Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2080 How did I become the richest man?

Since Xu Qing also had this intention, Chen Xin'an complied with her request.

It would also be good for her to go out and relax.

The physical addiction has been given up.

What is really difficult to get rid of is psychological.

Going out for a lap and diverting her attention will also have a positive effect on her psychology.

But Qiao Yanhui was dumbfounded. He glared at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Going abroad? You are staying well at home. Why go abroad?

What's happening abroad is that it's still so dangerous!

How long will you be out for?

still coming back? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Qiao Yanhui was so aggrieved by the rebuke.

Chen Xin'an just ignored him and told Xu Qing if she could!

To be honest, if this guy was interested in Xu Qing, Chen Xin'an wouldn't object.

Anyway, Xu Qing is old, almost thirty, and he is not married yet. He acts like a tomboy all day long, giving the second grandfather and second grandma a headache.

Ever since Chen Huang and Mu Jinrong were accepted by Chen Xin'an, they have become grandpa and grandma.

Xu Huaqiang and Chi Rui became the second grandfather and the second grandmother.

There is no distance in relationship, they are all close relatives.

Now that the old couple has made further progress in their careers, the biggest regret in life is that Xu Qing, the granddaughter of the family, has not yet married.

Qiao Yanhui is a good guy. Although he is a bit rigid, he is still very reliable.

It's just that he's a little too timid when it comes to the relationship between men and women.

You don't take the initiative to do this kind of thing, and you still want to let other girls go to you first?

What, you have a big head?

Since you can't take that step, then you deserve to be a bachelor!

My family, Chen Xin'an, is in good condition in all aspects and is in demand everywhere.

If you don’t take action, there’s no point in crying if someone else takes it away!

No longer paying attention to this guy, Chen Xin'an said to Sun Galuo: "Brother Luo, are everything ready?"

Sun Gallo nodded and said: "Five hundred grams is enough for these guys to eat several bullets!"

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said: "I don't care about others, but that Phillips, that is Austin, must be killed on the spot!

I can do it myself! "

Sun Galo shook his head and said, "I can promise you before I give him the gun.

Now that he has a gun, you don't need to do anything!

Peace of mind, listen to Brother Luo.

I don’t care if you go abroad and kill me.

But in China, especially Kyoto, if you can restrain yourself, restrain yourself.

Just because it's okay now doesn't mean it'll be okay forever.

After all, blood on your hands cannot be wiped off or washed! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and nodded vigorously.

If you are not a true friend, you will not say such things.

Although Chen Xin'an is very popular now, he can do almost anything he wants, including murder and arson without being sanctioned.

It truly belongs to the small group of people who enjoy the privilege.

But even Chen Xin'an herself couldn't guarantee how long this situation would last.

Once one day, he completely loses power, these dark histories will turn into deadly sharp knives, thrust into his heart one by one!

As night falls, Kyoto’s nightlife begins.

The bar street changed from being deserted during the day and started to become lively with the continuous influx of customers.

Because there is only one floor for business, the business model here is that every store will have tables and chairs outside the door.

Those who like to drink and chat outdoors should sit outside.

If you like to watch performances, sit inside.

Chen Xin'an was sitting at the window of the bar, where she could see people outside as well as inside without drawing any attention to herself.

Li Qi was beside him, and Sun Galuo sat opposite him.

On the small stage, Austin held a guitar and sang a foreign song.

I have to say that although this grandson is scumbag, the hardware is really good.

He looks like a handsome guy, plays the guitar well, and has a good voice.

Scatter your long hair down, put a bench on the stage, and play and sing by yourself with your guitar.

The melancholic temperament of his cigarette voice was enough to attract the attention of all the women present.

It is precisely because of his performance that the popularity of Black Rose is higher than that of other bars around it.

Now Chen Xin'an has figured out that the boss of this gang is not the boss of Black Rose.

At least when it comes to sideline business, he always follows his lead.

A tall foreign man with a red face as if he had drunk too much wine came over, holding a fruit plate in his hand and said with a smile:

"Three distinguished guests, this is a small fruit plate presented by our store. Please enjoy it. Your friends will be here soon!"

Li Didian nodded and said to him: "Thank you!"

Sun Galo calmly pushed a handbag forward by the window.

The foreigner put down the fruit plate but did not leave. He looked at Chen Xin'an with a smile and asked, "I have a question for Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an frowned. He had never told anyone here what his last name was.

But now, this foreigner calls him Mr. Chen, which means he already knows his identity!

Chen Xin'an didn't panic, looked at him calmly and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

The foreigner said with a smile: "I want to know, Mr. Chen is obviously the boss of Anhao Group, why did he become a drug seller again?"

Li Qi and Sun Galuo on the side immediately tensed up, looking like they might take action at any time.

It’s not good to be too famous. You’ll be recognized easily!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "Is it weird? Otherwise, how do you think my Anhao Group was established?"

The foreigner smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, does he think that we are fools?

Who doesn't know that you, Chen Xin'an, are from the police?

Maybe these two people around you are police officers?

I'm afraid the goods you want to take out were also seized by the police and used as fishing bait, right? "

The expressions of Sun Galuo and Li Qi have changed.

I really didn’t expect that I would be exposed so quickly!

How else is this going to work?

Everything was revealed and the plan was ruined!

Looking at the expressions of these two people, the foreigner showed a proud sneer on his face.

Everything is under his control, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes.

Old fox!

Chen Xin'an cursed in his heart and curled his lips and said: "As expected of the Lucas family, which has been able to open a store in China for twelve years. Their cautious business philosophy has been achieved to the extreme."

The foreigner's face froze, he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and said, "How do you know I am..."

If Chen Xin'an knew his name, foreigners would think it was nothing to make a fuss about.

It was time to do business with the people below him. No matter what the purpose was, he, as the boss, couldn't stay out of it.

So it is natural to investigate him.

But his family has never revealed it to anyone. How did Chen Xin'an know?

Seeing the panic on his face, Chen Xin'an curled her lips.

Do you think you are the only one who can check?

My team is no worse than yours!

Since I want to deal with you, why don't you let people around you investigate you, the boss?

Du Yunyan checked for an hour and found out the background of this guy named Toby.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "It's just that you seem to have made a mistake.

I have never been a member of the police, and I have never done anything for the police.

When I do business, I have one rule: only for myself! "

Toby frowned and said nothing.

Now he doesn't look like he has everything under control, because he doesn't know how much Chen Xin'an knows about him.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Do you think I can become the richest man in Kyoto in just two years because of Anhao Group?

you are wrong!

You don’t know my real money-making business.

What you see now is just one of them! "

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