Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2047 Finally giving birth

So that’s it!

Mu Caiying said oh and breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced at He Lijuan and said, "Juanzi, if you go to college, you will definitely be a school beauty.

People chasing you will have to line up for several kilometers by then!

Maybe you really look down on me! "

He Lijuan lay on the bed, shook her head, and said softly: "Yingzi, you said the situation will not happen.

Because you don’t know how important Brother Qi is to me!

Our He family owes our brother so much!

My sister can't repay it, so let me spend my whole life repaying it! "

"So, you are with him to repay your kindness?" Mu Caiying looked at her strangely.

He Lijuan shook her head and said: "This is only part of it. There is a bigger part, that is, I really..."

She blushed, but she mustered up the courage to say: "I really can't live without him! Such a man is the man in my dream who can accompany me for the rest of my life..."

Mu Caiying looked at her shy look, smiled and pinched her cheeks and said, "You shameless little girl, you have erotic dreams every day!"

He Lijuan lifted the quilt and sat up, took Mu Caiying's arm and said:

"Yingzi, guess who I saw when I came here?"

Mu Caiying widened her eyes and asked, "Who?"

"That foreign girl!" He Lijuan said with a mysterious face: "She seems to have come out of Sister Ye Zhen's room, and she asked me to keep her secret!"

Today, Jishitang has a grand opening for the New Year and is very busy.

Guo Zhaodi went to help with Yan Shuisheng and Meng Powa, and stayed there that night and did not come back.

Mu Caiying has seen that foreign girl, but doesn't understand her.

All I know is that she is Dao Lei's girlfriend.

Seeing He Lijuan's words being so mysterious, she said disapprovingly: "Oh, does that foreign girl have a good relationship with my aunt?

Why is she trying to poach Zhaodi? "

Everyone is well aware of the relationship between Konoha and Guo Zhaodi, and they all accept it.

In this society, love is diversified and there is nothing to be surprised about.

He Lijuan shook her head and whispered: "I heard from Sister Xiaojiu before that Sister Ye Zhen was led astray by that foreign girl!

But she had no feelings for that foreign girl, and she could only accept her passively.

Only for Zhaodi can we truly love each other.

Zhaodi also loves her, they are the real couple! "

Mu Caiying looked like she suddenly understood, looked at He Lijuan in surprise and said: "Why is this foreign girl so bad?

Isn't this just playing into someone else's corner and ruining their relationship?

No, we have to tell Zhaodi about this tomorrow, and we have to help our sisters resist this foreign girl together!

It's so bad. He even has Brother Big Lei and wants to seduce my aunt. This guy likes both men and women! "

Early in the morning, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo each drove a car and took the crew and their families to the airport.

Looking at Li Qi standing next to Chen Xin'an, Xia Ruixue seemed to want to say something.

But in the end, he didn't say anything, turned around sadly, and entered the cabin.

The plane roared into the sky and took the family away from Kyoto.

Chen Xin'an also returned home with everyone seeing him off.

Now the whole group is open, so everyone is busy.

Zhou Zhi and Guan Qing, as well as Guan Fei and Guandu are also coming back today, but not until the afternoon.

According to Guan Qing's wishes, he was coming back on the third day of the first lunar month, but Ning Xiruo forced him to come back after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

The only open-air parking lot in Four Seasons Flower City is now crowded with people.

More than a dozen Masshas of various colors lined up in two rows, a spectacular sight.

Chen Xin'an stood nearby and handed over to the owner of the 4S store.

This is a benefit that Chen Xin'an gives to his family.

Guan Qing, Zhou Zhi, Xiaojiu, Chen Rong, Konoha Zhen, Wang Yi, Mo Ling, Meng Bowa, Jiang Yu, Li Lingyin, Li Lingyu, Fang Aunt and other women with driver's licenses can get one car each!

As for Li Qi, Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, Dao Lei, and Pigeon, they are all participating in the Saber road race.

