Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2081 Not a fuel-efficient lamp

Hidden dragon and crouching tiger in Kyoto.

Some people are here to kill everyone, and some people are here to feel sad.

But no one has ever been able to rise to the top and become the richest man in Kyoto in just two years like Chen Xin'an, who was almost a son-in-law of the Ning family!

Strictly speaking, everything Chen Xin'an did to become famous in Haidong was to help his wife and help the Ning family become an upper-class wealthy family.

He really started working on his own business only after he came to Kyoto.

Many people have studied his fortune for a long time, but none of them have understood where his money came from!

So what Chen Xin'an is saying now is very convincing!

Toby stared at Chen Xin'an, then grinned, shook his head and said: "Mr. Chen, if I were one of those idiots, I might believe what you just said.

But I know you are not. I can say with certainty that Mr. Chen should be a red-top businessman in China, and there is no way he can sell such things! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked gloomy.

Isn't this old fox easy to trick?

And he revealed Chen Xin'an's true identity in one sentence!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Li Qi and Sun Galuo.

He wanted to find a suitable opportunity and take action directly.

Li Qi and Sun Galuo nodded and looked upstairs.

Seemingly sensing the murderous intent from the other side, Toby quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "Actually, just continue to do whatever Mr. Chen wants to do.

Those just now were just my guesses.

I didn't tell anyone else! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Toby with squinted eyes and said nothing.

What does this old fox mean?

Toby stopped his smile, sat next to Sun Galo, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Actually, Mr. Chen is doing me a favor by being able to get rid of these guys.

And I only have one purpose for saying this, I want to cooperate with Mr. Chen! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Toby expressionlessly and said lightly: "Cooperation? What can you and I cooperate with?"

"Peroses is our common enemy!" Toby said angrily:

"Since Mr. Chen can find out that I am a member of the Lucas family, he will naturally also know about the grudges between our Lucas family and Pelosi.

Although we are now in a cooperative relationship, Pyrosis is actually annexing our Lucas family's industry bit by bit.

If they are not eliminated, our Lucas family will exist in name only! "

Although Chen Xin'an found out the identity of the Black Rose boss, he did not conduct an in-depth investigation into his family.

But listening to his tone, you can get a rough idea.

As for the authenticity, this is easy to handle. Just ask Yunyan to check the external network, and you can search for many clues.

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone and sent her intention to Du Yunyan in a message.

His expression was still calm, he looked at Toby and said, "You may have misunderstood.

I do have a grudge against Pyrothys.

But as long as it doesn't come to trouble me, I won't provoke it when I'm full.

So what can you get from working with me? "

Toby smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "It is safe to stay in China and do business.

I know that Mr. Chen is the owner of Maoping New District.

The Lucas family is in the Michilla catering business.

I want to open the largest five-star Michela hotel in China in Maoping New District!

If Mr. Chen can give me this opportunity, the Lucas family will be your most loyal friends! "

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It seemed that he was about to go to the Eagle Flag Country and did not go out for a walk.

If all the owners of this small bar know about this, then if you go to the Eagle Flag Country, everyone will know about it. Isn't that equivalent to throwing yourself into a trap?

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Toby and asked, "Lucas wants to invest all his business in China?"

"Yes!" Toby nodded, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Because only here can we escape the fate of being annexed by Peroses.

Or even get rid of them completely!

The Lucas family is just a group of businessmen and does not want to get involved in other grudges.

In no other country is it as safe as in China, where you can even enjoy preferential treatment with official support.

This is a paradise for businessmen.

But I know very well that even if I'm thousands of miles away, I can't completely get rid of Pegasus.

Like now, they're sending a lot of people.

Only Mr. Chen can eliminate them.

And no doubt will come to my head.

In this way, our Lucas family can transfer all our funds to China and do business safely. "

The phone was vibrating, and Chen Xin'an looked at the email.

Du Yunyan sent some information about the Lucas family from the Internet.

You don’t know this by looking at it, and you’re shocked when you look at it.

The development history of Pegasus is a history of bloody plunder.

Lucas is one of those victims.

It originally belonged to the ranks of the first-class wealthy families in the Eagle Flag Country.

After five years of hard work with Peroses, and at the cost of three generations of family heads being assassinated, and the death of twelve elite members of the family, we finally signed a cooperation agreement with Peroses.

But such cooperation is actually a merger.

Michila Restaurants and Hotels have significantly reduced their closures around the world, and the remaining ones have all become Pegasus' strongholds in various countries.

Just like the Mira Hotel in China, the actual controller is not a member of the Lucas family, but Peroses.

Toby, the purebred heir to the Lucas family, can only hide in Kyoto's bar street and open a small bar with only a few dozen square meters.

Even so, there is still no escape from the use of Pyroses.

So Toby dreams of reviving the Lucas family and getting rid of Pelosi completely.

Now that he met Chen Xin'an, he felt that an opportunity had come.

What Du Yunyan sent made Chen Xin'an realize that what Toby had just said to him was true.

But Chen Xin'an is not a fool, and he has no interest in being used as a weapon by others and making wedding dresses for others.

These foreigners, each one is sweeter than the other when they use you, they will praise you to the sky.

Once the goal is achieved, he will immediately turn his back on you!

Chen Xin'an has never been used to foreigners, let alone cooperation. She has always taken advantage of herself.

He looked at Toby with a smile, nodded and said, "Cooperation is okay, but I have a condition."

Toby felt happy. As long as he could catch up with Chen Xin'an, he would have no one to fear in Kyoto!

He looked at Chen Xin'an eagerly and said, "Mr. Chen can put forward any conditions, and I will do my best to satisfy them!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, pointed at Sun Galuo beside him and said: "This person's surname is Sun, you can call him Mr. Sun.

My idea of ​​expanding my business to the bar street is no longer a day or two.

So I need to know, how many people here are selling these things.

There are any stores!

You tell him what you know.

Whether our cooperation is superficial or in-depth depends on how detailed you say it is!

If you show enough sincerity, I will protect you with corresponding sincerity.

But if you are afraid of offending others, you just want to take advantage.

Then I'm sorry. When the time comes to send Josés to deal with you, don't blame me for not helping! "

Toby's face stiffened.

It’s not even a fuel-efficient lamp!

He wanted to use this guy to get rid of Pelosi.

Could it be that the other party was using him to achieve their own goals?

This makes him a spy and a public enemy of the entire bar street!

Once he says it out, the entire bar street will usher in a big purge.

And he is the traitor, turning the people away from their relatives.

There is no other way to survive except to rely on Chen Xin'an!

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