Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2067 They dare not light a fire

After sending their daughter-in-law home first, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi went to Zhuoli Rehabilitation Center again.

Although he told Ning Xiruo that he would bring Xu Qing out at all costs, Chen Xin'an also knew that taking Xu Qing away by force might cause big trouble and harm many people.

The new type of special drug turned out to be the drug used by the Eagle Flag Nation to extract confessions.

Damage to the human brain is irreversible.

However, this thing does not have a formal identification certificate, so it is only a one-sided statement.

The monastery will not admit it, and those who have used it will receive special care.

Maybe covering up the crime will lead to more serious consequences.

And how did the rehabilitation center obtain this drug?

And why is this drug used?

What do they want from the mouths of the ordained disciples?

These are all mysteries, and you can't just walk away and pretend that nothing happened.

So, what kind of excuse should the two of them use to go in?

And by this time, they should have discovered that Xu Qing had not injected that drug, right?

If he turns around and comes back again, it will definitely alert the camp.

Maybe it will do some harm to Xu Qing by then!

Chen Xin'an didn't dare to take risks. The person inside was Xu Qing, who was also his relative.

Seeing people from the kitchen running out of the back kitchen, 0945 knew that the two women were in the kitchen now.

She waved to the people around her, and everyone walked to the kitchen together.

Looking at the open door, 0945 shouted: "1085, I know you are inside!

This matter has nothing to do with you.

Leave that person to me and you can leave safely! "

She stood at the door, with dozens of her little sisters behind her.

These are her goons.

The reason why I suffered a loss at the hands of 1085 before was because my little sister didn’t take enough care of her.

Now that she has brought enough people, is she still afraid of that crazy woman?

Hearing that there was no words spoken, 0945 snorted coldly, raised his voice and said:

“1085, I know you can hear me.

I advise you not to mind your own business!

Don't think that I am afraid of you, I just admire you and think you are good.

Give you a chance, come out and kowtow to me, call me big sister, and I won’t argue with you about the past.

Follow me from now on. Here in Zhuoli, you will be popular and drink spicy food, and no one will dare to mess with you!

Hand over that foreign girl.

She and I have some personal matters to deal with, and I won’t do anything to her..."

Before he finished speaking, the person next to him suddenly shouted: "Sister, be careful!"

Immediately afterwards, a large porcelain plate flew out of the kitchen and hit 0945 squarely on the door!

There was a crash, the porcelain plate fell into pieces, and 0945 nosebleeds flowed!

0945 became anxious, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn it! If you don't drink the toast, you will be fined!

Are you looking for death yourself?

I will help you today!

Come on! "

A group of women roared and rushed into the kitchen.

What they didn't expect was that the two women inside didn't hide.

Instead, he sat on the food preparation table openly.

1085 also held a cucumber in his hand, gnawing on it.

0945 wiped the blood from his nose, pointed at Xu Qing and cursed: "1085, you brought this on yourself!

I have tolerated you for a long time!

Don't think that you can't take me seriously.

There is nothing that I, Tao Li, cannot do in Zhuoli!

There is no one that I, Tao Li, dare not deal with!

Do you think you are good at fighting?

Now that we have so many sisters, how many can you beat? "

She waved her arm, signaling everyone to rush over.

If she were to deal with Xu Qing face to face, she really wouldn't have the courage!

A group of women came around aggressively.

Eve's face turned pale and she leaned carefully against Xu Qing.

Xu Qing didn't panic at all, he just looked at 0945 with a joking face and asked: "Tao Li, right?

Big sister, right?

So awesome!

Why, with more people this time, will we feel more confident?

Let me tell you, even if you bring the entire retreat, you will still be rubbish in front of me!

I'll beat you up every time I see you, a bastard who pretends to be powerful and tries to fight against the power of others! "

Being insulted in public, 0945's face was as gloomy as if it was about to rain.

She gritted her teeth and cursed at Xu Qing: "Let me see, just the two of you, how can you fight with so many of our sisters! Sisters, destroy them!"

Just when everyone was about to rush forward, Eve suddenly shouted: "Don't mess around, don't you smell it?"


What is the taste?

Everyone was a little confused.

0945 rubbed her nose, and there was a sharp pain in the injured area, making her scream again.

The anger in his heart became even more intense, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "I can't hear anything! Don't listen to their nonsense to delay time, come to me!"

But the people around him didn't move.

A woman pulled her arm and said, "Sister, the smell of gas is so strong!"

Others nodded.

Eve pointed to the side and said to everyone: "We opened all the gas valves, and now this place is full of gas!

If you dare to mess around, we will light a fire! "

She holds a ignition stick in her hand. As long as she presses it and clicks, the whole room will turn into a sea of ​​​​fire!

A group of women were scared out of their wits!

0945's face suddenly turned pale.

She raised her hands and said to Eve: "Don't be impulsive! If you light a fire, you can't run away!"

Xu Qing coldly snorted and said disdainfully: "Who said you were going to run away? Anyway, we have become like this, and death will be a relief!

But if I can support so many of you, that’s considered a profit! "

People who enter a precept are generally a little world-weary, and there are many who give up on themselves.

So this is not meant to scare people.

Judging from Xu Qing's crazy behavior after coming in, it is really possible for her to take everyone to the end!

But the key point is that I haven’t lived enough!

I was forced to come here because my family forced me to come here.

In a year at most, I can go out on my own and enjoy life again!

Moreover, Old Ghost Zhao had already given her a lot of money, which was regarded as a reward for doing things for him, and it was all deposited on her card.

When I go out on my own in the future, I will have no worries about food and clothing, and still have savings. What kind of life can't I live by?

You can't die here in a daze!

Others thought the same thing.

It's one thing to commit suicide, but it's another thing to be killed by someone else.

Moreover, if someone dies in this situation, they will be burned to ashes, and even the body cannot be recognized!

Everyone was scared and looked at 0945, but their feet were slowly moving back.

Unexpectedly, 0945 ignored them at all, turned around first, and ran out desperately!

The eldest sister has run away, why are you still here?

A group of women also ran out without caring about their buttocks!

Just now, he was so angry that he wanted to beat the two women inside to death, but now he turned into fear, and he wanted to stay as far away from them as possible!

Seeing them all withdraw from the kitchen in fear, Xu Qing had a sarcastic sneer on his face.

She coughed twice and said to Eve, "Let's go too!"

Eve covered her mouth and nose and asked with a puzzled look on her face: "But they are outside..."

Xu Qing snorted coldly and said: "It doesn't matter, it's up to me!"

She took Eve's hand and grabbed the ignition stick with her other hand.

The air valve has been opened to the maximum, and even the large restaurant is filled with a pungent smell.

0945 ran out of the large restaurant, and everyone followed closely behind.

Everyone stopped until the smell was gone.

0945 adjusted his clothes to cover up his embarrassed appearance, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"We don't need to deal with them inside, it's the same as blocking them here.

Those two bitches were just scaring us, they didn't dare to actually light the fire!

They will definitely come out later, and we will take care of them! "

Everyone nodded together.

Sure enough, at the door of the restaurant, Xu Qing and Eve walked out hand in hand!

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