Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2038 This is a New Year’s gift just for you two

Today is already New Year’s Eve.

Although the shops in Kyoto are still open during the day, every street seems deserted.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo have put aside everything these days and spend every day shopping with their families.

Li Lingyu came over early in the morning and gave the contract in her hand to Ning Xiruo.

It was a house in Block A on the 35th floor of Four Seasons Flower City.

It was originally used as a wedding room by a young couple.

Just as the wedding day was approaching, the man discovered that the woman had cheated on her with her ex-boyfriend.

The man was also cruel and remained calm at the time.

On the wedding day, surveillance video of the bride cheating on her was shown on the big screen.

As you can imagine, the result is that the marriage will definitely not happen.

They were originally a pair of out-of-towners who came to Kyoto to work hard. They seized the good opportunity in the past two years and made a lot of money, so they bought this house.

Now that the wedding has become like this, I can no longer keep the house, so I might as well sell it and divide the property.

The entire Four Seasons Flower City has become an industry owned by Anhao Real Estate.

So Li Lingyu told Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo about this matter.

As for the houses in Four Seasons Flower City, Chen Xin'an now takes one as long as she has one.

However, during this period, Chen Xin'an was busy dealing with the matter of Duoduo being kidnapped and then going to Pang Xingzhuang to arrest people.

So Ning Xiruo took full authority to handle the matter.

Now that the house has been purchased, all you need to do is sign the contract for it to take effect.

The money has been paid.

Although the sisters had taken a vacation, they did not rest. They were still busy these two days, and this matter was completed smoothly.

Ning Xiruo read the contract in her hand and found that there was nothing wrong with it. She smiled and said to the two sisters, "Okay, you sign it!"

"Ah?" Li Lingyin and Li Lingyu were both stunned.

"Why do you need both of us to sign?"

Seeing the two sisters looking at each other, Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "This is the New Year's gift from Xin'an and I to you two!"

The sisters' eyes were originally big, but now they were as wide as copper bells!

Although working in Anhao Group, the salary is not low.

But even the two of them could only look at the house in Four Seasons Flower City, and they really couldn't afford it.

But they never expected that the boss and the landlady would actually give the two sisters a set.

This gift was too expensive, and they didn’t even dare to ask for it!

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "Take it. Without you two, Anhao Group would not be what it is today!"

Xin'an and I have always wanted to find an opportunity to thank you and give you some practical gifts.

This opportunity just happened to come up, so Xin An had this plan from the beginning.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Take it generously, you deserve it.

As long as you are here to take care of me, I can be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind!

And living here is convenient for commuting to and from get off work.

If anything happens, people from upstairs and downstairs will come over directly, and it’s easy to take care of them. "

Li Lingyin bit her lip and looked at Chen Xin'an, and said firmly: "Boss, we can come and live in the house, but we can't take the property rights!"

Li Lingyu nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, at worst, you won't charge us rent!"

"Hahaha!" Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo both laughed and shook their heads together.

Ning Xiruo held Li Lingyin's hand and said, "Silly girl, I give you a whole house.

From now on, this house is yours!

From the first day we, a couple, came to Kyoto to develop, you have followed us.

We know how much it has helped us in the past few years.

Seriously, you are my two sisters.

Therefore, if the house is given to you, it is given to your family. There is nothing to be reluctant to part with.

Xin'an said that if you get married, he will give another set as a dowry from his brother to his sister! "

The two sisters looked at each other and said nothing.

Her eyes were red, and her heart was filled with emotion.

Of course they knew what Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo were like, and this house really belonged to them!

For Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo, there is no need to worry about other people's feelings when giving this house to the sisters.

There will be no jealousy or resentment.

Because everyone knows that these two sisters are very special existences to Chen Xin'an and his wife.

And they have a pivotal position for the entire group.

They are Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo, the husband and wife duo, who are the full spokespersons for the entire business.

In this regard, even caring and thoughtfulness cannot achieve this status.

The two sisters originally lived with Zhou Zhi in the dormitory upstairs in Anhao Building.

Now that I have a home, I moved here immediately.

It was originally someone's new house. Everything was decorated and all the furniture was the latest.

So the sisters didn't need to buy anything and moved in directly.

In a large house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, the sisters have one room each, and the remaining room is reserved for Zhou Zhi and Lin Keer.

During this time, the four of them became good best friends.

Since accepting Dream Media, Lin Keer has now successfully transitioned from being on stage to being behind the scenes.

After dealing with the sisters and Zhou Zhi a lot, they became real best friends, known as the Four Beauties of Anhao.

The four of them would have small dinner parties every now and then, go shopping together after work, and watch TV shows together when they got back to the dormitory.

Now that we have our own house, it will be more convenient for future gatherings.

Both Lin Keer and Zhou Zhi have returned to their hometowns.

But the sisters had already called them to tell them about the house.

The four of them had already begun discussing how to rearrange the room.

In fact, Zhou Zhi also has his own room on the thirty-sixth floor.

It's just that the latter's relationship with the two sisters is getting better and better, so he doesn't want to come back.

In the afternoon, the whole family had dinner early and drove to the Red Heart Square not far away.

My grandparents didn't come, they were watching TV and drinking tea at home.

Xiao Zhang and his wife brought Grasshopper, Ge Ge and Xiao Qin with them.

This is also the famous Love Square in Kyoto. It is very large, has fountains and lanterns, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Tonight is a specially arranged light fountain exhibition, and Chen Xin'an takes everyone to see the lanterns.

Ning Chen held the phone, looked at the screen, and said dissatisfiedly as he walked:

"Oh brother-in-law, the Spring Festival Gala has started now, I have to watch it every year!

Why do you want to come out to drink the northwest wind? "

Ning Xi snorted and said, "Only a fool like you can watch the Spring Festival Gala!

Do you think you are still as beautiful as you were when you were a kid?

Now the Spring Festival Gala is so boring and not fun at all!

I'd rather go shopping! "

"Actually, it's quite good, you can watch it." Xiao Zhang took Grasshopper's hand and said:

"It's mainly a sentiment. It's a must-have program on New Year's Eve!"

Ning Xi curled her lips, pointed at Ning Chen and said: "Brother Xiao, only old people like you and my brother have this kind of sentiment, but we young people don't!

Look, the square is full of young people! "

"Who are you calling an old man? Are you looking for a slap in the face?" Ning Chen frowned anxiously and clenched his fists at his sister.

Ning Xi looked scared and ran behind Ning Xiruo and shouted: "Fifth sister, Ning Chen wants to hit me!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head helplessly and scolded them: "Okay, no matter how old you are, you still look like a child, and you are not afraid of other people's jokes!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to everyone: "Don't worry, you will know later. Coming here is definitely better than staying at home and watching TV!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden bang next to him.

Under the brilliant lights, the fountain shot up into the air like fireworks and then bloomed.

The people around him screamed and all gathered around.

As the water flowers bloomed, all the lights in the square lit up.

It instantly brought everyone into a colorful psychedelic world!

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