Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2062 The most difficult person to discipline

When Ning Xiruo came back from Dongshan, she also brought back Xu Qing, who was already addicted.

According to Chen Xin'an's idea, he wanted Xu Qing to stay at home.

Let him, Ge Zi and Guo Zhaodi create a set of addiction treatment for her.

In order to protect Xu Qing's body to the greatest extent, Chen Xin'an decided to use a slow-cooking method to slowly let her quit.

But after Xu Qing came to Kyoto, she contacted the addiction treatment center and locked herself in!

She didn't want any acquaintances to see her undignified and embarrassed appearance after she got addicted.

She didn't even want to come back for the New Year, and didn't want to see her grandparents!

She didn't want to embarrass her family!

If she can't quit, she will never come back!

It's just that people in the addiction treatment center occasionally call to complain to Chen Xin'an.

Xu Qing's willpower is the best among all the people in there.

But her temper is also the worst!

She often fights with people, and her actions are very cruel.

There was an example of beating a roommate into hospital before the New Year. Xiruo went there and paid some money to settle the matter.

It seems that this matter is even bigger, otherwise the director would not call in person.

Kyoto Zhuoli Rehabilitation Center.

This is a private rehabilitation center with about a thousand people, not only divided into men and women, but also divided into adults and minors.

Because here not only has drug addiction treatment, but also Internet addiction treatment services.

What Xu Qing and Chen Xinan value here is the hardware facilities and software configuration here, which are the best among similar units.

The money is not important, as long as it works.

Because he is Chen Xinan's relative, Xu Qing also received a lot of preferential treatment.

For example, he does not have to participate in collective labor and activities, and has more visit opportunities than others.

But Xu Qing gave up all these preferential treatments.

From the day she came in, she isolated herself from the world.

In the past few months, Xu Qing has lived like an ascetic monk.

Although Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo were reluctant, they had no choice.

So now the director called, Chen Xinan said nothing and hurried over!

Go through the security check at the door and confirm that there are no dangerous goods on you before going upstairs.

There is a large reception room on the second floor. The inmates and their families meet behind a layer of bulletproof glass, and the conversation has to be done over the phone.

This is a kind of prison-style management.

Many family members have been waiting outside the visiting window early.

Generally, only one visitor is allowed to visit each window, but Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo are big customers of the rehabilitation center, and they are never stingy with money, so they also enjoy the privilege of visiting at the same time.

The two sat side by side in front of the visiting window. Li Qi did not go upstairs, but sat on the rest chair at the back.

The door inside opened, and a group of inmates came over.

Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo saw Xu Qing at a glance, but unlike others, there were two policemen accompanying her!

Just when Xu Qing stood at the door of the visiting room, a policeman opened the handcuffs on her wrists!

This is a treatment that no one else has.

Chen Xinan frowned, looking at Xu Qing who slowly walked to the window in front of him and sat down, a little bit unrecognizable.

But after not seeing each other for two or three months, Xu Qing has changed a lot!

The spirit of the heroic spirit before is gone.

Now the whole person has lost weight.

Her hair was fluffy and her eyes were indifferent, as if she didn't care about anything.

But she showed a hint of sternness from time to time on her face.

But Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo both saw the scars on Xu Qing's arm!

Ning Xiruo grabbed the microphone and looked at Xu Qing anxiously.

When the other party also picked up the microphone, Ning Xiruo immediately asked: "Sister Qing, did they beat you?"

Xu Qing shook her head and said lightly: "Don't worry, I'm fine here!"

If everything was fine, we wouldn't come!

Ning Xiruo glanced at Chen Xin'an and said to Xu Qing: "Sister Qing, if you are not used to being here, we will take you home now."

"No need!" Xu Qing shook his head and said to her: "The food and accommodation here are good, and there are many fun things. I like to stay here."

Ning Xiruo turned on the hands-free speaker, so Chen Xin'an beside her could also hear Xu Qing's speech.

Chen Xinan took the microphone and said to Xu Qing: "What do you need? I'll prepare it for you."

Xu Qing looked straight at Chen Xinan and said: "No need for anything. You're here and I'm having fun!"

Ning Xiruo looked worried and took the microphone and said to Xu Qing: "Sister Qing, can I deposit some more money on your card here?"

Every person who is undergoing the ordination will have a smart card, which not only shows their identity, but also can be used for consumption.

There is also a supermarket in the ordination center. As long as you have money, you can buy a lot of things.

"No need!" Xu Qing shook his head and said indifferently: "I don't need money!"

After chatting for a few words, the visiting time was up.

Xu Qing stood up, showing a smile, looked at Chen Xinan and said something to Ning Xiruo, and then turned around and left under the guidance of the police.

"What did she say just now?" Ning Xiruo turned her head and looked at Chen Xinan and asked.

Chen Xinan frowned and said, "She said she was going out to play!"

A prison administrator came over and said to Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo, "Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, the director wants to see you!"

The short bald man in the director's office on the third floor was Zeng Heng, the director of the prison.

He invited Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo to sit on the sofa with a smile on his face.

There were a few people sitting next to them, one of whom was wearing a police uniform.

Zeng Heng introduced Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, this is Officer Qiao Yanhui, the instructor of our rehabilitation center.

These two people are Zhao Nianbo, the deputy director of the training center, and Hou Youming, the training captain.

I invite you two to come here so that we can all discuss together about Xu Qing's management issues..."

Hou Youming next to him snorted, gritted his teeth and cursed: "With so many people, this woman is the most difficult to discipline!

He can't be beaten again and again, he can't be scolded again and again, and he causes trouble every day!

As I say, just ask them to take the person back! "

The director and deputy director glanced at him at the same time, thinking mmp!

The relative of the richest man in Kyoto, why did you drive her away? Didn’t you cut off the training center’s financial resources?

Is the brain used to hold stew?

Ning Xiruo said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone! We can compensate Xu Qing for all the losses caused here!"

Upon hearing this, the director's face turned into a flower, and he said with a smile: "Mrs. Ning is so polite! The loss is a little, but not too big. Mrs. Ning doesn't need to worry!"

Zeng Heng was not stupid. Even if he knew that the two people in front of him were the fattest sheep in Kyoto, he would not dare to take advantage of them.

If the food looks too ugly, you will definitely get nothing to eat.

Qiao Yanhui said to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo with a straight face: "Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, Xu Qing injured five people in the rehabilitation center in the past few days.

Three of them are the administrators of the retreat!

If things continue like this, we will take her directly to court and hold her criminally responsible! "

"Officer Qiao, you have something to say!" Ning Xiruo quickly said to Qiao Yanhui: "We will cover all the medical expenses and nutritional expenses of the injured!"

Zhao Nianbo patted the table and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mrs. Ning, you have to figure something out!

We invited you two here, not to ask you for money!

We are discussing the issue of discipline for Xu Qing! "

Ning Xiruo blushed and said, "We know! I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone!"

Hou Youming said angrily: "Is it useful to say sorry?

You two have no idea how many people have been injured since she came in?

Can just saying sorry settle everything?

So what do you want the police to do? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "Then what do you want?"

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