Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2057 Don’t eat alone

If it were any other fellow countryman, no matter how beautiful he was, Wang Xi wouldn't have the guts.

But Wang Xi didn't care about this little girl.

Qingxi is thousands of miles away from Kyoto. If she wasn't completely alone and desperate, how could a little girl end up living on the streets asking for help from a group of fellow villagers whom she recognized only by their accents?

So this little girl must be helpless. She doesn't even dare to do this. She is about to be struck by lightning!

Seeing Guo Zhaodi's pale and frightened expression, Wang Xi felt even more proud.

For the girl who didn't get to play in Kyoto last night, God sent one to him early this morning.

It seems that Kyoto is still a good place!

Seeing Wang Xi approaching step by step, Guo Zhaodi was so frightened that she backed away.

But the work shed is only such a big place, where can she retreat to?

Her legs went weak, and she was blocked by the edge of the bed, and sat down on a bunk bed!

Wang Xi unzipped his jacket and said to Guo Zhaodi as he took it off:

"Don't be afraid, I'm really friends with you!

Once you feel comfortable serving me, I will not only take you back to Qingxi, but I will also marry you into my family!

I will let you live a good life in the future, and you will no longer have to leave your hometown to work..."

"Don't come over!" Guo Zhaodi shook his head and shrank back.

The bed was filled with a sour smell and everything was on it.

Guo Zhaodi's back was leaning against the wall, and her right hand touched something hard under the quilt.

Seems to be an arm strengther.

Wang Xi had already walked to the bed, took off his coat and threw it at the end of the bed.

Looking at the weak and helpless little girl in front of him, Wang Xi's heart was filled with evil fire, and he couldn't wait any longer!

With a scream, he threw himself at Guo Zhaodi on the bed.

But the other party suddenly raised a black stick and hit him hard on the head!

Before he could react, Guo Zhaodi slapped Wang Xi on the head with an arm strength weapon.

Wang Xi was stunned and stood beside the bed for a moment.

Immediately after tightening his crotch, Guo Zhaodi kicked him hard between his legs!

"Ah!" Wang Xi screamed, curled up and rolled on the bed.

Guo Zhaodi took the opportunity to jump out of bed and ran to the door.

Wang Xi lay on the bed and gritted his teeth and shouted: "Smelly girl, why are you beating me and kicking me!

I will kill you today!

Want to run? Come back the hell! "

He endured the pain, climbed out of bed, and rushed to the door.

Guo Zhaodi's hand just grabbed the doorknob and pulled it back hard, but it didn't pull.

The door is locked!

After such a delay, Wang Xi rushed over and grabbed her hair from behind!

The stinging pain on her head made Guo Zhaodi cry out. She staggered back, and then Wang Xi punched her in the face!

Wang Xi gritted his teeth, tripped Guo Zhaodi to the ground, and then punched and kicked her!

"I asked you to hit me, I asked you to kick me!

Poor cousin!

Who gave you the courage to fight me?

You want to run, right?

There are all my people outside, where can you run to? "

Guo Zhaodi put her head in her hands and lay on the ground.

Wang Xi looked around, then simply took out the belt from his waist, closed it in the middle, and used the iron heads on both sides to hit Guo Zhaodi head and face!

Piercing screams came from the work shed.

Guo Zhaodi was beaten until she kept rolling on the ground, with blood flowing from her head.

Gradually, she stopped struggling and her body gradually became limp.

The anger in Wang Xi's heart was vented a little, but he didn't dare to really beat the person to death.

He threw the blood-stained belt on the ground, leaned over and touched Guo Zhaodi's breath.

Still alive, not dead.

With a sullen face, he grabbed Guo Zhaodi's shirt and pulled it open, revealing the autumn clothes underneath.

Then he lowered his head and pulled Guo Zhaodi's pants.

At this moment, Guo Zhaodi, who had been unable to move, suddenly stood up, holding an empty beer bottle in her hand, and hit Wang Xi hard on the head!

"Ouch!" Wang Xi held his head and backed away. Guo Zhaodi got up with her face covered in blood. She held half a beer bottle in her hand and stabbed Wang Xi hard in the stomach!

Wang Xi covered his stomach with his hands and fell to the ground. He lowered his head and saw that the blood instantly dyed his clothes red. He screamed in horror!

He didn't expect that this little girl who looked soft and weak could be so cruel!

Guo Zhaodi turned around and ran towards the door. Just remembering the lesson just now, she suddenly turned and ran towards the open window next to her.

The windows of this kind of work shed are not high, only more than one meter above the ground, and they are large and open.

Guo Zhaodi stepped on the stool next to her and jumped out of the window. Wang Xi's heartbreaking cry came from behind: "Get her back!"

Several workers were not far from the work shed. They heard Wang Xi's cry and wanted to come over and catch Guo Zhaodi.

But at this moment, Guo Zhaodi's head and face were covered with blood, and her body was stained red with blood. She was still holding a half-blooded glass bottle in her right hand, and she was in a desperate posture.

Everyone was startled, and when they thought about Wang Xi's attitude towards everyone just now, they took a step back, I don't care!

Anyway, good things don't happen to me. Now that you are pricked by this little rose with thorns, you deserve it!

Still want us to help you?

who do you think You Are? Is your brother Wang coming?

Seeing that everyone in front of her was avoiding her, Guo Zhaodi breathed a sigh of relief and ran forward.

But at this moment, there was a shout in my ear!

Before she could react, she was hit hard!

A wooden stick hit her chest hard, knocking her feet off the ground and falling on her back!

At this moment, Guo Zhaodi couldn't even cry out in pain, couldn't even breathe, and couldn't make a sound at all!

A tall and strong man with a flat head threw away the stick in his hand with a gloomy face and scolded the workers beside him:

"Brothers, I know my brother is a bit too much.

But he is my brother after all, please bear with me.

Please go inside and see if my brother is okay!"

Everyone looked ashamed.

Although Wang Xi was not a likable person, his brother Wang Lai, the foreman, was still very righteous to everyone.

The group of Qingxi fellows who came out all respected him!

Someone ran into the shed, and Wang Lai also walked to Guo Zhaodi.

There was no emotion in his eyes when he looked at her, as if he was looking at a dead object without life.

He bent down and grabbed Guo Zhaodi's hair.

Guo Zhaodi has short hair, which is very neutral, but it is still much longer than the average boy's flat head.

Wang Lai grabbed her and dragged her backwards. She felt as if her scalp was torn open, but she couldn't cry even if she wanted to!

Wang Xi sat on the bed, holding his stomach, and looked at Wang Lai who came in with tears, pointing at Guo Zhaodi and shouting: "Brother, she wants to kill me!"

Wang Lai let go of Guo Zhaodi, walked to Wang Xi, pushed his hand away, looked at the wound on his stomach, and said with relief:

"The cotton coat blocked it, the stab was not deep, the wound was not big, it's okay!

Liu'er, bring the medicine box over, disinfect him with alcohol, and apply some white medicine!"

Someone behind him responded and quickly brought a medicine box over.

It is common to get a little injury when working on the construction site, so a small medicine box is always available.

Alcohol and white medicine were sprinkled on the wound one after another, and Wang Xi screamed in pain.

After Liu Er used gauze to bandage his wound, he gritted his teeth and looked at Guo Zhaodi on the ground, and said to Wang:

"Brother, I'm going to fucking kill her today! Help me take off her clothes!"

Wang looked at him and said, "You can have fun if you want, but don't eat alone! Since you promised the brothers, then do what you said!

Come in, you're free anyway.

If you didn't have enough fun last night, let's have enough fun now!"

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