Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2066 What do you know?

The two administrators who were holding the chain cuffs were shocked!

Subconsciously, they pounced on Xu Qing, trying to suppress her.

But Xu Qing made a sweeping kick and kicked an administrator hard on the head!

Then he grabbed the other administrator's arm, clicked, and placed the chain cuff directly on his right hand!

"Come here! Wake up!" The administrator who was kicked staggered back two steps, shook his head, and shouted loudly.

Xu Qing stood on the iron bed, jumped up, and kicked him to the ground!

Several more administrators rushed over, and Xu Qing could see clearly that there was a person handcuffed on the iron bed not far away.

It was the blonde woman she saved in the event hall!


A rubber stick was whipped hard at Xu Qing's head!

Xu Qing bent his upper body forward to avoid the stick.

Her feet quickly retreated, and before the opponent could swing the second stick, she used a grappling hand to grab the opponent's wrist, then knocked the administrator to the ground and snatched the rubber stick from his hand!

As soon as another administrator rushed over, she slapped her on the thigh with a stick.

The man in pain screamed, clutching his thigh and fell to the ground!

The remaining two administrators looked at each other and did not dare to rush again. Instead, they retreated towards the door.

This woman is so tough that she can't be beaten!

Xu Qing ignored them, ran to the other iron bed, and shouted to the blond woman lying on it: "Eve!"

The blond woman's face was ferocious, her whole body was twisting, foaming at the corners of her mouth, she looked at Xu Qing and shouted: "Give it to me! Please!"

Xu Qing frowned, he didn't expect this man to be addicted at this time!

However, the administrators have drugs on them just to deal with emergencies.

Xu Qing walked up to the handcuffed administrator and started searching his body without saying anything.

Sure enough, I touched a vial and a key by the way.

The administrator gritted his teeth and said, "1085, you're in trouble! You can't run away, our people will be here soon!"

Xu Qing didn't say anything, raised his fist and punched him on the bridge of the nose.

The administrator screamed and covered his nose with one hand. Blood flowed from between his fingers. He also lay on the iron bed.

Xu Qing poured two pills from the medicine bottle and fed them into Eve's mouth.

There was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside.

Xu Qing put the medicine bottle into his pocket and opened Eve's chain cuffs with the key in his hand.

A group of people have already gone upstairs and are rushing over here!

Xu Qing grabbed Eve's wrist and rushed out the door!

The administrator who was beaten in the thigh and unable to walk sat on the ground and shouted: "Where can you two run to?

The further you run, the heavier the punishment will be. It's not your first time coming to Zhuoli. Don't you still know the rules here? "

Xu Qing ignored him and pulled Eve out of the door.

Not far away, a flower-armed woman led a large group of people and ran over aggressively. When she saw Xu Qing, she gritted her teeth and cursed: "1085, I must break your legs today!"

Xu Qing ignored her, grabbed Eve's wrist and ran forward.

There are many rooms on each floor of the retreat. In addition to dormitories, there are various supporting facilities.

It has to be said that Zhuo Li is famous in Kyoto for a reason.

The contractor is willing to spend money on hardware and advertise in the media, so Zhuoli's reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

The man with the flowery arm was chasing after him.

At this time, the administrator is not involved.

Because it is in a surveillance area, no such evidence will be left in the facility.


Xu Qing kicked open a door, which revealed a spacious hall with many tables and chairs.

This is a big restaurant!

Xu Qing pulled Eve and ran in, rushing along the aisle and approaching the kitchen!

Immediately, Hua Zhi ran in with a large group of people, looking around with wary eyes, and then waved his hand, signaling everyone to disperse and search.

The chefs in the kitchen were stunned for a moment when they saw the two women rushing in.

One of the kitchen workers raised the spatula in his hand and cursed Xu Qing: "What are you doing?

Who asked you to come here?

Can't you see what's written on the door?

The kitchen is an important place, no one is allowed to enter!

Get out of here quickly! "

He walked over with a frown, grabbed Xu Qing's shoulder, and prepared to carry her out.

But Xu Qing grabbed his wrist with a backhand, and then removed his arm with a click!

"Get out!" Xu Qing cursed with a dark face.

These guys in the kitchen are the absolute worst.

Good ingredients, whether they look good or not, are all for presentation.

And how much each person weighs depends on their mood.

If I think you like it, I'll give you a little more.

Seeing that you are not happy, I will give you a pitiful little bit, and you won’t even be full!

Xu Qing was unhappy with them early in the morning!

The people in the kitchen were startled and wanted to come over to help. Xu Qing directly picked up a big kitchen knife and shouted to everyone: "Get away!"

Everyone's expressions changed and they glanced at the chef.

Can't afford to offend!

The head chef also swallowed his saliva, waved to everyone, and everyone moved out together.

They don't know what happened, and they don't need to know. Anyway, there will be administrators to deal with it.

After they left the kitchen, Xu Qing turned his head, shook Eve beside him, frowned and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Eve's face finally turned a little flushed. After taking the medicine and running for such a long time, the medicine had taken effect.

She shook her head and said to Xu Qing: "It's okay! 1085, thank you for saving me again!"

Xu Qing frowned and asked her: "Why have they been targeting you? What do you know?"

Eve looked panicked, glanced at Xu Qing, and said nothing.

Xu Qing waved his hand and said, "Forget it if you don't tell me!"

Perhaps because she had saved her twice and knew Xu Qing's name somewhat, Eve took a deep breath and said to Xu Qing:

"I saw 1169 being hanged by 0945 that night!

1169 did not commit suicide, he was killed by 0945! "

Xu Qing's expression changed.

1169 is the ordained inmate who died in the dormitory last week.

0945 is the woman with flowery arms.

The explanation given by the rehabilitation center to the family members of 1169 was that the addiction attack was too violent and could not be suppressed by ordinary drugs.

In a state of mental disorder, he committed suicide!

This is actually very common in rehabilitation centers. Many trainees take extreme measures because they cannot bear the torment of addiction.

Self harm or even suicide!

Therefore, the death of 1169 did not make her family members suspicious.

But Xu Qing knew that her death was not simple.

Because she once told Xu Qing personally that she was insulted by the administrator!

And she’s pregnant!

So the camp has been forcing her to abort the child.

1169 was unwilling, because it was the training center itself that performed the surgery.

A group of unprofessional people performed this kind of surgery on her, and the harm caused was that it might make her infertile for life.

He even let her die on the operating table!

But she didn't expect that she would be killed in a daze!

And the murderer turned out to be 0945!

You know, the person 1169 trusted the most during his lifetime was 0945!

She is 0945’s little sister!

This 0945 is said to be the lover of deputy director Zhao Nianbo.

It is also a tool for the dirty work of the precepts.

In order not to live up to the truth, some despicable methods are used to deal with the initiates, which are difficult to use in the training center.

So the ordained inmates were left to manage the ordained inmates. Even if something happened, the preceptive center would have excuses and not bear much responsibility!

But Xu Qing never imagined that 0945 would be so bold and dare to kill someone!

In fact, during the time she came to the rehabilitation center, she had already discovered many problems.

On the surface, this monastery is very high-end and has a first-rate reputation.

In fact, under the bright appearance, there is filth and ugliness!

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