Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2042 I set off these fireworks

Under the fireworks that were as bright as day, everyone could see Ning Xiruo's appearance clearly.

A group of student parties were all shocked.

It turns out that the rumor that Chen Xin'an's wife Ning Xiruo is more beautiful than Luo Qianxue, the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, is true!

There is such a beautiful woman!

Chen Xin'an, the richest man in Kyoto, spent thousands of dollars just to make the woman he loves smile.

In exchange for this affectionate kiss, it was really worth it!

Recalling that I had just tried to kill myself by calling someone aunt, a group of student gang members all looked as if they had been slapped a dozen times in the face!

How does such a beautiful woman look like a yellow-faced aunt?

Are your eyes used to vent your anger?

At this moment, sirens flashed on the street in the distance, and two police patrol cars stopped on the side of the road.

Several police officers jumped out of the car and walked towards the square.

"Whose fireworks are these? Who asked you to set them off here? Confiscate them all! That so-and-so asked you not to set off any more, can't you hear me?"

Several patrol policemen ran to the boxes and kicked down the stacked boxes.

Two people took out rubber sticks and pointed them at Li Qi and Xiao Zhang, who were still doing the wiring, and walked over cursing.

Huang Yuxin, who was fascinated by what he saw, clicked his tongue and said: "It's over, we still called the police after all!

I just said that people are not allowed to set off fireworks here.

It’s okay now, but there are still so many things that haven’t been finished, so I can’t watch them anymore.

Mr. Chen suffered a big loss tonight! "

Cui Jiarui shrugged and said helplessly: "My arms can't twist my thighs!

No matter how rich you are, you can't go against these official people!

Whatever people say is what they say..."

At this moment, Chen Xin'an had already walked over.

In less than a minute, several police officers politely rearranged the kicked boxes, smiled at Chen Xin'an and said a few words, then turned and left.

A group of students looked at each other.

Is this the end?

Don't care?

When everyone looked at Chen Xin'an again, the expressions of admiration on their faces deepened.

Ning Xiruo pouted, hugged Chen Xin'an's arm and said, "Is it worth paying so many fines?"

"If you like these, it's worth it!" Chen Xin'an hugged her dotingly and said:

“Not just for the city bureau, but also for the city administration, environmental sanitation bureau, landscape planning bureau, etc.

I will pay whatever I have to pay. "

Mo Ling looked at him with a puzzled look and asked, "Boss, doesn't this make these people think you are a big fat sheep?"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said to her with a smile: "He is paving the way for the monkey forest!"

Mo Ling was stunned for a moment, thoughtful.

Duan Zimo came back and said to Cui Jiarui: "I went over just now to inquire, do you know why those police officers left?

Mr. Chen said something directly.

Punishment, right? Tomorrow I will send the one million fine to the city bureau and voluntarily hand it over.

But I have to finish setting off the fireworks tonight!

Not only did they pay the fine to the city bureau, but your father's Environmental Sanitation Bureau also took the initiative to pay it!

You can play whatever you want tonight, no one will care, let’s watch enough here! "

"Domineering!" The tall man shook his head and sighed: "This is a real man!

Spending a lot of money just to win a beauty's smile!

I have decided that Chen Xin'an will be my only idol from now on!

So special! "

A group of girls looked at Chen Xin'an with stars in their eyes.

Looking at Chen Duoduo, he was also full of envy.

For such a man, even if he can't become a husband, he still dreams of being his brother!

Fireworks lit up the night sky, and everyone raised their heads to watch this grand and beautiful fireworks show.

Even the police officers who came here just now were standing next to the patrol car on the roadside, looking up at the fireworks in the night sky.

Countless couples hugged and kissed under the grand fireworks.

Such beautiful scenery is really rare.

Ning Xiruo pulled Chen Xin'an's arm and pointed to a corner with a blushing face.

Chen Xin'an turned around and almost fell down!

Behind the crowd, Konoha and Guo Zhaodi hugged each other face to face, kissing mouth to mouth like crazy!

When Guo Zhaodi went to Inca, she dressed up as a man.

Until now, she has short hair and no make-up, just like a tomboy.

So from a distance, this is a normal couple of a man and a woman.

Only family members like Chen Xin'an knew that these were actually two girls.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Chen Xin'an was really speechless.

Is this an official announcement?

Now he really wanted to call his grandparents over and let them see his baby girl with their own eyes.

A very nice girl. She used to be so quirky. Why has she become a lesbian now?

In the past, Chen Xin'an just felt that Konoha was really a joke, a kind of cognitive imbalance after amnesia.

Only now can I see that she really likes girls.

What surprised Chen Xin'an even more was that she originally thought that the little girl Guo Zhaodi would bear it passively.

Due to affection and face, I am embarrassed to refuse.

Now he has seen it,

This little girl is really stuck in it!

The pair of eyes that looked at Konoha were shining brightly and filled with unconcealable love!

Chen Xin'an seemed to want to say something. Ning Xiruo took his arm and said softly:

"Actually, grandma said that as long as they are happy, there is no need to worry about other things."

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and nodded slowly.

The fireworks lasted until late at night, for a full three hours.

Amid the beautiful fireworks, nearly a thousand people gathered in the Red Heart Square to count down to ten.

With the arrival of the New Year, the last box of fireworks soared into the sky, turning into a rain of light and falling slowly.

Thousands of people cheered in unison and sent New Year blessings to those around them. This grand fireworks show finally ended successfully.

Chen Xin'an took everyone home, and the people in the square also dispersed one after another.

The new year has arrived.

Early in the morning, several cleaners responsible for the sanitation of Red Heart Square rode tricycles into the square.

Everyone looked gloomy looking at the pyrotechnic waste and all kinds of garbage all over the ground!

"Grandma, aren't fireworks banned? Why would anyone dare to set them off in the square?"

"I heard that Mr. Chen of Anhao Group spent millions to customize it!"

"Damn, rich people can do whatever it takes! The point is, isn't this going to increase the burden on us!"

"It's just that there's so much garbage that I can't clean it all in a morning! These people really have money to burn and they are looking for trouble! It's so unethical!"

"How many rich people are conscientious? They only care about their own comfort, and they don't care whether we people work hard or not! I curse him..."

A young man walked not far away, carrying a stack of iron lunch boxes in his left hand and a red bag in his right hand.

Several sanitation workers looked at him with strange expressions. They wondered why this young man came to the square on New Year's Day when he wasn't sleeping at home.

But the young man walked up to them, put the things in his hands at his feet, smiled and said to everyone: "Brothers, come here and have a rest!"

"You are..." A sanitation worker looked at this young man, looking unfamiliar and unfamiliar.

The young man smiled and said: "My name is Li Qi. My boss is Chen Xin'an.

The fireworks on the ground were all set off by me last night..."

A group of sanitation workers turned blue with anger and cursed at him: "You still have the nerve to come! What do you mean? It's not pleasant to come to us on the first day of the new year, is it?"

Li Qi waved his hands and said to them: "Brothers, don't be angry, I'm just here to apologize for causing trouble to you!

These are dumplings that have just come out of the pot. The brothers eat them first and then go to work when they are full.

There are also cigarettes and sugar in here, let everyone share a share.

By the way, there is something more important! "

Li Qi took out a bunch of red envelopes from his pocket and handed them to them one by one.

"The red envelope prepared by the boss for everyone, wishing everyone a happy new year!

Thank you for your hard work! "

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