Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2043 The Chinese New Year is exhausting

Several sanitation workers were holding red envelopes and cigarettes, and their pockets were filled with a lot of candy, and they were all stunned.

Everyone looked at the lunch box on the ground again, which had been opened and was full of steaming dumplings.

The complaints in everyone's heart were gone at this moment.

Their eyes were red, and they were moved.

Not only was their work hard, but they were also not well-received.

They were really used to being looked down upon and insulted by the rich.

No one had ever treated them like this, and the other party was Chen Xin'an, the richest man in Kyoto!

There was a reason why they could be like this!

Originally, Li Qi wanted to take the broom and clean up while they were eating dumplings.

After all, such a large pile really added a lot of burden to others.

Unexpectedly, a group of people snatched his broom directly.

Then they drove him back home with laughter!

"Boss, you can go back. We can do this kind of rough work!"

"We are originally doing this. Mr. Chen is so polite!"

"Please tell Mr. Chen a message for us: Thank you! Happy New Year to Mr. Chen and happiness to his family!"

The old man will get up early to make dumplings on the first day of the New Year when he is at home.

Jiang Yu and Feng Zhongcheng also came early.

The little guy and Guoguo kowtowed to the master and his wife first, and then kowtowed to the old people of Chen Huang.

After walking up and down the stairs, the red envelopes in their pockets could not be put in.

While eating dumplings, Mu Jinrong asked Chen Xinan, "Xiruo and I have divided the gifts yesterday. Don't mess up the gifts for anyone.

Remember, gold and silver jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, these are taboos.

You can only give gifts today. If you can't give them out, you can't give them tomorrow.

Also, take Xiruo with you. It's much better for you to go alone!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "I know, grandma!"

Chen Huang put down his bowl and chopsticks and said to Chen Xinan, "Let's go out after you're full! You two will have to run around today and walk around the whole Kyoto!"

It would be better if he didn't say it. Once he said it, Chen Xinan wanted to give up again.

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, no one will be missed!"

Of course, she knew that her man was a lazy guy.

Even the company was unwilling to pay attention, let alone this kind of New Year's greetings.

But this is also a necessary process.

Only gifts given on the first day of the new year will be accepted as a matter of course, without worrying about problems.

Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo went to pay New Year's greetings, not for gifts.

It was to maintain and deepen a relationship, which was very necessary.

Dahongmen, the General Military Region, the agency dormitory, etc., really went around the capital city, and even went to the suburbs.

Except for lunch at Lu Wenhu's house, the couple basically did not stay in any house for more than half an hour.

Even so, it was already eight o'clock in the evening when they returned home.

It happened that the family was waiting for them to have dinner together.

After eating and drinking, Chen Xinan went directly to the bedroom, took a shower and went to bed, and didn't want to move at all.

It felt that walking around for a day was more tiring than taking the Black Mountain Tigers and their gang on a camping training.

Fortunately, it only happened once a year, otherwise Chen Xinan would really give up halfway.

I thought it was only busy for this day, but I didn't expect that I would be busy for several days in a row.

Almost every day, a group of people came to pay New Year's greetings, and he had to receive them personally.

After all, they were all good friends, like Shen Guangming and his wife Luo Yanni, and Luo Zhen also came with his newlywed wife.

Even Luo Zhonghua and his wife came with Luo Qiancheng.

There were also some business friends, more than a dozen of them came every day.

When Chen Xinan brought Xu Huaqiang and Chi Rui over, more people came.

Before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Chen Xinan was looking forward to finishing the New Year quickly. He really didn't want to toss so much, it was too tiring!

Until the end of the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the New Year was finally over.

There were fewer guests at home, and Chen Xinan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The private plane has been approved for the route, and it will fly to Dongshan in the next few days to send all the relatives back.

Originally, Chen Xinan wanted everyone to stay until the end of the month, but no one wanted to do it.

Grandpa, grandma and master were worried about the things in Chenjia Village.

Even Zhou Mao and Huang Qihui were anxious about the construction of the school.

As for the eldest uncle Ning Changfeng, let alone, Zuixianlou is still waiting to open.

Chen Xinan gave the crew a red envelope and asked them to rest for a night and take off to Dongshan the next morning.

But he didn't expect that Xia Ruixue came with the crew.

He thought she would come to see Li Qi before the New Year.

He didn't expect that she had said she would come, but was delayed because of a decision.

That is resignation.

She and Li Ziying both resigned from the airline and are now free.

This time, she came to discuss with Chen Xinan whether she could become a flight attendant for this private jet.

Because Chen Xinan proposed an idea and got Ning Xiruo's consent.

He wanted to buy out Duan Changkong and other crew members' seniority completely and sign a contract with his own company.

Let them be responsible for the flight mission of this private jet.

Of course, it's not just for him.

When not in use, rent out the plane.

There are so many rich people, not many of whom own private jets, but many who can afford the rent.

So you can rent out the plane at ordinary times, and let the crew perform the flight mission when someone uses it.

The selection of customers is also very strict, and you can use it without paying money.

In this way, the aircraft does not have to park empty at the airport every day and consume a lot of maintenance.

Being a cabin crew can also add more revenue, and it's likely to be less stressful than being at an airline.

The answer given by Duan Changkong and others was to think about it and reply after the year.

Now Xia Ruixue and Li Ziying resigned and came with the crew, wanting to join.

Having already explained it, Duan Changkong and the others agreed.

As for liquidated damages, Chen Xin'an will pay.

In fact, the real compensation is for Duan Changkong and Du Dechao.

Although Jing Jing and the others also received compensation, the amount was very small, nothing like it.

Chen Xin'an did not refuse and asked Xia Ruixue and Li Ziying to join the crew.

Although his impression of these two women was not as good as An Jing's, Chen Xin'an also knew that they were indeed philistines, but they did not have bad intentions.

And after understanding Chen Xin'an's character, they have restrained themselves a lot now.

Chen Xin'an also knew what they were thinking.

Zhou Connie's success has given them a clear goal.

Chen Xin'an didn't think this was a bad thing, and even thought that the more the merrier.

With so many brothers following him, if these high-quality girls could be given priority, he would love to have a few more.

Whether they can succeed or not depends on their ability.

But in a modern society where there are more girls than boys, the more opportunities there are, the greater the success rate!

Of course, there are times when I have a headache, like now.

Anyway, he won't leave until tomorrow, so Xia Ruixue asked Li Qi out tonight.

He Lijuan, this little girl, has been looking absent-minded since dinner.

Her little mouth was always pursed, and her best friend Chen Duoduo had already gone home, making her look lonely and pitiful.

Even when Chen Rong and Mo Ling deliberately teased her, they couldn't see a single smile on her face.

Fortunately, there is a new partner, Mu Caiying!

Chen Xin'an originally wanted to bring Yingzi over to play on New Year's Eve, but the second master stopped him.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the Mu family came over in large numbers to pay New Year greetings to grandma. When they left, Yingzi stayed behind.

The little girl is a social butterfly and stays with no one.

Soon they became as good as sisters with Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan, who were similar in age.

At first, I didn't notice it in Pang Xingzhuang because of the short contact time.

Now that she lives at home, Chen Xin'an understands a little bit.

This little girl looks a bit like the old Konoha, a bit quirky!

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