Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2087 It’s time for a mistress in the house

According to Luo Qianxue, it was not easy for this child to go from conception to birth.

It can be said that after many twists and turns, it is like having a big dream.

So she named her daughter Luo Meng.

Luo Xiaoman was very dissatisfied.

Doesn’t my Lobos sound good?

I originally wanted to stick to my point of view, but after being slapped by Luo Qianxue, I finally stopped.

Today is Xiao Mengmeng’s full moon wine, and it’s scheduled to be at Hongyun Tower.

After work, Li Qi drove over to pick up Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

I originally thought I didn't need to pay attention to Sister Qing, Zhou Zhi and the others, since I had a car after all.

Unexpectedly, several women all ran downstairs, got into Mr. Long, and came to ride in the car.

The reason is that I will definitely drink later and stop driving.

There was no other way, so Chen Xin'an had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat.

The back seat was reserved for a group of women.

An arch has been set up at the entrance of Hongyun Building, it seems there will be a banquet tonight.

Lin Guoping hired a good team of chefs and launched several specialty dishes that are popular in Kyoto.

After Wang Yi’s promotion, Hongyun Building is now an Internet celebrity restaurant that is packed every day.

The Guan brothers and sisters basically stay in Hongyun Building now, and Ning Xiruo deliberately asked them to learn to manage the restaurant.

Anyway, there are no dangerous missions now, and there is no need for the brother and sister to follow Ning Xiruo all the time.

Hongyun Building’s business is now very good, and it is often full at meal time.

And the private rooms need to be reserved in advance.

Luo Xiaoman found it troublesome and the air was not good in the private room, so he simply set up three tables in the hall.

This guy just wants to show off and let more people see his precious girl.

Hearing a few more words of praise, he felt as happy as if he had eaten two pounds of honey.

The car had just parked, and Master Luo and Luo Zheng had just gotten out of the car.

Seeing the group of beauties on Chen Xin'an's side, both father and son's eyes sparkled as if they were electrified.

After returning from Qingxi, the relationship between father and son has eased a bit.

Although they can't be said to be close friends, they are not like enemies like before, fighting each other when they meet.

Chen Xin'an seriously suspected that Luo Zheng was willing to ease the relationship with Master Luo more than 90% of the time because of the courtyard house in Shen Qiao Hutong.

Although it is nominally the property of his father, Master Luo, but when this old man dies, won’t it fall into his hands?

If the old boy becomes angry and makes a will to give this property to others, it will be a big loss!

Besides, although the father and son both dislike each other, they are biological father and son after all.

Anyone who gets hurt will cut off the ties of family ties. It’s just that both of them are dead ducks, so they’re just tough-talking!

What further enhances their relationship now is that they all live in the courtyard house in Shen Qiao Hutong.

By living together like this day and night, the relationship has really eased a lot.

Seeing the beauties all going to the trunk to get gifts, the father and son quickly went to help!

"Ah Qing, leave it to me! Let me do this rough work!"

"Sister Xiao Zhou, give me such a big box, how can you lift it? Oh Rongrong, give me this box and just wipe Brother Zheng's sweat!"

Chen Xin'an came over angrily and cursed: "Go away, go away! Both of you came here empty-handed, how shameless are you?

Come here to give me a gift, but you guys can’t think of it! "

The purpose was revealed, and the father and son immediately blushed.

Luo Zheng cursed angrily: "Boss, who are you looking down on! We just don't like to prepare these vulgar things!

Do you think my good niece can play with these toys and clothes? Can I wear it?

We will pay you directly! "

"That's it!" Master Luo showed off and took out a red envelope from his body.

Luo Zheng said with a proud look: "Did you see it? It's bulging, this is what you want!"

Chen Rong covered her mouth and said with a smile: "You are just pretending to be a piece of money, right?"

Luo Zheng covered his chest and said: "Sister Rong, if you misunderstand Brother Zheng like this, Brother Zheng will be sad.

There are brand new hundred dollar bills inside!

When it’s your birthday, Brother Zheng will also give you a red envelope! "

"I don't care!" Chen Rong blushed and pouted.

If it were someone else who dared to flirt with his sister like this, Chen Xin'an would have slapped her away.

But for Master Luo, father and son, Chen Xin'an was speechless.

They both have the same character, they are talkative and flirt with everyone, but when it comes down to it, one is more timid than the other!

A group of people walked into Hongyun Tower and were greeted by a woman wearing a cheongsam with flowers on her face.

There was a little girl following next to her, holding a tray with candies and wedding cigarettes on it.

Master Luo's eyes widened as soon as he saw this charming woman.

The woman came over, grabbed a handful of candy, put it into Master Luo's hand, and said with a smile:

"Welcome, welcome! If you're interested, please sit inside! Drink more later, you're welcome!"

Master Luo took her hand and looked at her, nodded and said, "Okay, okay. You belong to the child..."

"I am your baby's grandma!" the woman said with a smile, "You are..."

Master Luo held her hand tightly and said, "I am the baby's grandpa!"

The woman's expression froze.

Master Luo said excitedly: "Don't you think this is a coincidence? We are actually a couple!"

"Who are you married to?" The woman withdrew her hand, glared at Master Luo and cursed:

"Are you sick? Who are you? A shameless old thing!"

Master Luo said with an innocent look: "Why are you swearing? The child really calls me grandpa, and you are her grandma. Are we not a couple?"

Luo Zheng covered his face on the side, pushed him and said: "Wrong! My brother and sister-in-law are over there, and this is another family!"

Master Luo turned his head and looked at Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianxue sitting at three tables by the window, and knew that he was in the wrong place.

The woman cursed angrily: "You are from that family that has been doing this for a long time, why are you coming to our place?

At first glance, it seemed that he was not from a wealthy family, so he set up three tables!

What kind of people are coming here? They are so empty-handed that they are not even willing to buy gifts!

If we had known there would be people coming to celebrate the occasion, we would have booked the entire first floor!

Just these three tables, you can finish them at home! "

She had been waiting for a long time, but the old man had no intention of paying for the gift. She was still a little surprised, but she didn't expect that she was in the wrong place.

It would be strange not to be angry if you talk back and talk to her to gain advantage!

This old man is still wearing braids at his old age, which is not a good thing at first glance!

Master Luo was unhappy and said with a straight face: "Sister, you can't blame me for this!

We are old acquaintances.

You haven't forgotten that I deliberately disowned me, have you?

Otherwise, why would you run over and hold my hand as soon as I walked in? You were so enthusiastic?

Besides, it doesn’t matter even if you really forget me, we can all make friends again!

Don't be angry, come on, eat some candy! "

The woman was almost mad to death. I gave you all these sweets just now!

I didn't get the gift, but even gave away a handful of candies, and was yelled at by the old guy and the girl for a long time. What a big loss!

I wanted to get the candy back, but I thought it was too stingy.

The woman rolled her eyes and turned to leave.

If you say anything more to this old man, you are just trying to find trouble, and you don't even bother to pay attention to him!

Watching the woman walk away, Master Luo said with regret: "Sister, why don't we chat for a little longer?"

The woman ignored him at all and walked quickly to the door to greet the guests.

Master Luo shook his head with regret and walked to the three tables by the window.

Luo Zheng scolded him with a look of disgust: "You really don't have taboos, you are so old!"

"Old? Where are you old?" Master Luo curled his lips, shook his head and said, "Boy, you don't understand!

She is really an old acquaintance of mine!

I didn’t expect that at this age, she is still a mature woman, and her charm is still there!

It’s time for our house to have a mistress! "

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