Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2064 The new medicine has been used

The flowery-armed woman was also controlled. She looked like she was not someone to be trifled with, and her eyes were very unruly.

With her arms tied behind her back and cuffed, she glanced at Xu Qing, gritted her teeth and said, "1085, why the hell are you waiting for me!"

Xu Qing turned his head to look at her, suddenly turned around and counterattacked the administrator who was controlling her arm, and then kicked him down!

Then she rushed towards the flower-armed woman. Before the administrator could react, she held her head down and then hit her with her knees!


A big red flower bloomed on Huazhi's face, and blood splattered!

But Xu Qing didn't stop. He was already pressing her head and kneeling her continuously!

Screams came out of Huazhi's mouth, and a group of administrators reacted, swarmed up, and pulled the two away.

Hua Zhi's eyes were no longer as fierce as before, but full of fear, and he shouted loudly:

“Stop her, you idiots!

She will kill me!

This is a crazy woman, take her away quickly! "

One of the administrators raised the rubber stick in his hand and whipped Xu Qing's head hard!

But at this moment, his wrist was grabbed!

Chen Xin'an's face was as deep as water, he pushed the administrator in front of him away, walked to Xu Qing's side, and shouted in a deep voice: "Xu Qing, that's enough!"

Several administrators didn't know Chen Xin'an's identity and wanted to raise their arms to deal with him.

Zeng Heng shouted: "Don't mess around!"

Hou Youming said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen, are you breaking the rules?"

Seeing that the director and the training captain knew each other, a group of administrators did not dare to take action anymore and just stood aside angrily.

Xu Qing didn't care, and rushed towards Huaji again!

Hua Zhi screamed in fright, but Chen Xin'an hugged Xu Qing, and then said to the administrator next to her: "Lead the way and send her back to the dormitory!"

Zhao Nianbo clapped his hands and shouted: "Everyone go back to the dormitory!"

Then he turned to an administrator next to him and whispered: "Go get the new medicine!"

The administrator nodded, turned around and walked out.

Chen Xin'an trapped Xu Qing's arms, hugged him directly, and followed the administrator out of the event hall.

Passing through a thick iron door, we came to the door of a dormitory.

There are two bunk beds here, which can accommodate four people.

The remaining three women all stood against the wall at the door.

Chen Xin'an put Xu Qing on her lower bunk and held her hands down.

An administrator brought a pill box that was exactly the same as the one on Zeng Heng’s phone and took out a syringe and pill bottle.

Xu Qing struggled hard and cursed: "I won't use medicine!

Chen Xin'an, why are you trying to give me medicine? I'm not interested in you!

Xi Ruo, pull her away and don't let them give me medicine! "

Zhao Nianbo snorted coldly and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mrs. Ning, look at her current state, she is so aggressive, can she not use medicine?"

The administrator came over with a syringe. As soon as he got close to the bed, a blur of figures appeared in front of him, and the syringe in his hand was taken away by Chen Xin'an.

"You hold her down and I'll inject!

It doesn't matter, my medical skills are better than yours! "

The administrator still wanted to object, but Xu Qing had already rushed over and punched him in the face as if he was crazy!

The administrator was in pain and shouted: "Help! Hold her down!"

A group of administrators rushed over, trying to trap Xu Qing.

But two men and two women cannot suppress one woman!

Xu Qing pushed left and right, knocking away everyone close to him!

Chen Xin'an held the needle and shouted: "Come on, hold her down!"

Everyone rushed forward!

Xu Qing struggled hard and cursed: "You bastards! Ah!"

It seemed like a needle had penetrated her body!

At the same time, one of her hands broke free, picked up the enamel teapot on the table, and threw it away!


Chen Xin'an blocked it with her hand. The window next to her was smashed and something flew out!

He exclaimed: "Ouch, the needle fell out!"

Zhao Nianbo's expression changed and he said to the administrator: "Go pick it up quickly!"

Chen Xin'an continued: "But the medicine has been injected, and there is only an empty tube left!"

Zhao Nianbo was stunned for a moment and turned to look at the administrator who had just brought the medicine.

The boy was also a little confused.

It was so chaotic just now, I couldn’t see clearly!

But if he told the truth, he would definitely be taught a lesson by the deputy director, so he looked at the deputy director and nodded.

Zhao Nianbo breathed a sigh of relief and just injected the medicine.

"Get out!" Xu Qing kicked the person who wanted to tie her away several times in a row.

He jumped up from the bed, pointed at Chen Xin'an's nose and cursed: "You..."

Before she finished speaking, she rolled her eyes, shook her body, lay back on the bed, and passed out!

Everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Nianbo smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, this medicine is very effective and has no side effects on people.

She just needed some sleep and she would calm down afterwards.

It is extremely helpful for addiction. One injection is as effective as living in a rehab center for a year! "

Chen Xin'an remained silent, but Ning Xiruo said with a shocked face: "If it is really so effective, we are willing to use this new drug several times more!"

Zhao Nianbo winked at Zeng Heng proudly, smiled and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Mrs. Ning, this medicine also has import restrictions. It doesn't mean you can get it if you want it."

Zeng Heng said beside him: "But since Madam Ning also thinks the effect is good, we will communicate with foreign suppliers in the future and strive to purchase more!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo nodded.

Seeing Xu Qing sleeping quietly on the bed, Zhao Nianbo said to Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo after a few minutes:

"Mr. Chen, Madam Ning, it's time for the ordination recipients to rest.

Since 1085 has fallen asleep, why don't we go to the office to talk and let everyone go to the room to rest?"

Ning Xiruo was a little worried about Xu Qing, but Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Okay!"

Everyone came out of the dormitory area, and Chen Xinan said to Zeng Heng and the others: "The company still has a lot of things to do, so we'll go back first.

All the damage Xu Qing caused to the ordination, Please tell me a number, Director Zeng.

You can call me when the time comes, or you can send the bill directly to my company.

No matter how much it is, I will compensate you according to the price! ”

Zeng Heng smiled and said, "Okay! I know that Mr. Chen is not a stingy person, so I won't be polite to you.

The finance department will count it later, and Mr. Chen doesn't need to worry about some small losses.

It's just that someone was injured, and the necessary compensation is still required.

I'm sorry for Mr. Chen's expense!"

"It's all small money!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand, waved to Li Qi who was waiting outside, and then said goodbye to Zeng Heng and others.

He drove Longye away from the rehabilitation center.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo both said, "There is a problem!"

Then the two laughed at each other's tacit understanding.

Chen Xinan said to Ning Xiruo: "Notify Wang Yi and see if she is interested in this topic and make a program!"

Ning Xiruo nodded, looked at Chen Xinan with a puzzled look and said: "Are you leaving just like that? Sister Qing is investigating a case! She needs our help!"

Chen Xinan flipped his right hand, and a syringe filled with medicine appeared in his hand.

"Let's figure this thing out first!"

Ning Xiruo was stunned.

She saw Chen Xinan inject this medicine into Xu Qing's body with her own eyes, and even the syringe fell out of the window.

Why did it appear in his hand without a drop of damage now?

Chen Xinan snorted coldly and said softly: "Funny things?

This rehabilitation center is weird everywhere

All the surveillance cameras are aimed at the wall, just like decorations.

What they said during the visit seemed to be reciting lines, and their expressions were a little cautious.

This kind of rehabilitation center is fine, ghosts will believe it!"

Li Qi shook his head and said with a smile: "Boss, you are fierce, and your family is even fiercer!

In this place, you still don't forget to investigate the case!"

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