Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2068 She is just scaring people

The corridor is also filled with the smell of gas, but it has not completely spread and is not very obvious.

Seeing the two women coming out, 0945 cursed with a proud look on his face:

"I said they are also afraid of death, but they are just trying to scare people!

Did you see them coming out too?

Where can they escape now?

What else can we rely on? "

Xu Qing looked at her with disdain, turned around and walked towards her calmly.

0945 held a rubber stick in his hand, pointed at Xu Qing from a distance and cursed:

"1085, I will settle the old and new accounts with you today!

Stop, just stand there!

Then kneel down!

Kneel on the ground and crawl to me step by step!

I want you and everyone in Zhuoli to see what will happen if you offend me, Tao Li!

I tell you, if you can't get out today, you can't escape.

I won’t let you go, and neither will Brother Zhao and Brother Hou!

You can't escape today! "

There was no emotion on Xu Qing's face. He just looked at 0945 and said coldly:

"Taoli, let me ask you something.

Does Qiao Yanhui know that you are doing these things?

Is he also with you? "

"Qiao Yanhui?" Tao Li sneered coldly and scolded with disdain: "That idiot really thinks that he is an instructor and a police officer, and everyone will salute him!

That guy is just as pretentious and virtuous as you!

As everyone knows, in our eyes, he is just a fool!

With just a little trick, he can be fooled around, hiding everything and knowing nothing! "

Xu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiao Yanhui has an unpleasant personality and is very dignified in the detention center. If he violates the rules, the punishment will be quite severe.

Xu Qing is also famous for being prickly, so there is unlikely to be less conflict between the two.

But although Xu Qing hated him, she didn't want him to collude with Tao Li and the others.

Because he is a policeman.

In Xu Qing's eyes, this is a sacred profession, and he does not allow anyone to smear it.

Especially the police themselves.

Fortunately, Qiao Yanhui had nothing to do with these things and was kept in the dark.

Xu Qing's view of him was not so extreme.

"I told you to stop!" Tao Li pointed at Xu Qing and cursed: "I told you, stop right there!

Kneel down and crawl over here!

Kowtow to me and admit your mistake!

Otherwise, I will never let you go there comfortably tonight! "

Xu Qing seemed to have not heard anything and scolded her with disdain: "You want me to kneel down for you?

Do you still want to kowtow and admit your mistake?

Tao Li, do you really think of yourself as a dish?

Do you want to show your virtue by peeing?

Are you worthy?

Do you think you have control over the situation when there are many people?

If a waste leads a group of waste, that is also waste!

understand? "

Tao Li's face turned green with anger!

In Zhuoli Training Center, with her relationship with the deputy director and her power, no matter who they were, they would only respect and fear her.

No one has ever taken her so seriously.

This 1085 looked down on her from the first day he came in.

Originally, she brought a few people to challenge 1085 in the big restaurant, hoping to give her a showdown.

I never expected that on the first day I came in, this woman would hit her elder sister on the head!

It made her lose face in front of so many people!

Until now, Tao Li hated this woman with all her heart.

Several times he tried to deal with her harshly, but was stopped by the director.

Because I heard that this woman's background is quite big. Once something happens, even the director will have a hard time explaining her.

Despite the fact that the director usually doesn't care about anything, all matters big and small are left to Zhao Nianbo and Hou Youming to handle.

But that doesn't mean he's a puppet.

The financial power of the retreat was firmly in his hands.

Anyone who causes trouble for her and delays him from making money is his enemy!

This made Tao Li hate and fear Xu Qing.

But today, Brother Zhao has given her an order. This Xu Qing must be dealt with.

Because she might spoil something big!

That's why she brought so many people.

Unexpectedly, at this time, that bitch still looked down on her and was not afraid at all!

Then see what else you can do!

Big background?

I subdued you, tortured you until you were half dead, and then injected you with a shot of that drug to turn you into a delirious fool!

When the time comes, just say that you are an addict and have damaged your brain, and that all the people in the rehabilitation center are my mother's people, and they all have the same tone.

What can you do about your background?

Even if you are still alive, what is the difference between you and the dead?

She gritted her teeth, waved her arms to the people around her, and shouted:

"Fuck her! Hit her!

Whoever hits her first, starting from tonight, I will give her a pack of cigarettes every day for a week! "

These women are proficient in both tobacco and alcohol.

When addiction sets in, if you can't get enough of it, you can still take care of things by smoking a cigarette.

Therefore, cigarettes are a hot commodity in the rehabilitation center. Not only are they expensive, but the supply is also very small.

It doesn’t mean you can buy it if you have money!

So this reward is indeed very tempting.

A group of women screamed and rushed towards Xu Qing.

But suddenly everything stopped and stepped back step by step.

Tao Li yelled: "What the hell are you doing? Come on! She's the only one, and that's an unimportant foreign waste. We have so many people, what the hell are we afraid of!"

She separated the crowd and rushed to the front.

But when I saw Xu Qing not far away, my scalp went numb instantly!

I saw the lunatic holding a ignition stick in his hand and pressing it constantly.

The sparks on the tip of the stick were flickering.

The key is that although it is far away from the restaurant, you can still smell it.

This means that the valve is not closed at all!

So sooner or later those gases will float over, not to mention flames, even a spark may explode instantly!

Tao Li backed away and said loudly: "Don't be afraid! It's okay at this distance!

She just wanted to scare people and didn't dare to light a fire!

Along the way, stop her and grab the ignition stick!

Whoever stops her will give her two packs of cigarettes a day! "

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man!

A group of women are also willing to risk it. The temptation of two packs of cigarettes a day is too great.

Even if you can't smoke them all, you can make a lot of money by selling them one by one!

Many people's hearts were turned upside down and they rushed towards Xu Qing again.

But at this moment, there was no fear on Xu Qing's face, and he even had a mocking smile. He turned to Eve and said, "Did you hear what I just said?"

Eve, who was already soaked, nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice, and said to Xu Qing:

"I heard it! But do you really want to do that? I'm afraid that if it happens, we will also..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xu Qing said with a smile: "This is our only chance!

If that kid is smart enough to see my previous hints, then I can take you out alive!

Otherwise, your fate will be the same as 1169!

Get ready, bang! "

With Xu Qing's loud shout, the ignition stick in her hand was finally completely ignited.

Then the next second, she threw her arm back!

The ignition stick spun and flew towards the door of the restaurant. At this moment, the hair on everyone's body stood up!

At the same time, Xu Qing and Eve knocked open the door next to them.

Tao Li screamed in horror: "Quick..."

Before the word "Run" could be shouted out, a terrifying explosion sound came from the direction of the large restaurant!

A bright light flashed in her pupils, and they expanded rapidly!

The fire roared, some people were caught in the fire, and more people screamed and ran toward the stairs!

Fortunately, because of the pursuit of Xu Qing and Eve, the large iron doors in each corridor were open and not locked.

Otherwise, everyone will be trapped in the corridor, and the consequences will be even more disastrous!

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