Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2069 If you can’t figure it out, you don’t have to come back.

The entire monastery was in chaos, countless people ran down the stairs, and the large playground was crowded with men, women, and children.

Looking at the thick smoke billowing above the main restaurant, everyone turned pale with fear!

Fortunately, it was not a gas pipe, but only gas cylinders. Otherwise, we don’t know how far it would have been affected.

Even so, the fire and momentum in the kitchen now are scary enough!

Zeng Heng ran downstairs in embarrassment, looked at the thick smoke upstairs, and cursed angrily at Zhao Nianbo and Hou Youming:

"How could this happen? You bastards, I told you not to make such a big deal, but you just didn't listen!

Damn it, do you want me to close the door?

How will I explain to Officer Qiao when he comes back from the police station? "

Hou Youming felt aggrieved, but did not dare to say anything.

Zhao Nianbo's face was ashen and he looked at the crowd.

All the administrators were dispatched and everyone was maintaining order.

What's better than prison is that everyone who comes here has paid in advance.

So many people have no idea of ​​​​escape.

Although most of them are forced to come here, they are not willing to do so.

But after living here for a long time, I realized that staying here is much better than being outside.

Once the addiction sets in, there are medicines to curb it.

There is nothing outside, so I can only hold on tight.

If you want to find drugs, if you find them, you will be severely punished!

And as the police crackdown becomes more and more intense, there are fewer and fewer channels for obtaining drugs outside, making it difficult to buy them!

So even if everyone is downstairs now, the administrator can't take care of them at all, and there are not many people who want to escape.

Tao Li stumbled over and said to Zhao Nianbo with a sad face:

"Brother Zhao, that woman is absolutely crazy!

She dared to open the gas tank in the kitchen and..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Nianbo, who had nowhere to vent his anger, waved his hand and slapped her hard on the face with a big mouth!

Tao Li was also stunned by being slapped in front of so many people.

She looked at Zhao Nianbo in disbelief, looking embarrassed and angry!

"Why did you hit me! It wasn't me who burned it, I almost died in it too!

It was you who asked me to catch her, and now if something happens, you blame me!

The person who was talking sweetly last night is now falling out..."

Before she could finish speaking, Zhao Nianbo grabbed her collar with one hand, pointed the other hand at her face, and slapped her seven or eight times back and forth!

Zeng Heng shouted from the side: "With so many people watching, don't you think I'm embarrassed enough?"

Only then did Zhao Nianbo stop, gritted his teeth and stared at Tao Li angrily and cursed:

"If you can't control your mouth anymore, I will kill you!

Useless trash, so many people have ruined everything for you, what else can you do?

Don't think that I can't do anything without you.

Is it difficult to find someone to help me here?

Do you think no one can replace you? "

Tao Li covered her face and remained silent.

This is what worries her the most!

In order to hold this thigh, she would do anything for a man at this age who could be her father.

But once these thighs no longer belong to her, she will not survive more than three days here!

She offended too many people!

Even among those who called her sisters, many hated her.

She is very self-aware about this!

In order to ensure her position, Tao Li glanced at the door of the building where people were still running out, and said to Zhao Nianbo:

"Brother Zhao, I'm going in now and I must catch those two bitches!"

She turned around and said with a gloomy face to the sisters beside her: "Let's go upstairs!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Nianbo shouted from behind.

Tao Li stopped and a smile appeared on her bleeding mouth.

I know you, this old man, still care about me.

It's so dangerous, you're not willing to let me go up there, are you?

She turned around and looked at Zhao Nianbo lovingly.

But I heard the man say in a gloomy voice: "If you can't handle it, you don't have to come down, just die on top!"

Tao Li was stunned, as if a bucket of ice water had been poured on her whole body, she was as cold as head to toe!

Xu Qing pulled Eve to stand up, feeling a burning pain in her back.

Still underestimated the power of these gases.

All the cylinders are opened, and once they are ignited, it is like detonating a bunch of bombs!

The moment the fire came over, the clothes that had been deliberately wet were dried!

The clothes on their bodies were instantly ignited. Fortunately, the two of them were rolling on the ground and there was not much gas entering the room, so they escaped.

People in the whole building were rushing downstairs. Xu Qing was not in a hurry and took Eve downstairs with everyone.

When we were about to reach the door of the building, the people in front suddenly slowed down and moved to both sides.

Tao Li led a group of women and stood menacingly not far in front with a rubber stick.

She stared at Xu Qing with eyes like a poisonous snake, raised her stick and gritted her teeth and cursed:

"Even if the god of heaven comes here today, I can't save you!

You stinky cousin, I’ve suffered so much from you! "

A disdainful sneer appeared on Xu Qing's face, and he raised his fingers at Tao Li in an extremely provocative manner!

Tao Li knew that she had to take action no matter what this time, otherwise her position would be lost!

She shouted: "Come together!" Then she rushed towards Xu Qing desperately!

Just when she swung the rubber stick and hit Xu Qing, the opponent in front of her suddenly bent down and avoided the blow.

The next second, the other party had already circled behind her.

When her hair tightened, Tao Li felt like her entire scalp was about to be torn off!

She screamed in pain, and then she was thrown into the air!

Xu Qing grabbed Tao Li's hair and gave her a big back slam!

With a bang, she hit the ground hard!

The people nearby all yelled and looked at this scene with horrified expressions.

Xu Qing stepped on Tao Li's head and crushed her on the ground hard. He pointed at the people around him without saying a word.

But the meaning is obvious.

If you dare, this is an example!

Your fate will be the same as hers!

They were originally just a bunch of people who bullied the disadvantaged by relying on their large numbers.

Now if you meet someone who can hit like that, no one would want to be a target!

Seeing that these people were all cowed, Eve also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a group of heavily armed administrators rushed in from the door of the building!

What they were holding in their hands was not rubber batons, but electric batons!

Moreover, each man held a riot shield and rushed towards Xu Qing.

These two women must be dealt with after Qiao Yanhui comes back, otherwise many things will be difficult to explain!

So now even Zeng Heng was a little anxious and angry, and directly sent an administrator to deal with these two people.

Xu Qing picked up the rubber stick from the ground, kicked Tao Li away, looked at the administrators, and rushed over!

You cannot be surrounded by these people, otherwise you will have no room to resist.


The rubber stick hit the shield hard, making a muffled sound.

Then she kicked the shield in front of her, and the administrator holding the shield fell to the ground on his back!

But other administrators rushed forward!

They didn't even take action, they just hit me with their shields!

Xu Qing was squeezed in with a shield, and there was a companion behind each person pushing him hard!

The space Xu Qing was squeezed into became smaller and smaller, and finally he couldn't move at all!

An electric baton was stretched out from nowhere, and with a sizzling sound, Xu Qing's whole body became as straight as a wooden stake.

When everyone around her moved away, she fell to the ground with a thud!

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