After coming out of Gina Mall, the three of them were carrying a lot of things, but Chen Xinan was the most relaxed, with only the backpack on his body.

Liu Xiaoyun carried a bag and said to Chen Xinan: "Assistant Chen, give these Gucci clothes to President Ning! You can't come to Tailan without any gifts!"

"Yes! I have two sets here, and President Ning should be suitable for them. Assistant Chen, you can go back and give them to President Ning. Anyway, we didn't buy them!" Zhou Zhi also handed over two bags of clothes.

Chen Xinan grinned, patted his backpack, and said to them: "What they give to you is yours, you don't need to give it to me! I have bought all the gifts for my family!"

Bought? The three of them looked at each other. Ning Ke touched his nose and said, "When the store manager and Charles were compensating Xiao Zhou and Xiao Yun, you were out for less than half an hour. Then you came back! You came and went empty-handed. What did you buy? Can you show it to me?" "Of course not!" Chen Xinan refused straightforwardly and said to Ning Ke with a chuckle, "This is a surprise. It can only be opened when you get home. No one can open it on the road!" Ning Ke looked like he was an idiot for believing you. However, he couldn't really snatch someone's backpack to see if there was really anything inside. He could only sigh and shake his head and said to Chen Xinan: "Xiao Wu, this girl, has a temper that comes and goes quickly. Sometimes she is a little bit savage to you, but since she is married to you, she will be wholeheartedly devoted to you!" Chen Xinan frowned and looked at his third uncle with some confusion: "What do you want to say?" Ning Ke looked serious and said righteously: "I want to tell you that girls need to be coaxed! Even if she becomes your wife, you can't be negligent, Instead, you should love her and cherish her even more!

Because she is the one who can accompany you for life and share the joys and sorrows with you!

A gift is not a big deal.

You can spend tens of thousands of dollars or tens of dollars, it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that even if you are thousands of miles away, you can still think of her heart! "

Zhou Zhi clapped his hands and said to Ning Ke: "General Manager Ning is right! A man who can realize this truth will definitely be a good man!"

Chen Xinan walked in front of Ning Ke, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Ning Ke, like testing a blind man.

Ning Ke was startled, frowned and glared at him: "What are you doing!"

Chen Xinan looked into his eyes and said: "I want to see who you are talking to?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm talking to you, who else can I talk to?" Ning Ke glared at Chen Xinan. He had been talking for a long time, but this guy didn't receive it?

Chen Xinan stood beside him and said with squinting eyes: "Why do you always glance at Liu Xiaoyun when you talk to me? I thought you were talking to her!"

"Puff!" Zhou Zhi laughed out loud and quickly covered his mouth.

Liu Xiaoyun's face flushed, and she glanced at Ning Ke, too embarrassed to raise her head.

Ning Ke was so ashamed that he wanted to die. He was always slow and anxious, and scolded Chen Xinan:

"You are talking nonsense here!

I have been looking at you all the time. When did you look at Xiaoyun?


Chen Xinan patted his shoulder, with an expression that said, "I understand, you don't need to explain more." He smiled and said:

"Okay, okay, I know you didn't look at her!

Anyway, you have looked at her a lot these days, so it doesn't matter if you look at her once or twice!

Let's go, the car is here, let's go to the airport!"

A very cool Rolls-Royce stopped on the side of the road, followed by four black cars. A dozen of the younger brothers got off the car, ran to Chen Xin'an and the other four, and carried their luggage for them.

Bakun opened the car door, got off the car with Ge Qingdong, stood beside the door respectfully, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Master An, please get in the car!"

Chen Xin'an was not polite, nodded, and asked Zhou Zhi and Liu Xiaoyun to get in first. Just as he was about to get in, Ning Ke grabbed his neck!

Bakun swung his fist, and Ge Qingdong also took out a dagger from his body. Both of them had a trace of cruelty on their faces.

However, Chen Xin'an secretly waved to the two of them, indicating that it was okay.

The two of them quickly put away their fists and daggers, looked away, and pretended that they saw nothing.

"Do you want to kill me? This is not the way to joke. I am still a girl. I can be shameless, but I don't want it?"

Ning Ke was so angry that his eyes and nose were almost squeezed together. He strangled Chen Xin'an's neck and cursed him in a low voice.

Chen Xinan smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, can you be more capable? If you like her, just tell her directly. What's the point of peeking at her all day? I'm helping you!"

Ning Ke blushed, loosened his arms, and said with a guilty conscience, "What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

Tsk! Chen Xinan pouted and said with disdain, "Who did you give that necklace worth more than 20,000 yuan you bought in the jewelry store just now? For your mother? For the eternal love necklace?"

Ning Ke didn't know where to put her hands. She blushed and scolded Chen Xinan, "Why are your eyes so sneaky! I was... that was..."

Ning Ke was originally an honest man and would not lie. At this moment, he was blushing and speechless.

Chen Xinan pouted. Even so, he was still pretending to be an emotional expert in front of me. He was still a novice!

"Okay, it's normal for a man to love a woman. You weren't born in ancient times, and you still need the orders of your parents and the words of a matchmaker!

Since you like it, confess it boldly. You can't let a girl take the initiative!

I can warn you, someone like Liu Xiaoyun will definitely bring it up after returning to the company.

If you don't hurry up, there will be more wolves around her by then.

You are not the only bachelor in this company!

When the time comes, if you can't protect everything, others will snatch it from you, and you will have the beauty back! "

Ning's face darkened. What Chen Xin'an said is indeed possible!

He does have a crush on Liu Xiaoyun.

Although it wasn't love at first sight, he had to admit that it was the first encounter in the elevator that made him have a deep impression of this girl.

These days of getting along, his feelings for Liu Xiaoyun are getting deeper and deeper, and he really likes her.

But he never dared to express it, because he was afraid that if he expressed his will and others didn't mean it, he would be embarrassed and he wouldn't even dare to return to the company.

But now that he heard what Chen Xin'an said, he also felt a very sense of crisis and felt that he should risk everything. Success or failure was just a matter of words!

"What are you muttering about? Why don't you get in the car?" Zhou Zhi shouted from the car, which startled Ning Ke and stopped thinking about it, pushing Chen Xin'an into the car!

This whole journey I would rather be like a monkey with its tail chopped off, looking restless.

I wanted to strike up a conversation with Liu Xiaoyun several times, but the words were already on my lips, but I couldn't say them out. I didn't even dare to look at her!

What a waste!

Seeing him like this, Chen Xin'an was worried for him. She slapped her forehead and felt a little headache. She didn't even hear what Ba Kun and Ge Qingdong said.

When the car arrived at the airport, Chen Xin'an and the four of them got out of the car. Bakun asked his younger brother to move boxes of things from the car.

Chen Xin'an's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he said to Ba Kun and Ge Qingdong: "What the hell is this?"

Ge Qingdong smiled and said: "I just said it in the car, these are some local specialties that we honor Mr. An!

You don’t have to worry, we will help you with the random consignment, and when you get there, just find someone to drive over and transport it back!

They are all Tailan rice or Tailan silk, as well as handicrafts such as sandalwood carvings! "

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