to be an egg in front of laymen.

When you meet a real expert, this king and that king are all just children's games!"

Yao Xinggang looked at Li Qi with shock on his face. It turned out that this person was an elite from the special forces!

I thought Chen Xinan was perverted enough.

The people around him should be very ordinary.

Today I found out that even his younger brothers are rare masters!

No wonder even those foreign killers who came to China to get rid of Chen Xinan were killed here!

The three of them had gone to Kyoto with great effort. Even with the help of some people from abroad, they got things that were hard to get in China.

But they still couldn't do any harm to Chen Xin'an.

It was nothing more than sending himself to die. He really didn't blame himself for losing!

Yao Xinggang sat on the ground with a dead look on his face.

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at him, and said to Li Qi: "Those above must also be dealt with. Call Sun Jialuo and ask him to take him away."

"Okay!" Li Qi nodded and turned to go upstairs.

Xiao Zhang pointed at Yao Xinggang and said: "Boss, how do we deal with this guy?"

Yao Xinggang said excitedly: "Chen Xin'an, it's over, it's over, I don't deserve to die!

Please let my daughter go!

I know that both of us, father and daughter, are insignificant little ants to you.

You kill me and let her go, okay?"

Chen Xin'an squatted beside him, looked at him coldly and said: "You are right, you ants are really nothing in front of me!"

Yao Xinggang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But Chen Xin'an continued, "But if you do something wrong, you must pay the price.

Especially if you provoke me, Chen Xin'an, you will have to bear double the consequences!

Threatening my relatives and friends is an unforgivable crime!

Since you love your daughter so much, I will arrange for her to find you as soon as possible! "

"Chen Xin'an!" Yao Xinggang roared, and just as he was about to scold him, Chen Xin'an slapped him on the head!

Yao Xinggang felt like he was hit on the head by a thousand-pound stone!

At this moment, there was a roar in his head, and blood was red in front of his eyes.

The neck snapped, and the cervical vertebrae were broken.

The head was also deformed and cracked, and red and white liquid splashed all over the ground!


Yao Xinggang's body fell to the ground.

Chen Xin'an said to Xiao Zhang: "Take these bodies to the farmland in the north of the village and dig a pit to bury them.

Don't let the villagers of Pangxingzhuang see it! "

Xiao Zhang nodded and turned to leave.

Soon he found a pickup truck from somewhere and parked it in front of the hotel.

Three dead people and one half-dead person were thrown into the car.

Chen Xinan walked in front of Feng Xiangui, who was still unconscious.

He vaguely felt a pair of hands pressing down on his head.

With a click, his neck was broken and he instantly fell into endless darkness!

Xiao Zhang opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Originally he would go to the wild to dig a hole and throw Feng Xiangui and the body into it to bury it.

But Chen Xinan took action in advance.

He knew this was Chen Xinan. I don't want him to have his hands stained with human lives.

This is also Chen Xin'an's consistent style, trying not to let his brothers have human lives.

His identity can stop killing with killing, but it does not mean that the brothers around him have such power.

Once the higher-ups really investigate, the brothers will be in great trouble!

Sun Jialuo came with a pair of police officers, and they were all shocked when they saw the barrels!

Li Qi has dealt with it and is now safe.

Sun Jialuo instructed everyone to put the things carefully on the car, and after loading, he said to Chen Xin'an: "Those people..."

Chen Xin'an said lightly: "I have dealt with it!"

Sun Jialuo certainly knew what Chen Xin'an meant by "deal with it", frowned and said:

"Then where did you get these things from, did you find out?"

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I wouldn't tell you even if I asked, so I didn't waste that effort!

Is it difficult to check the supply channel?

This thing should not be difficult to make, right?"

Sun Jialuo said speechlessly: "It is difficult to find because it is easy to make.

As long as there is someone who knows a little chemistry, it can be made.

The raw materials are not difficult to find, so the scope and target of suspicion are really too large!"

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