Guan Fei and Guandu brother and sister, Chen Xin'an ordered a new Longqi for them. Of course, its performance cannot be compared with Long Ye, but it surpasses the ordinary Longqi and is comparable to a Hummer!

On this fee alone, Chen Xin'an spent nearly 100 million!

It was planned years ago, and it’s only now that it’s completely ready.

But he didn't feel distressed at all.

When you earn money, you spend it with your relatives and friends, and you should spend whatever amount you should.

As for those like Zhaodi who are not old enough to get a driver's license, they will owe it first and wait until they get their driver's license to make up for it.

Every day, everyone drives the new Masha to work together, and when they come back from get off work, they put them in the open-air parking lot downstairs.

Even in a high-end community like Four Seasons Flower City, this scene is staggering!

At Anhao Group, Chen Xin'an sent out red envelopes to employees, and all departments started working normally.

The layout of the president's office is very interesting. It is exactly the same as Ning Xiruo's office in Liangmao Building five years ago.

Two luxurious desks are side by side, one belongs to Ning Xiruo and the other belongs to Chen Xin'an.

Back then, Ning Xiruo was very busy, but Chen Xin'an on the other side was working every day, fishing, and playing chess with Gongsun Sheng.

The situation has not changed now, it is still the same!

It's just that Chen Xin'an no longer plays chess, but is interested in browsing foreign web pages, and they are all in foreign languages!

Ning Xiruo glanced sideways and looked at her man in surprise.

I studied foreign language with Miss Li for a few days. Is it so advanced?

I can’t even understand what I’m looking at!

"Husband, what's your foreign language level now?" Ning Xiruo asked Chen Xinan carefully.

Chen Xinan shrugged and said, "I don't know, and I haven't taken the test. But basically, I can understand it in daily communication!"

Ning Xiruo was a little speechless. Can you understand it? Can't you speak it?

She pointed to Chen Xinan's computer and said, "Then can you understand all these?"

"I can't understand it!" Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "I'm looking at pictures!"

Ning Xiruo rolled her eyes.

I thought her husband was really a genius!

In fact, she knew that Chen Xinan was not looking at pictures, but maps.

And they were maps of different places, but they were all from the Eagle Flag Country.

The cell phone suddenly rang, Chen Xinan took out the phone, looked at the number, and it was Aman calling.

"What's wrong? I'm at the company!


What did you say?!"

Chen Xinan stood up and said loudly: "Don't go to Zhenghe, go to the Women and Children's Hospital!

Yes, since you have been checking there, go there to give birth!

Don't panic, Xiruo and I will be there soon!

Okay, let's meet at the hospital!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinan said to Ning Xiruo excitedly: "Let's go to the Women and Children's Hospital! Qianxue is about to give birth!"

Ning Xiruo also stood up immediately and said: "Then let's go! I'll drive!"

"Let Aqi drive!" Chen Xinan stopped her and said: "Don't be anxious, explain the matter clearly to Rongrong!

Zhouzhi and Qingjie can only come in the afternoon, and the company can't just be abandoned."

Chen Xinan absolutely understands his wife's personality and temper.

Luo Qianxue is about to give birth, and his wife is more nervous than the mother!

Ning Xiruo also knew that she was a little out of control, smiled embarrassedly, and quickly called Chen Rong.

After arranging the company's affairs, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo went downstairs together. Li Qi had already driven Long Ye to the door.

The two got in the car and went straight to Kyoto Women and Children's Hospital.

Luo Qianxue's prenatal check-ups were all done here, so she gave birth here.

The due date was actually a week ago, but there was no movement.

Luo Xiaoman was like a lunatic for the past week and couldn't sleep well.

He stared at his wife's belly with wide eyes in the middle of the night.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo coming, Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief and said to the couple:

"Send her in for examination! Old Chen, why are my eyelids twitching all the time? Is there something bad happening?"

Chen Xin'an cursed with a dark face: "Shut up!"

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