Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2046 I am a descendant of the Phantom God

Sitting on the sofa, Mu Caiying and He Lijuan were both in a daze without the joy of winning the battle.

Although the vixen escaped, the words she said have been lingering in He Lijuan's ears.

Mu Caiying took her hand and said, "Juanzi, don't listen to that woman's nonsense.

Which of those men doesn't like a young and invincible girl like you?

If I were a man, I would choose you too! "

He Lijuan blushed, bit her lower lip, and said to her: "I don't care if other stinky men like her.

I just hope Brother Qi can look at me twice more!

Yingzi, that woman is right, if you like someone, you should boldly say it.

Otherwise, a good man like Brother Qi will be liked by many women, and sooner or later he will be snatched away! "

"Don't worry!" Mu Caiying patted He Lijuan's shoulder in an old-fashioned way and said:

"We are good sisters, I will help you!"

He Lijuan looked at her strangely and asked, "You help me? How can you help me?"

Mu Caiying pouted, patted her chest and said, "Don't forget who I am!

I am from the Mu family!

Does the Mu family know?

Descendants of the dignified phantom god!

Come, let me help you dress up.

You can ask Li Qi to come out and meet him later.

I guarantee that he will be amazed! "

He Lijuan asked with a doubtful expression: "Really?"

Mu Caiying nodded vigorously and said: "Good luck to you!"

In House A on the 42nd floor, Li Qi sat quietly on a chair and watched TV.

On the sofa next to him, Duan Changkong was lying comfortably.

Du Dechao went home and will come back tomorrow morning.

There was red wine and side dishes on the coffee table next to him, but Duan Changkong was eating alone. He wanted to ask Li Qi to accompany him, but they all refused.

Duan Changkong stretched his waist comfortably and said to Li Qi: "Brother, I'm surprised that instead of sitting on a soft sofa, you insist on making a hard wooden chair.

If you don’t eat good wine and good food, you have to drink boiled water.

How do you live like a spiritual practitioner? "

Li Qi smiled slightly and said to him: "The sofa is too soft. As soon as you sit on it, you want to lean on it. Over time, it will affect the spine.

And once something happens, the response will be slower.

Red wine and delicious food will increase the burden on the stomach.

Those of us who have gastritis are not suitable for eating these things! "

Duan Changkong smiled bitterly and shook his head. Thinking of something, he sat up and asked him:

"I heard from the boss that you can also fly a plane? Can we talk about it?"

Li Qi shook his head and said: "I fly a fighter jet. I have never flown a civilian passenger plane. You are the master!"

Duan Changkong picked up a glass of red wine and didn't drink it for a long time.

What we were chatting about today was a dead end!

It's not so shocking, okay?

If you fly a fighter jet, you call me a master who flies a civilian airliner?

Not to mention technical skills, just my psychological quality alone beats me to a pulp!

Civilian airliners seek stability and can be driven as comfortably as possible.

Can you, a fighter pilot, do this?

A few G's of gravity acceleration is enough. Which civilian airliner pilot can meet this requirement?

I have always heard that those who fly fighter planes can go to civil aviation to fly passenger planes after retirement.

Then when did you hear that air force pilots are selected from civil aviation?

Not on the same level, okay?

While I was feeling depressed, the doorbell rang.

Duan Changkong was about to get up and open the door, but Li Qi had already walked over.

When she opened the door, she saw Mu Caiying standing at the door.

Li Qi asked strangely: "Yingzi? Who are you looking for?"

"Looking for you!" Mu Caiying looked at Li Qi and said, "Come out, someone is looking for you at the elevator!"

Li Qi asked strangely: "Who is it? Let him come over. Brother Duan and I are the only ones in the room!"

Mu Caiying hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call her over, but don't close the door!"

After a while, Mu Caiying led a woman in and stood in front of Li Qi.


Duan Changkong spat out a mouthful of red wine, pointed at the girl and shouted: "Xiao, Xiao, Sister Xiaojuan?!"

He Lijuan's face, which was already covered in makeup, was even more red at the moment. She turned away and said, "I just said no!"

Of the two men in the room, one was vomiting and the other looked at her as if she was stupid. This meant that her dressing up had failed!

Li Qi grabbed her arm and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Xiaojuan, what are you... Come and sit down quickly, the room is looking at the air conditioner!"

At this time, He Lijuan was wearing a pink V-neck sweater and a blue skirt.

He also wore a white windbreaker and a pair of black Martin boots.

She was dressed very maturely, but what was even more mature was the makeup on her face.

In fact, I can’t say it’s ugly, it’s just that the eye shadow is too thick and the lipstick is too bright.

She used to be a good young beautiful girl, but now she has become the top star in the nightclub.

But I have to admit that it does perfectly present He Lijuan's facial features.

From a beautiful girl to a social beauty.

It’s just too mature!

Li Qi looked at her trembling look and shook his head helplessly.

He took out a blanket from the bedroom, wrapped it around He Lijuan, frowned and said:

"Who told you to dress like this? It's not cold!"

He Lijuan pouted and glanced at Mu Caiying.

Mu Caiying, who felt a little guilty, asked Li Qi: "Don't say these useless things, just ask you if Juanzi is beautiful?"

Duan Changkong on the side said: "Beautiful! It turns out that sister Xiaojuan is so beautiful..."

Seeing Mu Caiying looking at him with a straight face, Duan Changkong closed his mouth and picked up the red wine on the table.

Mu Caiying snorted and said, "Don't you think you are a bit redundant now?"

Duan Changkong quickly stood up and said to the three of them: "Then you guys chat, I'm going to bed!"

He grabbed the wine bottle and glass on the table and hurried back to his bedroom.

After he closed the bedroom door, Mu Caiying said to He Lijuan: "If you have anything to say, just tell me. I'll go back to the room and wait for you!"

Then she got up and left. When she walked to the door, she turned around again, clenched her fists towards He Lijuan, shook them hard, and said, "Come on!"

Back in her room, Mu Caiying lay on the bed, hugged the koala pillow next to her, and showed a proud smile on her lips.

"Smelly girl, is my sister's makeup skills just in vain?

Any man would be fascinated by you!

I guess you won't be back tonight, right?


I don’t know if it helps you or hurts you.

Anyway, just don’t regret it! "

Just as he turned off the lights and prepared to go to bed, he heard the door being opened.

Then He Lijuan's room next door was opened.

Mu Caiying got up with a puzzled look on her face and ran to the next door in her pajamas.

He Lijuan was lying on the bed, her whole body covered with quilt, only her head was exposed.

"Juanzi!" Mu Caiying's heart tightened, and she rushed towards her and asked:

"Did he bully you? Did he say unpleasant words to you?

This guy who doesn't understand appreciation doesn't deserve you at all!

Don't worry, sister will help you teach him a lesson! "

Just as he was about to get up, his arm was held tightly by He Lijuan.

Mu Caiying turned her head and saw that the little girl next to her was blushing, but there was a smile on her lips, biting her lower lip, looking shy.

Seeing her like this, Mu Caiying was even more surprised and quickly lifted the quilt.

The clothes on my body are still intact.

Mu Caiying breathed a sigh of relief, pushed He Lijuan, and cursed: "You scared me!

Why do you look like this?

What did he do to you?

Yes or no……

It doesn't look like it. Isn't this too fast?

I thought you wouldn't come back tonight, but I didn't expect you to come back so soon!

Stop looking so mean and tell me what happened to you? "

He Lijuan covered her head with the quilt and said shyly:

"He said that if I still like him after I go to college, he will agree to be my boyfriend!"

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