Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 210 Smiling Man in the Terminal

I came to Tailan, you guys treated me like I was here to purchase goods...

But it was hard to resist the kindness of others, and it was hard for me to refuse, so I had to let them do what they wanted.

This kind of battle naturally attracted other guests in the airport, all of whom looked over with envy and whispered to each other.

Ge Qingdong looked at Chen Xin'an reluctantly and said, "Master An, when will you come to Tailan again?"

It's not that he was acting, he was really reluctant.

Although it was just a day and a night, to him, it was like a century!

Ge Qingdong's identity and status had undergone earth-shaking changes overnight, making Ge Qingdong always feel like he was in a dream.

He also knew that all of this was given to him by Master An, and he also saw Master An's god-like strength, so he was completely devoted to Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an grinned, shook her head at him and said, "I don't know yet, but there is always a chance!

Let me make a request to you: I can’t control other people, so don’t die, both of you!

No matter how dangerous it is, save your life and then contact me. I will come to help you deal with it then! "

"I know, Master An!" Ge Qingdong was completely moved.

Ba Kun also looked at Chen Xin'an with emotion and said: "Master An, you should also take care. If there is any need for us, just call us and we will go through fire and water thousands of miles away!"

The key is that you don't die either. My energy and blood have not recovered yet. If you die, I will be finished too!

However, Chen Xin'an asked him to save his life no matter what, which still moved him a little, and he could also feel that if his life was really in danger, Chen Xin'an would really come over!

But in Tailan, who could put his life in danger? It's more like him putting others in danger!

The time was almost up, so Chen Xin'an said goodbye to the two of them and asked them to go back.

Turning around and walking towards Ning Ning and the others, there was a man in his early thirties next to him, looking at him.

Looking at Chen Xin'an's eyes, the man grinned and showed a silly smile, looking like a fool.

After passing the security check and entering the departure hall, Bakun arranged a VIP room for them, and the four of them went in without ceremony.

Originally, Ba Kun wanted to upgrade him to first class, but Chen Xin'an refused.

It’s not that I feel sorry for the money, it’s mainly because there are no more four first-class seats, and it’s not good for anyone to stay, so I might as well not go.

"Crazy!" Zhou Zhi suddenly cursed while drinking his drink and turned around on the sofa.

Liu Xiaoyun asked her strangely: "Secretary Zhou, what's wrong?"

Zhou Zhi pointed to the door of the VIP room. Her position was facing a row of seats in the waiting hall outside.

There was a man in his thirties looking over here with a silly smile on his face.

I don't know why, but his idiotic smile makes people feel very uncomfortable when they see him.

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at this person, and stopped paying attention.

"By the way, Xiao Zhou, you were in the car just now. Didn't you want to eat Tailan durian? I just saw it was sold outside!" Chen Xin'an suddenly said to Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xin'an and said strangely: "There are some inside, why do you have to go outside..."

Seeing Chen Xin'an wink at her, and then looking at Ning Ke and Liu Xiaoyun, Zhou Zhi understood what he meant and said with a smile:

"Yes, yes, I want to eat! Let's go out and buy it! Xiaoyun, you and Mr. Ning wait here for a while, we will be back soon!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xiaoyun followed Chen Xin'an and walked out without waiting for Liu Xiaoyun's objection.

"Wow, I never thought that our big star in China would be so famous in Tailan!" Zhou Zhi looked at the electronic advertisement on the pillar and said to Chen Xin'an.

Following her gaze, Chen Xin'an looked at the photo of a Chinese woman on the billboard.

She looks very beautiful, with willow eyebrows and peach blossom eyes, which makes her look very seductive.

The most eye-catching thing is her figure. Unlike these celebrities nowadays, who regard thinness as their beauty, they all look like ribs.

This woman is a little chubby, and has an exaggerated front and back curve, which completely fits Chen Xin'an's image of a beautiful woman.

Chen Xin'an touched her chin and admired it for a while.

If Ning Xiruo also had such a figure, it would be perfect...

Don't look at Ning Xiruo as a goddess in the eyes of Dongshan men.

What is a goddess? Only those who are perfect in every aspect are called goddesses.

Ning Xiruo actually has very good body proportions.

It's just that Chen Xin'an, who grew up with this old man, has a skewed sense of aesthetics since childhood, so he feels that Ning Xiruo's figure is not good enough.

"Who is she?" Chen Xin'an asked Zhou Zhi.

"You don't even know her?" Zhou Zhi looked at a country bumpkin and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chinese Sanqi star Lin Ke'er has many fans! Mr. Ning and I do too!"

Chen Xin'an pouted, with a look of understanding, and then shrugged his shoulders. He has never been star-struck.

The two of them walked around casually and came back, bought some peeled durian meat, and felt that time was almost up. They had said everything they needed to say, and they were ready to go to the VIP room.

At this moment, there was a commotion on the seat not far away. A big fat man stretched out his big chubby hand and slapped someone on the face!

"Let's start a fight!" Women all like gossip, and Zhou Zhi is no exception. He pulled Chen Xin'an's sleeve and ran over there.

A tall, fat man with a thick Haidong Luocheng accent grabbed a man by the collar, slapped him in the face, and cursed:

"Don't you dare laugh again! Do you believe that I will slap you to death?"

Damn, if you don't walk on such a wide road and insist on hitting my box, are you blind?

Do you know what's in my box?

Can you afford to pay for it if it gets damaged? "

The man he caught didn't struggle or hide, and let him slap him in the face, just smiling without saying a word.

"It's that man!" Zhou Zhi covered his mouth and exclaimed.

Chen Xin'an also recognized it. The one who was beaten was the one who was sitting across from the VIP room and giggling in front of him!

This person seems to be mute, but also a bit stupid. Even after being beaten, he didn't speak or get angry. He just looked at the other person and smiled, which was really weird.

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked around. There were many people coming to watch, but no one tried to persuade them. They all looked like they were watching the fun, standing around and admiring the scene with great interest.

Seeing the big fat man raise his palm again, Zhou Zhi couldn't stand it any longer. He walked over and said to the big fat man, "Okay, stop hitting him! He didn't mean it. You don't have to be so persistent!"

The big fat man turned his head and looked at Zhou Zhi coldly, snorted and said, "Do you know what is in my box? Do you know how much you will lose if it breaks?"

Zhou Zhi said angrily: "I only know that you carry valuables with you. If you let others touch them, it means you have responsibilities that you cannot supervise!

Besides, if it really gets damaged, you can let them discuss how much compensation you should pay. Is there any need to hit someone here?

The ground police are coming over there. If you don't let me go, I'll call the police! "

The big fat man squinted his eyes at Zhou Zhi, then looked at the man in front of him, and said to Zhou Zhi with a sneer: "What's the matter? Do you two know each other?"

"I don't know him, it's just because I don't like him! He hasn't fought back, and you're not enough. So what do you want?" Zhou Zhi glanced at the fat man with an angry look.

The big fat man looked at Zhou Zhi, then at Chen Xin'an beside her, snorted, lowered his head and said to the man in front of him: "Apologise to me, or I will beat you to death!"

Unexpectedly, the man actually stood up straight and bowed to the big fat man honestly!

Now the big fat man had nothing to say. He pushed the man angrily and cursed: "Give me some extra eyes from now on!"

Zhou Zhi glanced at Chen Xin'an who was in a daze next to him, and whispered: "Let's go, let's go back, we're about to board the plane!"

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