Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2045 What are you comparing to me?

Tonight's date originally made Xia Ruixue a little unhappy.

Now these two little girls are adding fuel to the fire, and she seems to have found someone to vent her anger on.

Of course, Xia Ruixue would not give in to two little girls who were obviously in love for the first time and had never experienced a man.

She swung her waist and walked over, stood in front of the two girls, crossed her arms, looked at them and asked:

"You called me here just to inquire about my whereabouts tonight?

Now that you know I went on a date, is there anything else?

It's okay. I have to go back to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm so sleepy! "

"Don't leave!" How could Mu Caiying let her go so easily? She stood up and said to her:

"Listen to me, stay away from Brother Qi from now on!

He won't like you, so you can't pester him! "

Xia Ruixue chuckled, glanced at her, and said jokingly: "Why?

You are not Li Qi’s family, why should you care about others?

Besides, even his parents don't have this power. Why do you think you can control it? "

She glanced at He Lijuan sitting on the sofa and said, "Just because you like him too, you don't want other women to like him too?

Then your liking is too selfish, right?

Do you just want to possess him and treat him as your own personal belongings? "

"Yeah!" He Lijuan's face turned red and she was so ashamed that she couldn't raise her head.

She has a crush on Li Qi, which is the little girl's biggest privacy.

I thought only two best friends would know.

Unexpectedly, this opponent said it right.

It really felt like being stripped naked in public.

She was so ashamed that she almost cried, and anxiously defended: "Who likes him?

I just……

He is my brother-in-law, and he only has my sister in his heart.

If you harass him, you are a bad woman! "

Xia Ruixue snorted coldly and said, "As far as I know, your sister has passed away, right?

Not to mention that the two of them are not married yet, even if they are married, do you want Li Qi to be lonely for your sister for the rest of his life?

Isn't this too selfish? "

"No, I haven't thought about it that way!" He Lijuan defended anxiously.

Xia Ruixue sneered coldly, with a sarcastic smile on her face, and said to He Lijuan:

"So why do you object to me dating Li Qi?

He has nothing to do with you, right? "

He Lijuan bit her lip, her eyes became more and more determined, she looked at Xia Ruixue and said:

"You're right, I like Brother Qi! Just like my sister does to him, I love him deeply!"

At this moment, He Lijuan's little face no longer had the previous hesitation and shame, but instead had a determination to fight for it.

“I’ve fallen in love with him ever since he helped my sister take revenge and took care of my family!

Brother Qi is mine, and I will not allow anyone to take him away from me! "

"Juanzi, good job!" Mu Caiying excitedly raised her little fist to He Lijuan to cheer her up.

Being able to face one's feelings and admit them openly is already a big breakthrough!

Xia Ruixue smiled coldly, shook her head and said:

"Little sister, love is not like yours.

If you like someone, you still secretly dare not say it.

Only when others like your sweetheart will you know how to be anxious.

But he only wants to drive away his opponents and treats his beloved as his own private property.

this is not right!

If you also like Li Qi, then you should make him happy.

Do you know what love is?

Do you think he would like a real woman, or a little girl like you who hasn't opened her mouth yet? "

While she was talking, she stretched her arms, yawned, and stretched her waist.

Looking at the magnificence on her chest, and then lowering her head to look at herself, He Lijuan felt ashamed.

How tall is this woman?

How can it be so big?

It seems like I won’t be able to grow up like her in another two years, right?

Could it be that what the classmates said is true, do men really like women like that?

"Fox!" Mu Caiying looked at herself, feeling a little inferior and scolded Xia Ruixue angrily.

Xia Ruixue puffed up her chest proudly, looked at her and said proudly: "But as long as you are a man, you will like vixens, don't you know?"

Looking at the two little girls in front of her, she felt that the depression of tonight had finally been swept away.

Just like winning a battle, it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Such an opponent is really too weak!

If she and this little girl were to stand in front of Li Qi and let him choose, Li Qi would choose her without even thinking about it, right?

Shaking his head, Xia Ruixue looked at He Lijuan provocatively, looked her up and down and said:

"Little sister, if you want Li Qi's love, just compete with me openly!

Don't treat it as your private property and don't allow others to do this or that.

That will only make Brother Qi stay away from you!

But it’s not that I look down on you. You are a little girl who is still in school. Why are you comparing yourself to me?

Beauty? Or body shape? "

She glanced at He Lijuan, chuckled, turned around and walked slowly towards the door.

Such an opponent is no challenge to her at all!

He Lijuan curled up on the sofa, hugged her arms with inferiority, and lowered her head.

Seeing his good sister being squeezed like this, Mu Caiying's teeth chattered in anger.

She suddenly stood up from the sofa and shouted to Xia Ruixue: "Stop!"

Xia Ruixue turned around, glanced at her and said, "What's wrong, little sister, why don't you give up?"

Mu Caiying snorted coldly and said: "You ask my sister what she compares to you, then I tell you, compare her innocence!

Do you have this? "

Xia Ruixue was stunned, and her face suddenly became extremely embarrassed!

Mu Caiying said angrily: "Don't think that you are great just because you are beautiful or have a good figure.

That's just the capital you use to fool around with different men!

A woman like you has been the girlfriend of many men!

I don’t know how many men you’ve told with your mouth that you love him!

Brother Qi is just a target to conquer for you.

When you really get him, he will become your trophy just like other men!

Are you worthy of him?

Do you have the purity he wants? "

This time it was Xia Ruixue's turn to be dumbfounded, looking at the two of them awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

Thinking of Li Qi's attitude towards her, she now also wondered whether it was really because of her past that made Li Qi always keep a distance from her?

Before, she didn't take this experience seriously at all.

Who doesn’t have fun young people?

Only men are allowed to live and drink, while girls have to live alone in purdah. Why?

Which young people today don’t play?

In today's society, anyone who still has that kind of complex is simply a fool!

If you want your girlfriend to be absolutely clean, then you must first ensure that you are clean yourself!

But after getting along with Li Qi for a long time, she knew that this big boy was really clean in this regard.

Even if he had dated a girlfriend before, even for that girlfriend, he was so vigorous and even a little earth-shattering.

But the relationship between him and his girlfriend was innocent.

In the eyes of Xia Ruixue, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, men cannot do it cleanly and cannot deceive her eyes!

So after Xia Ruixue really fell in love with Li Qi, this became the place where she felt most inferior.

It's just that she believes that as long as the other person really falls in love with her, they won't care about this.

And she has now drawn a clear line with her past lifestyle, otherwise she would not have resigned.

But now that this little girl has exposed her, she still feels ashamed.

The proud feeling of victory just now is no longer safe.

She was like a defeated rooster. She even lost the courage to continue fighting with others and left the room as if she was running away!

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