Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2048 Should I protect an adult or a child?

Soon the Luo family and the Luo family received the news. Mr. Luo Lie came in person, and so did Luo Zhonghua and his wife.

Luo Qingqing has always been awkward when meeting Mr. Luo.

The person who was originally called uncle is now married, and it would be embarrassing for anyone else.

But now is not the time to worry about this, everyone's attention is on Luo Qianxue.

At this time, Luo Xiaoman relaxed, hooked Chen Xin'an's shoulder and said:

"Old Chen, do you think it's better to have a son or a daughter?"

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes at him angrily: "Do you think this is a supermarket where you can choose at will?

What you sow will be what you reap, understand? "

Luo Xiaoman didn't care and said with a grin: "I've already thought of a name. If it's a son, let's call him Xiao Quan!

It means comprehensive, complete, thoughtful and perfect!

If it's a girl, call her Bosi.

It means that she is knowledgeable and thoughtful, and is smarter and more talented than her father!

How about it? Doesn’t it sound nice? A meaningful name?

Shredded radish?

What kind of heartless father would give his child such a bad name?

Sure enough, Mr. Luo and Mr. and Mrs. Luo Zhonghua next to them all had dark faces, waiting for him to yell in unison: "Shut up!"

Luo Xiaoman looked resentful, snorted and said to Chen Xin'an: "These big bosses don't have my literary talent!

Always trying to snatch my right to name.

If you let them choose a name, the child will become a laughing stock for the rest of his life!

So I won't give them a chance! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him like a fool.

I don’t know where this guy’s confidence comes from, but he just feels that the name he chose is not the laughing stock of others?

The door of the examination room was opened, and a man in a white coat came out and asked everyone, "Who is Luo Qianxue's family member?"

"Me!" Luo Lie, Luo Zhonghua and his wife all rushed forward!

Luo Xiaoman said loudly: "I am her husband!"

"Then come here!" The white coat greeted him.

Luo Xiaoman walked over like a victorious general and said:

"Get out of the way! The emperor is not in a hurry to kill the eunuch! Why are you so nervous?"

You are the eunuch!

Mr. Luo almost vomited blood in anger, raised his foot and kicked Luo Xiaoman hard on the butt!

"Ouch!" Luo Xiaoman broke through instantly, holding his butt and standing awkwardly in front of the white coat.

The man in the white coat looked at him and said: "The situation is like this. The mother is currently having abnormal labor, and things are a bit serious. You have to be prepared!"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, grabbed the arm of the white coat and asked:

"No, doctor, what do you mean?

My wife is giving birth, what should I prepare for?

Do you want me to take off my pants and have sex with you, or do you want me to go in and shout, come on? "

Is this grandson probably mentally retarded?

The white coat looked at Luo Xiaoman with contempt and said to him patiently:

"I'm telling you, mothers may have difficulty giving birth!"

"Oh!" Luo Xiaoman suddenly realized, looking at the white coat, he said:

"I understand when you say that!

It doesn't matter if it's difficult to give birth, just give birth slowly.

We are not in a hurry.

If it doesn't work, my brother is here. He is a miracle doctor!

There is no disease that is difficult to treat him..."

"Get the hell out of here!" Chen Xin'an couldn't hold it back anymore and yelled at Luo Xiaoman.

He pushed Luo Xiaoman and asked in the white coat: "Doctor, what are the main problems for pregnant women now?"

The white coat glanced at him and asked, "Are you a miracle doctor?"

"Yes, he is Chen Xin'an! Have you heard of this name, right?" Luo Xiaoman said with pride.

Chen Xin'an turned around and cursed: "Can you just shut up?"

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an said to the white coat: "Doctor, don't listen to his nonsense!

This guy was kicked in the brain by a donkey when he was a kid, and his IQ is negative!

I know nothing about obstetrics and gynecology, I am not a miracle doctor..."

The white coat's eyes softened, he nodded and said, "I've heard of you, Chen Xin'an.

I know you are the inheritor of ancient medicine.

I am Qu Guanyin.

When it comes to obstetrics and gynecology knowledge, I don’t believe there is anyone in the country who is more experienced than me.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I've heard of the famous Expert Qu!"

Seeing that Chen Xin'an has always been humble, Qu Guanyin's eyes softened.

She said to everyone: “Let me tell you briefly.

The mother is now experiencing both strong uterine contractions and atony.

Two extremes are formed.

Excluding the possibility of previous childbirth and miscarriage history, I now suspect that it was caused by mental stress or drugs.

To be honest, I rarely encounter such cases.

So...a little dangerous.

You have to be prepared! "

Chen Xin'an took a breath of air and nodded.

Ning Xiruo's face turned pale, she took the arm of her white coat, stuffed a thick red envelope into her pocket, and begged:

"Doctor Qu, please do your best! We must make sure that the mother and child are safe!"

Qu Guanyin quickly took out the red envelope, stuffed it back into Ning Xiruo's hand and said:

"What are you doing!

Our hospital doesn't like this!

Since I am responsible for the mother, I will definitely do my best to be responsible!

You're really insulting me, do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an also stopped Ning Xiruo, hugged her shoulders and said, "Don't worry, wife, trust Expert Qu, Qianxue will be fine."

Qu Guanyin looked at Ning Xiruo inexplicably, wondering why she was so nervous. He shook his head and walked into the examination room.

There was an internal passage inside, and Luo Qianxue was pushed directly to the delivery room.

Everyone was waiting outside.

There are many people on the lounge chairs. There are many people giving birth today, and there are five or six family members sitting outside.

Only now did Luo Xiaoman realize it. He walked up to Chen Xin'an and asked him, "Is Xue'er in danger now?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "It may be difficult to give birth. And it is a more serious situation!"

"There's nothing you can do?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened.

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "Do you think I'm a god?

I have already said that obstetrics and gynecology have been weak in the inheritance of ancient medicine from ancient times to the present!

Do you know how high the childbirth mortality rate was in ancient times?

I'm not a god, I don't understand this at all! "

Luo Xiaoman's face suddenly turned pale, as if he had lost his soul.

Chen Xin'an also couldn't bear it, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Do not worry!

Dr. Qu is a civilized obstetrics and gynecology expert in the country, and he has been on TV!

People will handle this situation! "

A middle-aged man next to him nodded and said: "Yes, Dr. Qu is the famous Guanyin Guanyin!

Both of my children were born here and delivered by her.

It was difficult to give birth to my second child, but Dr. Qu solved the problem within a few seconds.

Don't worry, young man! "

Luo Xiaoman calmed down a little, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and cursed disdainfully:

"Old Chen, you don't even know how to give birth to a child, you are such a waste!

I want to study ancient medicine, not other subjects, but specialize in obstetrics and gynecology! "

Go to hell!

Chen Xin'an doesn't even want to take care of this dirty bastard!

Exactly an hour later, the door to the delivery room was suddenly pushed open, and Qu Guanyin came out, looking at Luo Xiaoman and saying:

"Luo Qianxue's family! The mother is in very danger now. Severe dystocia can cause amniotic fluid embolism!

I need an operation now. You have to choose one, to protect the adults or the children? "

Luo Xiaoman, who was smiling playfully with Chen Xin'an just now, saw the smile on his face disappear little by little.

Turning his head to look at Chen Xin'an, he asked in a trembling voice: "Old Chen, what does she mean?"

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