Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 207 The big shot is coming

Seeing this Chinese man actually beating the Frenchman, the two clerks were shocked.

In the Tailan Kingdom, people from Western countries such as the Faxi and the Eagle Banner people have always had the supreme status. Even the locals of Tailan feel several heads shorter than them!

"Let go of my dad!" Ma Yilian rushed over angrily, grabbing and kicking Chen Xin'an.

As soon as Chen Xin'an raised his hand, Ma Yilian covered her face and shouted loudly, as if she had been beaten violently.

Many people stood in front of the store, pointing at the people inside, and some even called the police.

"Who are those people? Why did they beat the father and daughter?"

"It seems that some Chinese people came to Tailan to pretend to be uncles when they had some money!"

"Wow, they actually beat up the Fascists. Aren't they looking for death? If they dare to provoke Westerners in Tailan, they can be imprisoned for the rest of their lives!"

"They even beat up girls, these Chinese people are so abominable!"

A proud smile appeared on Ma Yilian's face. She turned her back to the melon-eating crowd. Looking at Chen Xin'an with a sarcastic look in her eyes, she cried out and rushed towards Chen Xin'an again with her teeth and claws bared!

At this moment, her hair was grabbed and pulled back.

Ma Yilian involuntarily raised her head, took a few steps back, screamed in pain, and was slapped hard in the face the next second!

Several red finger marks immediately appeared on her fair skin. She staggered for two steps, turned her head and looked at Zhou Zhi, shouting: "You dare to hit me? I..."

"Pah!" Zhou Zhihan said with a face, slapped her again, and then pushed her to the ground!

Zhou Zhi looked at her coldly, stepped forward step by step, and said sternly: "The clothes are here for sale, anyone who wants to buy them can try them on!

Why don't you let me try it on? Why do you insist on letting me take it off right away?

No matter you are a Faxi or a Tailan, everyone is here to buy things, there is no distinction between high and low!

Why do you call me dirty and mean because I am Chinese?

Why do you wantonly insult me ​​and drive me out?

Are you still pretending to be weak here to gain sympathy? "

Ma Yilian covered her face, her eyes full of fear.

After all, she is just a little girl. Although she is used to being unruly, she has never suffered any disadvantages because of her father's status.

But now, her father can't protect her!

Zhou Zhi looked at her fiercely, which really frightened her. She didn't dare to act any more, she just slumped on the ground and crawled back with a pale face.

After listening to Zhou Zhi's words, the melon-eating crowd understood the cause and effect of the matter.

They did not doubt Zhou Zhi's words. After all, these Westerners usually behave like this!

"It turns out that these Chinese talents were punished for bullying! They really deserve it. Someone should have dealt with these arrogant and arrogant guys a long time ago!"

"But no matter what, if these Chinese people beat the Fascists, they will be in trouble!"

"Yeah, even our Tailan police don't dare to offend these Westerners. These Chinese people are going to be in trouble today!"

Charles covered his right hand, ran to Ma Yilian, lifted her up and held her in his arms, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Just wait, someone will punish you!"

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed a number, whispered in a foreign language, then hung up the phone, and said to Chen Xin'an with a sinister smile: "You are dead!"

Chen Xin'an sneered with disdain: "Am I dead? Haha, okay, I'll see who you can call over and dare to beat me to death!"

In less than ten minutes, a group of mall security guards ran over, separated the crowd, and walked in from the outside. A middle-aged man wearing a Tailan robe.

After seeing Charles, the man was surprised and said: "My friend Charles, who has offended you?

Don’t worry, I will definitely say this for you!

This is Gina, this is my territory, my kingdom!

No one dares to bully my friends in front of me!

I have called my best friend over. He is an expert in handling this kind of thing. When he comes, he will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation! "

Charles hugged the visitor, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Jamison, I knew you wouldn't let me down!"

Ma Yilian shouted to Charles: "Dad, I don't want to wait, I want you to avenge me now! That woman just hit me, look at my face! I want to hit her too!"

"My poor daughter!" Seeing the finger marks on Ma Yilian's face, Charles was also angry and said to Jamison:

“My friend, do you see the hurt on your lovely niece’s face?

I have never been willing to hit her, and now someone actually hurts her. Can you stand it? "

"Leave it to me!" Jamison patted Charles' arm, then clapped his hands to the group of security guards, pointed at Chen Xin'an and the four of them and said:

"Cuff them all and kneel in front of my niece! Do whatever she wants!"

Amidst the exclamations of the crowd at the door, more than a dozen mall security guards came in from the outside and walked towards Chen Xin'an and the others menacingly.

"Look, I said before, no matter whether these Chinese people are right or not, as long as they offend these Westerners, they will be in trouble!"

"Is that Mr. Jamison, the big boss of Gina Mall? I didn't expect him to be a friend of this French man!"

"Have you seen those policemen? They have been here for a long time, but unfortunately they dare not come over and no one dares to take care of them!"

"Alas! Those Chinese people are finished!"

While everyone was talking, the security guards had already arrived in front of Chen Xin'an and the other four.

A security guard stretched out his hand to grab Chen Xin'an's arm, asked him to turn his back and cuffed him.

Before he could touch Chen Xin'an, he was kicked in the chest and fell to the ground on his back!

The security guard next to him was startled and punched Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an leaned to the side, grabbed his ear with her right hand, and pulled him to stand in front of her. With a kick of his foot, the security guard screamed and fell to the ground!

A group of security guards were angry, and they drew out their rubber sticks and gathered around. However, Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed forward and punched two security guards in the stomach twice, causing them to kneel down and vomit!

Chen Xin'an also used this to break out of the encirclement, came to Jamison, grabbed his neck, and pushed him against the wooden wall next to him with a bang!

A group of security guards stared wide-eyed and were about to rush over with rubber batons, but at this moment, Chen Xin'an tightened his right hand. Jamison's face turned red, and the suffocation felt like night, swallowing him up instantly!

At this moment, Jamison almost felt like he was going to die!

Fortunately, the other party also caught him and immediately let go. Jamison was like a stranded fish, breathing heavily.

At this moment, he saw the guy in front of him kicking all the security guards to the ground one by one!

"Don't come over! Go back!" Jamison was almost frightened, fearing that this guy would accidentally use the wrong force and strangle him to death again!

The few remaining security guards helped up their companions on the ground, with frightened eyes and retreated far away.

The group of people at the door were all stunned. They didn't expect this Chinese to be so fierce!

He killed so many security guards in the blink of an eye!

"No wonder they dare to fight against Westerners. It turns out they are Chinese Kung Fu masters!"

"That's useless, Westerners don't dare to offend!"

"Look who that is? Wow, the big shot is here! He seems to be Lord Jamison's good friend! Now the Chinese are finished!"

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