Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2056 We are going to make great achievements

Less than five hundred meters west of the stadium is Kyoto No. 8 Middle School.

There were still a few minutes left for morning self-study, and Duan Zimo was still sitting in the back row of the classroom, looking down at his phone.

Cui Jiarui walked from the front and walked quietly to his side.

I originally wanted to scare him, but after glancing at his phone screen, the smile on his face disappeared.

She slapped Duan Zimo on the head and cursed at him:

"You bastard!

Watching beauties here early in the morning, right?

Which little goblin is this?

What class is it?

If you don't tell me the truth, I'm not done with you! "

Duan Zimo held his head and cursed angrily: "Why are you so crazy here!

This is not from our school..."

Cui Jiarui scratched his face and cursed: "You're such a joker, why did you end up in a foreign school?

Tell me which school you are from?

I want to know when you two hooked up, and I will give up my position immediately! "

Duan Zimo touched his face, but luckily there was no blood, and he dodged awkwardly and said:

"That's not true! Please don't go crazy, okay?

Chaoyang, come here quickly! "

The tall boy who was doing side lifts with a dumbbell on the side looked surprised. He rolled his eyes and said, "It has nothing to do with me. I don't know him!"

"Fuck you uncle!" Duan Zimo took his cell phone and cursed at him: "Look carefully, does it look familiar?"

Chaoyang glanced at the phone screen, curled his lips and continued playing with the dumbbells: "I've never seen it before!"

"What the hell do you have to say?" Cui Jiarui pointed at Duan Zimo's nose and cursed.

But Chaoyang came over again, grabbed Duan Zimo's arm, looked at the photos on his phone and said:

"Wait a minute! Suddenly it feels a bit familiar, right?

Have you seen this guy somewhere? "

"It's a woman!" Duan Zimo cursed: "Just now at the intersection outside the school..."

Chaoyang suddenly understood, pointed at the phone screen and shouted: "The one on the van!

Let me go. Did you take a picture of her?

Wasn’t this the same outfit just now? "

Duan Zimo frowned and cursed: "It's the headline posted by Yousuoyi Studio!

This girl is the anchor's sister.

You all know the key to this anchor, right?

Wang Yi!

Legend has it that Chen Xin'an is the big boss behind the scenes!

Think about this girl again. Was she there during the fireworks show on New Year’s Eve? "

When he reminded them, Chaoyang and Cui Jiarui's expressions changed.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it really makes an impression!

Cui Jiarui said in surprise: "I just saw that girl who seemed to want to get out of the car, but was pulled back.

Was he kidnapped? "

Chaoyang nodded with a shocked look on his face and said, "Where did those foreigners come from? Are they so arrogant that they even dare to kidnap people around Chen Xin'an?"

Duan Zimo held up his mobile phone and cursed: "No matter what the origin is, I don't like those foreigners!

If we tell Chen Xin'an about this, our previous festivals should be over, right? "

Cui Jiarui said with a look of disdain: "Tch! What the hell! Does Chen Xin'an have to deal with you as a high school student? Let's go next door and ask Chen Duoduo?"

Huang Yuxin came over and said to them: "Chen Duoduo? She just joined class three, and I just saw her!

Have something to do with her? "

The three of them stood up together and pulled her out together. Chaoyang said to her: "Let's go, we are going to make a great contribution this time!"

In the Red Heart Square, Uncle Hao finished drinking the soy milk, took out the phone in his hand, and pressed the answer button.

After a while, he put down his phone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, a colleague of mine said.

I saw a white van near the Red Rock Stadium and almost got into a fight with a group of students.

But I'm not sure it's the car you're looking for. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "As long as there are clues now, I will not let them go. I will investigate immediately!"

While he was talking, his cell phone rang.

Chen Xin'an took it out and looked at it, and frowned!

"Duoduo, why are you calling me if you don't go to school? Someone is bullying you at school?

What? Can you say that again!

When did this happen?


Did Duan Zimo and the others see it with their own eyes?

Those people are the construction workers of Red Rock Stadium. They have already confirmed that the car went in, right?

Okay, tell your classmates that I will treat them to dinner another day! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to the people who had gathered around him:

“Let’s go back and ride!

It should be confirmed, that car is at the Red Rock Stadium construction site!

Zhaodi is in the car, we need to go there right away!

Uncle Hao, thank you very much this time!

I'll leave first and ask Uncle Hao to greet all the friends who are helping me another day.

I'll treat you all to a drink and a meal! "

Uncle Hao quickly said to him: "Mr. Chen is too polite! We have received a lot of benefits from Mr. Chen, and it is right to do something for Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an said goodbye to Uncle Hao without any further words, and then took everyone home.

Master Long is in the garage, but it's not a good time to drive today.

Chen Xin'an didn't want to waste time in traffic.

The five of them were all riding big motorcycles in the Saber road race, roaring away from the Four Seasons Flower City.

The shed at the Hongyan Stadium construction site.

Huang Mao forced Guo Zhaodi out of the car and stuffed her into the room.

It's like a garbage dump, filled with a pungent stench.

The floor was littered with wine bottles, cigarette butts, and empty buckets of instant noodles.

The bedding on the bed was in a mess, covered with thick mud, and the original color could not be distinguished.

Everyone was laughing and wanted to come in together, but Huang Mao stood at the door and said to everyone:

"Brothers, it's almost time to start work, hurry up and work! By the way, please ask my brother for leave for me, I won't go in the morning!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and one of the thin and short men with a mouthful of yellow teeth said to him: "Xizi, you don't go to work today to wait for materials, did you forget?"

Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, and said with a dry laugh: "Then go somewhere else! Come back at noon!"

The short man said to Huang Mao with a fake smile: "Xizi, you play yours.

When you're done, we'll have some fun while it's hot.

Everyone has been holding back for several days, and they can't help it anymore!"

"Wait until next time! When we find another beautiful girl, we'll get together again. Forget about this!" Huang Mao said to everyone with a grin.

Everyone's face sank.

The short man narrowed his eyes and said to the yellow-haired man: "Xizi, didn't we agree on this? You're not going to regret it, are you?"

The yellow-haired man pushed him impatiently and cursed: "I told you to get out, so get out!

Why are you talking so much nonsense?

You don't want to work here anymore, right?

This girl is so pretty, do you think you are worthy of her?

I'm telling you, I'm going to take her as my girlfriend, is your girlfriend willing to let everyone play with her?"

The short man looked at the yellow-haired man with a gloomy face.

The others also frowned one by one.

The yellow-haired man snorted coldly and said: "Brothers, that's enough!

My brother just invited everyone to play last night, be content!

Don't think about this girl, unless I'm tired of playing with her these two days!

But today, everyone should be patient and make room for her.

Whoever feels that he can't bear it can leave now.

I'll help you talk to my brother and pay the wages directly!"

I didn't expect that this bastard actually didn't keep his word!

Although everyone was angry, they didn't dare to say anything more.

There is no way, because his brother is the foreman!

Seeing that everyone was angry but dared not speak, Huang Mao showed a sly smile.

He didn't care what everyone thought, he pushed the short man and everyone else out of the room, closed the door with a click, and locked it from the inside!

Turning around, he looked at the pale and trembling Guo Zhaodi with a sly smile and said:

"Dear, this is our bridal chamber!

Follow me, eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks, I won't let you regret it!"

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