Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2063 She fought with someone again

Apologizing is useless, and neither is compensation. Could it be that we were called here just to listen to your lectures?

Sorry, I, Chen Xin'an, don't have the temperament to just listen to others pointing their noses and scolding me!

Hou Youming patted the table and said, "What do I want to do?

Is this something I can do whatever I want?

I want her to get out!

We will not accept such undisciplined initiates!


I want to whip her, even the administrator, this crazy woman is so lawless!

May I?

Whatever I want..."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an said calmly: "It's okay to tell her to get out. As long as your director says she can't stay here anymore, I'll take her away right away.

It doesn’t matter what you say, you are not qualified! "

Hou Youming blushed and snorted unconvinced, but had nothing to say.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "You can whip her if you want! I can apply to the director to let you two have a fair fight!

Even if you beat her to death, I won't blame you.

Likewise, you should also prepare the aftermath in advance to save her from beating you to death!

How about it, do you have any objection? "

"You..." Hou Youming blushed and looked extremely embarrassed.

When he said whipping her, there had to be a prerequisite.

That is, he must act as the training captain, and the other party must act as the ordained member.

In such a fight, the other party would not dare to fight back.

Fair fight is not an option.

He knew he couldn't beat that woman.

Since he is an ordained member, his identity will naturally be investigated.

He used to be a serious policeman!

And he’s also the detective captain!

The level is higher than Qiao Yanhui.

It was because of the persecution that he became addicted and was sent here.

Is it possible that someone who can be the captain of a criminal investigation is not good at what he does?

What's more, she's a female detective captain!

You have to work harder and be better than men to achieve that position.

There are probably three or five people like me who may not be able to get into the opponent's body!

Hou Youming was speechless and looked aggrieved.

Zhao Nianbo frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, please calm down.

We invited Mr. Chen here not to seek culpability, but to discuss a perfect solution! "

Zeng Heng and Qiao Yanhui on the side both nodded and said: "Yes, yes!"

This is Chen Xin'an, not an ordinary ordained family member.

This man has a bad temper. No matter who makes him angry, there will be no good consequences!

Ning Xiruo looked at Zeng Heng and asked: "Director Zeng, actually I want to know more, why did Xu Qing hit people? Is it a fight or a temper tantrum for no reason?"

"Officer Qiao needs to explain this!" Zeng Heng pointed at Qiao Yanhui next to him and said.

Qiao Yanhui looked serious and said to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo: "I think it should be the sequelae of this process!

It seems that once she becomes addicted, she becomes extremely violent and loses control! "

Zhao Nianbo looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "So we applied for the use of special drugs.

This is a drug used by inmates to control their addiction.

It can very well help the initiates overcome psychological barriers and stabilize their emotions.

But don’t worry, this is not a suppressive drug and will not cause side effects on the body! "

Hou Youming nodded and said: “This medicine is also a good medicine newly introduced by the rehabilitation center from abroad.

One shot costs tens of thousands of yuan.

If it weren't for our friendship with Mr. Chen, the rehabilitation center would not be willing to use it on Xu Qing! "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo looked at each other.

Ning Xiruo asked, "Can you show it to us?"

Zeng Heng shook his head and said: "The real thing is stored in the freezer. But I have photos on my phone, I can show them to you two!"

He took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and showed it to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo one by one and said, "Here, this is the medicine!

We introduce it from abroad through regular channels, and the price of each one is 13,800!

Therefore, when special patients need to use it, we must inform their families.

This expense is borne by the family. "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo understand now.

This costs money!

"Husband!" Ning Xiruo glanced at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an, who understood what she meant, put his ear closer.

Ning Xiruo whispered a few words to him in a low voice. Chen Xin'an nodded and said to the three people in front of him:

“We want to discuss it with Xu Qing himself.

And we have to be there when the medicine is being administered! "

"No! This..." Hou Youming immediately objected, but Zeng Heng interrupted him halfway and said:

"There is no need to discuss it with Xu Qing himself!

No drug will be approved by the initiate himself.

But we can agree to having you on site when taking the medicine.

But we can't stay too long. After all, this is a rehabilitation center, not a hospital.

So you have to leave in half an hour at most, okay? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Ning Xiruo and nodded.

Just then, someone knocked on the door outside.

Zeng Heng shouted and came in. An administrator opened the door and stood at the door and shouted to Zeng Heng: "The director is not good, 1085 is fighting with someone again!"

"Xu Qing!" Hou Youming's nose was crooked with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Why is it her again!"

Qiao Yanhui also said with a livid face: "This Xu Qing is getting more and more unruly!

She used to be a police officer, and she knew the law and broke it!

This time, I will never let her off lightly! "

Zeng Heng wanted to say something else, but Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "Let's go and take a look!"

"This does not comply with the regulations!" Zhao Nianbo said with a frown.

Ning Xiruo took out a wad of money and put it on the coffee table, and said to Zeng Heng, "This is the money for medication. Does it comply with the regulations now?"

Zeng Heng quickly put away the money and said with a smile: "Lao Hou, bring Mr. Chen and Mrs. Ning over!"

In the event hall, a group of people stood around, looking excited.

In the open space in the middle, Xu Qing blocked a blond woman behind him.

He grabbed the arm of a flowery-armed woman, threw her over the shoulder, and threw her to the ground!

"Fuck you!" A woman grabbed a hard plastic stool with both hands and hit Xu Qing's head hard.

Xu Qing didn't even try to hide. When the chair was swung onto her head, she kicked her in the stomach!

The woman doubled over and looked like she was vomiting.

Xu Qing rushed over, but his body pressed on her back and rolled, kicking the woman who was standing behind the woman who had just taken out a sharp toothbrush to the ground!

Several administrators wanted to rush over, but others blocked them with their bodies.

These people are so bored here.

So every fight was like a Chinese New Year, with many people coming to watch, hoping that the administrator would ignore it and fight as brutally as possible.

Soon the director and everyone came.

More than a dozen administrators came and used rubber sticks to force everyone apart. Then they rushed to the middle and quickly controlled the perpetrators!

Several administrators raised their rubber sticks and were about to hit Xu Qing on the head.

The blond woman who had been blocked by Xu Qing rushed out, stretched out her hands in front of Xu Qing and shouted:

"You can't hit her!

This is how a bad woman bullies others first!

1085 fought with them to protect me..."

This woman turned out to be a foreigner, but she must have been in China for a long time, so she spoke Chinese fluently.

The administrators paid no attention to what she said. One of them hit her with a rubber stick, and the rest of them rushed towards Xu Qing!

Zeng Heng quickly shouted: "Stop!"

Only then did everyone stop.

Zeng Heng glanced at Chen Xin'an cautiously and scolded with a straight face:

"How many times have I told you that you need to be disciplined in a civilized manner!"

Several administrators looked at the director blankly and put down the rubber sticks in their hands.

Chen Xin'an's eyes were cold.

It seems that Xu Qing's life here is not as peaceful as imagined!


Chen Xin'an didn't think about it that way. This was a retreat, how could she live comfortably?

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