Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2088 Is it good to have some qualities?

Luo Zheng has no objection to this.

He nodded, touched his chin and said, "You don't have to be old, you can be young too!"

Master Luo thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's fine, I'm just afraid of embarrassing you.

If you call a woman who is only a few years older than you, mom, can you call her mom? "

Luo Zheng glanced at him with disgust, snorted and said: "What I mean is that I am looking for a young woman who can be regarded as the mistress of the house!"

Master Luo patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The banquet hasn't started yet, so I'm here to eat shit!"

Ning Xiruo has never left the little girl since she saw her. She has been lying next to the pram, teasing the dancing little guy with big eyes.

Seeing Luo Qianxue coming over with a bottle, Ning Xiruo said, "Let me feed you!"

Luo Qianxue knew she could, so she handed the bottle to her.

Ning Xiruo picked up the little guy, held it in her arms skillfully with one hand, held the bottle in the other hand to test the temperature on the back of her hand, and then tapped the little mouth with the pacifier.

The little guy hugged the bottle without any courtesy and started drinking it in big gulps.

Luo Qingqing looked at Luo Qianxue and asked, "Still no milk?"

Luo Qianxue blushed and said, "It's too little, and it's too thin.

The doctor suggested feeding me milk powder! "

Luo Xiaoman on the side shrugged and said, "I've been chewing for several days, and my mouth is sore, but it just won't come out. What can I do?"

"Get out!" Luo Qianxue was so ashamed that she wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground and beat him hard.

Luo Niu walked over blankly and said to Luo Xiaoman: "What are you doing, Uncle Man? You can do it for me when you are tired! Let me do this rough work!"

"Fuck you, uncle!" Luo Xiaoman flew over with one kick.

Luo Zhen and Luo Zheng also laughed and punched Luo Niu!

"You idiot, you want to eat shit! Is it your turn to have such a good thing?"

"You dare to take on Auntie's ideas, what use does the Luo family want from you!"

Luo Qianxue was so angry and ashamed that she couldn't hold her head up.

Luo Qingqing's face was livid, and she resisted the urge to draw a knife and slash these idiots.

Lao Xiao came over and picked up a few children who had just finished school. The older and younger children came together.

Seeing that Ning Xiruo was breastfeeding the child, Mu Caiying rubbed her hands and ran over and said, "Sister-in-law, give it to me, let me feed her too!"

As soon as he reached out his hand to hug the baby, the little guy spit out his pacifier, opened his mouth and cried loudly.

Konoha said angrily from the side: "You go away! Except for her biological mother, this little girl will recognize her as her godmother, and she will cry when anyone else hugs her!"

Ning Xiruo held the child with a doting look on her face. She really loved the child more than her own mother.

He Lijuan took Chen Duoduo, Grasshopper and Feng Zhongcheng, and sang a song around Ning Xiruo and the little guy.

The little girl looked at everyone with sideways eyes, but her little mouth kept sucking, and her face actually slowly started to smile.

"She laughed!" Mu Caiying pointed at the little one and shouted as if she had discovered a new world.

Everyone gathered around and laughed out loud at the smiling little guy drinking milk.

There was also a banquet in the hall, for the Qi family's grandson's birthday.

The arch outside the door was also placed for them.

The Qi family was once a member of the Kyoto Family Alliance and was married to the Fei family.

The Fei family in Zizhuyuan was trampled under the feet of Chen Xin'an alone, and the Fei family has never recovered since then.

Instead, the Qi family took advantage of the situation and purchased some of the Fei family's properties at low prices. Now they are considered a prestigious family in Kyoto City.

The old man of the Qi family passed away due to illness a few years ago. The old lady Yan Jiao'e was the old man's second wife. She was only forty-eight years old, but she was already a grandmother.

Today is her grandson Qi Hui's birthday. Yan Jiao'e sent out invitations and invited almost fifty tables of guests.

The entire hall on the first floor was almost occupied by the Qi family, leaving only a few tables for individual customers, three of which were filled with Luo Xiaoman's Full Moon Wine.

Don't forget that there are many guests here at Qi's house, but none of them know each other, so in terms of liveliness, it is much worse than Luo Xiaoman's!

Yan Jiao'e looked jealous!

For such a small family, there are not many guests, but there are many gifts.

What’s even more irritating is that they are making a lot of noise and noise, and everyone is sick, right?

She walked to the side with a straight face, patted the table and said to everyone:

“Hey, hey, can you guys be quiet?

You've never been to a big restaurant, right?

You're not the only family hosting a banquet here!

Can you please pay attention to the impact?

Don't disturb others, okay?

Don’t you know who is the protagonist in this hall?

I can't even bear to set up more tables for the banquet, what's there to fuss about! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, and Ning Xiruo was afraid that he would be angry, so she immediately winked.

Over there, Luo Qianxue also held Luo Xiaoman's arm to prevent him from arguing.

Master Luo came over and said with a smile on his face: "Sister, isn't this so happy!

They are all organizing drinks for children, so where is the main character and not the main character?

Besides, we don’t want to invite too many friends over.

Even my family members are sitting together to see this little guy.

Just have a meal with your kids.

If it was really a big deal, this restaurant wouldn't be able to accommodate it, right? "

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard!" Yan Jiao'e looked at him with a mocking look on her face and said:

"If you can't afford it, just say you can't afford it. What's there to defend?

What's the point of saying that there's no room for a big restaurant?

As soon as I heard this, I knew I was pretending!

How many friends do you have?

Looking at a family like yours, being able to set up ten tables is already a huge success, right?

In fact, it doesn’t matter how many tables you set up, the main thing is to have some quality.

The ye za hu huhu makes people know that the mountain cannon has entered the city at a glance.

Everything I saw was new, I had never been in a big hotel in my life!

Very incompetent, you know? "

Master Luo tilted his head and said with a smile: "Sister, I don't understand!

This family is sitting down to have a meal together. How come they are not good enough if they are happy?

Is it like you here, where two or three people sit at a table and don’t talk to anyone, so just sitting here awkwardly is considered a quality?

Big girl, if you think your place is not lively, come to our place!

It is our fate to meet again!

Treat us as a family and let’s raise our children together! "

Yan Jiao'e's lungs are about to explode!

I have never seen such a shameless man in my life!

“Who are you family with?

Who do you think is not lively here?

Not all the guests here are here, but they will all be full later. You can see if it’s hot or not!

Who has been with you?

Who do I know you are, just with your family?

What is your identity, and you still want to have a relationship with me? Do you think you are worthy? "

"Mom!" A man wearing glasses called Yan Jiao'e and said with a frown:

"Vice President Sun and Vice President Yao are here, please go and pick them up!

What's the point of arguing with people like them? You've lost your identity! "

Yan Jiao'e responded with a proud look on her face and said with a smile: "Oh, it's really a great honor for the two conference presidents to come to my precious grandson's birthday party in person!

I'll go out and greet them now!

This is a big shot, unlike some families who have just a few poor relatives who can't even afford a few tables of guests, yet they are still poor and happy here! "

As she spoke, Yan Jiao'e twisted her waist and walked away.

Master Luo stared at her back greedily, slurped his saliva, and praised sincerely: "It's so big!"

Yan Jiao'e staggered and almost tripped.

She put her hands behind her back with a look of shame and anger, as if she wanted to cover something.

Although he didn't look back, he could still feel the burning gaze behind him.

She could hardly walk, and ran towards the door as if fleeing.

He cursed through gritted teeth: "You old stinking scoundrel!"

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