Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2089 A full moon gift for my goddaughter

Two big figures seemed to have arrived in the hall, and the originally dull atmosphere finally became lively.

Xiao Mengmeng's place is still very lively.

Not only did the twin sisters come, but Lin Keer was also present in person.

It's just that they all come with sunglasses and hats, otherwise they will cause unnecessary trouble.

Everyone not only gave thick red envelopes, but also brought valuable gifts.

Strollers, baby clothes, and cribs are all available, all from famous brands.

Mr. Luo Lie simply chose a pair of gold longevity locks for his granddaughter. They were custom-made at Anhao Jewelry and were worth 88,000!

Gifts were piled into a small mountain on the empty table nearby.

Everyone was already here, Luo Xiaoman called the waiter to serve the food.

"Hey! Is this soup ours? Why serve it to them first?"

Seeing the waiter coming over with a soup pot, the man with glasses frowned and stood up and asked the head waiter.

The foreman quickly explained: "I'm sorry, sir, you and the tables next to you have the Cordyceps Buddha Jumping Over the Wall soup.

But you are on the same side, and there is still a few seconds left.

So wait a little longer. Let’s give it to these three tables first…”

Yan Jiao'e came over and said dissatisfied: "Why? Don't we pay?

If you have to wait, they will wait, we go first!

Did you know we have a distinguished guest?

Are you responsible for neglecting a distinguished guest?

I found that your restaurant really doesn’t know how to entertain guests!

They only have three tables. How much money can you make from them?

We have fifty tables, how much did you earn?

Don’t you know who should be given priority?

Can you do business? "

The foreman looked embarrassed and said to her: "I'm sorry, madam, this dish was specially ordered by the boss to be served to the three tables here first, and we dare not disobey.

If you feel it's inappropriate and want to come to your side first, can you talk to your boss?

Or if the guests at these three tables agree to wait a little longer, that’s fine too! "

Yan Jiao'e waved her hand and said, "I'm too lazy to argue with your boss! Xiaosong, go and greet the guests, and I'll talk to the three tables!"

She angrily walked over to the three tables by the window, saw the pile of gifts on the empty table at a glance, and curled her lips.

Master Luo's eyes lit up when he saw her coming, and he quickly stood up and said, "Sister, what's the matter? Come and sit down quickly, and sit next to me!"

Go to hell!

Yan Jiao'e glared at him, squeezed out a smile, looked at Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianxue and said, "Sorry, I want to ask you two for a favor.

As for the first one, we have a lot of guests over there, so we need to add another table.

So I'm asking if you can give us this empty table? "

Luo Qianxue said with some embarrassment: "There are a lot of things on this table, and if I want to give them to you, there will be no place to put them.

Can I tell the boss and ask them to add a table to you immediately? "

"If you add a table now, it will affect the guests!" Yan Jiao'e frowned and said:

"I just pulled this empty table next to me. If there are too many people at any table, just ask them to come over. It's more convenient and I don't have to trouble the boss.

What you have above is not a very valuable thing.

They just look like a bunch of knockoffs, just put them on the ground and no one will steal them! "

"How are you talking? How did you know that these are all fakes? We all bought genuine products, okay?" Xiao Jiu shouted angrily at Yan Jiao'e.

Yan Jiao'e curled her lips and said with disdain: "Okay, whether it's genuine or fake, the packaging doesn't mean it's high-end!

It’s not valuable anyway, why not just put it anywhere? "

Li Lingyu was no longer happy, and shouted at her angrily: "How do you know they are worthless? Do you know what brands those are?"

Yan Jiao'e chuckled lightly, glanced at everyone and said, "What kind of treasure can you give to a family like yours?

A few hundred dollars is already outrageous, right?

If you go to our place and take a look, there are seven or eight Wan Kou children's cars out of more than 3,000!

I can't give you a car before leaving. Anyway, it's fate to meet and have a banquet together.

It’s enough to be worth half of the garbage on your table! "

Everyone looked at each other, who gave you the courage to say such a thing?

Even Li Lingyu was so angry that she couldn't speak!

When you grow up, you can see clearly that the brand of the stroller is Duoling!

A brand even more luxurious than Wan Kou, with a car costing tens of thousands!

She was just about to give this bitch some knowledge when she heard Luo Xiaoman say with a straight face: "We won't give you a table. If you want to add a table, just ask the boss!"

Is there anything else you can do?

If not, please invite me, don’t delay our meal! "

Yan Jiao'e snorted, pointed to the waiter next to her and said:

“We also have those dishes here.

There are many people on our side, so let’s go first.

You guys can come back later! "

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "If you say you want to go first, go first..."

Luo Qianxue stopped him and said to Yan Jiao'e with a smile: "Okay! You go ahead and let's talk. It'll be fine in a while!"

Yan Jiao'e curled her lips, turned to the foreman and asked, "Did you hear that?"

The foreman turned his head and looked at the Guan brothers and sisters.

Guan Fei nodded to her, and the foreman had no choice but to ask the food delivery boy to serve the food to the Qi family first.

Yan Jiao'e said insincerely: "Thank you! But the table..."

Luo Qianxue said to her: "Okay, let's be free. I'll ask my friends to take down the things."

"It doesn't matter, I can ask someone to come over and help you get it!" Yan Jiao'e was overjoyed and hurried back to call for someone.

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Xue'er, why do you spoil her?"

Luo Qianxue frowned and said to him: "Today is my daughter's full moon. It's a happy event, so don't make it unpleasant!

Besides, the restaurant belongs to Xiaofei and Xiaodu, our family’s territory.

What good does it do us to make our guests angry? "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said: "Xue'er is right! Aman, don't worry about this, look at our daughter, how cute she is! Why are you so angry!"

Luo Xiaoman glanced at the little girl who was already sleeping soundly in the stroller, and grinned.

Luo Qiancheng snorted and said with some resentment: "Sister Xi Ruo, you said it nicely!

My niece is celebrating her full moon, and Chen Xin'an only gave her a red envelope of eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars?

My mother got more than 10,000 yuan!

You godmother is even more stingy, you didn’t give me a penny! "

whispering sound!

There was a chuckle from behind.

Yan Jiao'e came back with two people, pointed to the empty table filled with gifts next to her, and said, "Clean that table and throw the things on the ground first!"

The two young men responded and walked over to get ready to work.

Yan Jiao'e curled her lips and said: "Eight hundred and eighty is already a lot for your status, right?

How many red envelopes can a bunch of poor relatives give?

It’s hard to make back the cost of these three tables of food and wine!

Hahaha! "

"What are you talking about!" Luo Xiaoman was about to stand up as soon as he slapped the table.

Luo Qianxue grabbed his arm, shook her head and said, "Don't worry about it!"

He turned around and slapped Luo Qiancheng on the head again, scolding him: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Lingyin took out a contract from her bag and asked Ning Xiruo, "Mr. Ning, do you want to pay it now?"

Ning Xiruo said helplessly: "It's done, right? Just give it to me. I wanted to give it to you when I get home!"

Li Lingyin handed the contract to Luo Qianxue and said, "Sister-in-law Xue, this is a gift from Mr. Ning to his goddaughter."

"What is it?" Luo Qianxue asked strangely.

Li Lingyu said from the side: "50% equity of Liangmao Liquor Kyoto Branch!

Worth 6.8 million!

You have just opened an independent account, and the supervisors are you and Brother Man.

Please keep it! "

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