Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 205 Call the store manager over

A set of long skirts costs 2,500 eagle dollars, which is almost 18,000 eagle dollars when converted into Chinese coins.

Liu Xiaoyun was reluctant to buy it anyway. She looked at Zhou Zhi with envy and said, "Secretary Zhou, are you really willing to buy it?"

"Don't you think it's very beautiful? I really like this style. I feel very attracted to it as soon as I see it!" Zhou Zhi looked at the long skirt without blinking, turned to the clerk and asked in Eagle Flag: " Can I try it?"

"Of course!" The clerk came over and led her to the fitting room.

As soon as Zhou Zhi walked in, a girl about twenty years old, with snow-white skin and black hair, hurried over.

Holding the hand of a man in his forties, he stood next to the hanger where the black dress was hanging, and spread his hands with a look of shock.

A store clerk came over, asked the girl a few questions, and then pointed to Zhou Zhi's dressing room.

The girl walked over angrily and banged the door of the locker room hard.

Zhou Zhi inside quickly put on her long skirt, opened the door, and asked her, "What can I do for you?"

She said it in Eagle Flag Language.

The other party shouted in more standard Eagle Flag language than she did: "Who asked you to wear this skirt? I have already taken a liking to it! You made it dirty! Take it off quickly!"

Zhou Zhi crossed his arms and hugged his chest and said, "What are you going to do? This skirt is in the store, and anyone has the right to try it on and buy it!"

If you want to buy it, you have to wait until I take it off and ask me if I want to buy it! Don't pull your clothes off like this! "

Liu Xiaoyun also ran over and said to the girl: "Ma'am, please let go. If you want to buy clothes, please ask my friend to try them on!"

The girl yelled angrily: "I just don't want you to try it on! Take it off quickly! This is the only set of long skirts left, and I can't let you get it dirty!"

Zhou Zhi said to her angrily: "Don't hold my hand! What right do you have to do this?

This dress belongs to the store, it doesn’t belong to you yet! Please let go of your hand or I will call the police! "

The female clerk also gathered around, trying to persuade the girl to let go. The girl angrily shouted to the man behind her: "Dad, aren't you going to help me?"

The man was blond and blue-eyed. He walked up to the girl and said to everyone: "Shut up!"

Then he turned his head and said to the two clerks: "I am Charles, the French consultant of Nolan Industries, and this is my daughter Ma Yilian.

Today is her nineteenth birthday. She likes this long dress and I want to buy it as a gift for her! "

As soon as they heard that it was Nolan Industries, the expressions of the two clerks changed, and they quickly bowed respectfully to Charles. Then one of the clerks said to Zhou Zhi: "I'm sorry, Miss, this long dress has already been ordered. Now please Take it off quickly!"

"But you didn't say anyone made a reservation just now!" Zhou Zhi frowned and said to the two clerks.

The clerk shrugged and said, "Now you've heard it!"

Liu Xiaoyun also said softly to Zhou Zhi: "Secretary Zhou, forget it, we don't want it anymore!"

Zhou Zhi originally planned to settle the matter and change his clothes, but as soon as he heard Liu Xiaoyun speak, Ma Yilian screamed loudly as if she had stepped on a cockroach!

"It turns out they are dirty Chinese people! Why do you want to give her such beautiful clothes to try on? Can you still want clothes worn by Chinese people?"

The two clerks also looked ashamed and kept bowing and apologizing to her.

One of them turned his head, looked at Zhou Zhi and cursed sternly: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you take off our clothes yet!"

Zhou Zhi's face turned red, feeling extremely insulted, and said to them:

"What's wrong with us being Chinese? Why do you call us dirty? Don't you sell the clothes in your store to Chinese people? Why do you discriminate against us?"

Charles looked at Zhou Zhi with disgust and said, "In Nolan Industries, humble Chinese people are only qualified to do the lowest jobs!

You Chinese people are lazy and like to brag and take advantage! You are not qualified to wear such clothes! Take it off quickly! "

Liu Xiaoyun was also furious and said to Charles: "What do you French people have to be proud of?

You have always thought that you are very noble, but in fact you are just a lackey of the People's Eagle Flag Country. You can do whatever they ask you to do. You are even more despicable than us! "

"What did you say? You actually called our noble Fascists despicable? I'll beat you to death, you dirty Chinese!" Ma Yilian screamed and grabbed Liu Xiaoyun's face.

Zhou Zhi grabbed her hand and cursed: "If you dare to make a move, I will be rude to you!"

"Let go of my daughter!" Charles shouted angrily and wanted to rush over.

Zhou Zhi laughed ferociously, looked at him with contempt and said, "What, do you want to do something to us?

Don’t you consider yourself a noble Fascist?

Are you so despicable as to attack a woman? "

Charles' expression froze, he stopped angrily, glanced at the two clerks next to him, and said coldly:

"I want you to drive these two despicable Chinese people out now. I don't want a noble clothing store like Gucci to receive such lowly people!"

The two clerks were a little embarrassed. After all, this would have an impact on their store's reputation.

They can help Ma Yilian get this long dress back, but if they have to drive away the guests, it will be a bit unreasonable!

Charles said sullenly: "I am friends with Jamison, the president of Gina Mall. If you don't do what I say, I will make you lose your job!"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the two clerks changed. They turned around and said sharply to Zhou Zhi:

"Take off your skirt and get out of here right now!"

"We don't welcome you to come to the store to spend money!"

"You..." Zhou Zhi's eyes turned red with anger as he looked at the two clerks.

Liu Xiaoyun choked and said: "Secretary Zhou, let's go!"

Zhou Zhi didn't say anything and slammed the door of the dressing room.

After a while, she put on her own clothes and walked out, handed the long skirt in her hand to the clerk, took Liu Xiaoyun's hand, turned around and left.

Ma Yilian sneered behind her and said: "You must dry clean this suit for me and use aromatherapy, otherwise, I will not pay you a penny!

I'm so angry that my fine clothes were stained by a despicable Chinese!

If this wasn't the only set, I wouldn't want it! "

Charles put his arm around her shoulders and said: "Okay, my dear daughter, don't be angry with such low-class people.

If you still feel dissatisfied, when you return to the company, I will ask a few Chinese people to kneel in front of you and let you be beaten at will!

As long as these Chinese people give them money, they can do anything you ask them to do! "

The two clerks stood aside and bowed to them and apologized!

There is cleaning equipment in the store, and two clerks are busy cleaning the long skirt. Charles and Ma Yilian are walking around the store casually, looking at other styles of clothes.

At this moment, the two Chinese women who had just gone out unexpectedly came in again. Behind them, there were two men, who were obviously Chinese like them!

A clerk came over, waited for Zhou Zhi and said, "Why are you back again? Didn't I tell you that you are not welcome in this store?"

"Pah!" Zhou Zhi slapped her hard on the face without any politeness!

The clerk was stunned and covered his face in disbelief!

Zhou Zhi looked at her coldly and cursed: "Who said you are not allowed to receive Chinese people? Are you the store manager? Okay, you call him over now!"

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