Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 206 You are Wazibang

As soon as they saw the two girls walking out angrily with red eyes, Chen Xin'an and Ning Ke knew that they had been wronged.

I thought I was just being looked down upon by those snobbish clerks, but when I asked about it, even Ning Xing, who was always good-tempered, became furious!

Dare to discriminate against Chinese people?

Is your special cat floating?

So Chen Xin'an said: "When someone scolds you, don't you know how to slap him back?" Everyone came back in a mighty force!

The clerk was slapped, and he was a little confused.

Just as the companion next to him wanted to come over to help, Chen Xin'an pointed to the black dress and said, "Is this the one?"

Liu Xiaoyun nodded, Chen Xin'an took it over, and with a bang, tore it into pieces!

Not only were the two clerks dumbfounded, but Charles and Ma Yilian were also stunned!

"Damn it! He actually tore up this long dress that I had taken a fancy to!" Ma Yilian held her head with both hands, stared at Chen Xin'an and yelled.

The clerk who was cleaning clothes with cleaning fluid threw away what he was holding like crazy and rushed towards Chen Xin'an, trying to catch him and prevent him from running away!

As soon as she got there, something hit her in the face.

She subconsciously opened her hand to catch it, and it turned out to be a bundle of Thai baht!

"Is one piece of tattered clothing enough?" Chen Xin'an looked at the clerk coldly.

This is a banknote of five hundred Thai baht denomination. A bundle of one hundred banknotes is equivalent to fifty thousand Thai baht, which is equivalent to ten thousand Chinese coins.

The clerk still looked at Chen Xin'an cursing angrily, and Zhou Zhi said from the side: "She said you were insulting her!"

"I'm just insulting you, so what?" With a disdainful sneer on her face, Chen Xin'an took out a bundle of Thai baht and slapped her face!

This was already 100,000 Thai baht, which was more than the value of the dress. The clerk was not that angry. He just dodged and said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, please don't do this!"

After listening to weekend's translation, Chen Xin'an not only did not stop, but intensified, took out another bundle of banknotes, and slapped the clerk's face hard!

This time the clerk didn't even try to hide, because what Chen Xin'an took out was a thousand Thai baht note!

And he opened the whole bundle, holding four or five in his hand, and just slapped the clerk in the face. After slapping him, he threw the banknotes in her face, and then he changed a few more and continued to slap!

These shop assistants stand here for a day and only get a salary of one or two thousand Thai baht. If this bundle is thrown to them, it will be enough for their salary for more than a month!

Just two strikes and you get more than a month's salary. Where can you find such a good thing? As for face, how much is it worth?

The clerk who had been slapped was a little unbalanced, so he also stood up and seemed to let Chen Xin'an use the money to slap her too.

"You're so mean!" Chen Xin'an cursed, took out three more bundles of money from his backpack, regardless of the denomination, threw them to Zhou Zhi and Liu Xiaoyun, and said to them:

"You're welcome, just slap her! For this bitch, the more you slap her, the happier they will be!"

Zhou Zhi translated Chen Xin'an's words to the two clerks.

The faces of the two clerks were red, and they didn't know whether it was because they were slapped or because they were ashamed, but no one wanted to avoid or stop them!

"Dirty Chinese people, you are insulting human rights!" Charles came over, glared at Chen Xin'an and yelled!

Chen Xin'an pinched her nose, looked at him with disgust and said:

"Stay away from me, okay? Why do you smell like sheep? Did you just run out of the sheepfold?"

Liu Xiaoyun held back her laughter and repeated Chen Xin'an's words in Eagle Flag Language.

Charles' face turned red and he glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Uneducated Chinese people, this is the body fragrance of a superior nation. You Chinese people don't deserve it!"

These foreigners are born with a body odor, which is quite unpleasant, but they generally don't take it seriously.

But this does not mean that they do not know shame. Some use perfume to cover it up, and some, like Charles, simply anesthetize themselves, saying that this is the body fragrance of a superior race.

"Hahaha!" Chen Xin'an laughed and said to everyone: "It turns out that this superior race is from the same species as our cattle, sheep and foxes, and they all smell the same!"

Ning Ke and Zhou Zhi both laughed. Liu Xiaoyun translated Chen Xin'an's words and covered her mouth and laughed.

When Zhou Zhi saw that the shop assistants in front of him were still sullen, he took money and slapped their faces and said, "Smile! Don't you like to flatter them? Smile!"

The two clerks smiled awkwardly, slapped a wad of money in the past, and yelled at them: "Laugh louder!"

"Hahaha!" The two clerks looked at the pile of money without blinking and laughed loudly.

Charles' face turned red and white, and he gritted his teeth in anger.

Ma Yilian stood beside her father, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Despicable Chinese, do you know who my father is? If you dare to offend us, don't expect a good ending!"

After listening to Liu Xiaoyun's translation, Chen Xin'an looked at Ma Yilian with disdain and said, "Who is your father? Then you have to ask your mother. Why are you asking me?"

"Pfft!" Ning would just laugh out loud, this Chen Xin'an is really a loser!

After listening to Liu Xiaoyun's translation, Ma Yilian still looked confused, looked at Charles and asked: "Dad, why are you asking my mother? Isn't my father you?"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed. This time, even the two clerks couldn't help it. They laughed out loud without slapping money in the face!

Charles was so ashamed that he cursed at Ma Yilian: "Shut up! He is insulting your mother!"

Ma Yilian gritted her teeth and cursed: "My mother is from the noble royal family of Tailan, how dare these despicable Chinese people insult her! I will not let them go!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her with disdain and said, "Are we humble? Do you, Wazibang, have the nerve to say that?"


Ma Yilian and Charles looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, as if they did not expect that this person would dare to use such insulting words to describe her origins!

Growing up, she thought she was a noble peacock. Her father was a French and Spanish noble and her mother was from the Thai royal family. She was a princess from birth.

She never expected that someone would say that she was Wazibang, that is, a bastard!

This is simply the biggest insult to her!

Ma Yilian's face turned red, she pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "How dare you humiliate me like this? You despicable Chinese, I let you..."

"Waqibang!" Chen Xin'an stared at the sky, unwilling to pay attention to her, and cursed! He couldn't speak any other Eagle Flag language, but he remembered the pronunciation of this word.

Ma Yilian shouted angrily to Charles: "Dad, I want him to die in front of me! I want to kill him! I..."

"Wa, Qi, Bang!" Chen Xin'an said every word with a very relaxed expression. It was indeed fun to make this ghost girl so angry.

Ma Yilian was so angry that she couldn't speak, and burst into tears.

Charles cursed angrily, clenched his fists as if Chen Xin'an came over, then aimed at Chen Xin'an's nose and hit it hard!

Chen Xin'an didn't seem to see it and didn't even hide.

Charles cursed angrily: "You damn..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an grabbed his fist.

Then as Chen Xin'an tightened his fingers, his fist made a rattling sound.

Charles's face changed drastically, he screamed in pain, and knelt on the ground on one knee!

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