Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2091 This is not what brothers do

Luo Lie seemed like he couldn't stand these two people anymore, so he turned to look at Yan Jiao'e and said, "Qi Shenghong is your dead man, right?

My name is Luo Lie, and I drank with him.

This is my brother. You used to play together when you were young.

Qijia Buhang has been developing well in recent years. Are you interested in cooperating with Luoning?

Now is not the time to talk about things. What happened just now is fine. We are not stingy people.

After we finish organizing the drinks for the kids, let’s find some time to chat.

You can go to my son-in-law or the master with someone who can make up your mind! "

Yan Jiao'e nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay!"

A blessing in disguise!

Luo Qianxue looked at Ning Xiruo and said with red eyes: "Xiruo, this is too... no good, Mengmeng can't accept it!

She is just one month old!

This is not good for her future growth! "

This move is worth millions. Isn’t this too outrageous?

In fact, what is more worrying is that if my daughter has enjoyed wealth and wealth since she was a child and has never suffered a loss, what will she do if she encounters setbacks when she grows up?

Ning Xiruo looked at the sleeping little guy next to her and said softly: "I will supervise her growth.

I want to give her the best education so that her body and mind can develop to perfection.

Let her live a life of carefree, smooth and happy life! "

Luo Qianxue stopped talking.

Even a little jealous.

She is obviously her own daughter, but why does her godmother love her so much more than her?

Chen Xin'an knew what she was worried about and whispered: "You two siblings are watching over there in the company.

As for the annual dividends, apart from the normal expenses, you will save the rest for Mengmeng.

From now on, our children’s education and life will be managed jointly by our two families.

Don’t worry, your child won’t grow crooked! "

Luo Xiaoman nodded, patted Luo Qianxue's hand and said, "Honey, don't worry. Xiruo just loves the child, let's work harder and have another one next year.

Maybe Lao Chen will give us half of Anhao Group.

From now on, what's theirs is ours, we're all one family, no need to be embarrassed!

Lao Chen, do you think so? "

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes and scolded him: "Get out! The table full of food can't stop you from eating it!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

The banquet between the two families has begun, and the whole hall is lively.

After drinking a lot of wine, everyone went home.

There is a century-old banyan tree in the small flower bed in the center of the Four Seasons Flower City.

Chen Xin'an, who had just returned home, called Luo Xiaoman downstairs, holding two jars of freshly brewed medicinal wine in his hands, and they buried the wine under the big tree together.

The reason why I have delayed leaving for so long is to drink up my daughter's full moon wine.

Now that the full moon wine has been drunk, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo packed their bags and prepared to go to the Eagle Flag Country.

Following along were Li Qi and Li Niandong, as well as Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi.

Du Yunyan had an international hacker exchange conference held in the Eagle Flag Country. As China's top hacker, she had to attend, so she had to follow.

Everyone else stayed at home, and the company was also short of people.

Pick up Eve early in the morning and rush to the airport.

I didn't tell everyone what time my flight was. Chen Xin'an never liked this kind of farewell scene.

It’s never too late to greet you when you come back.

But when they arrived at the airport, Chen Xinan was confused.

Luo Xiaoman and his gang actually arrived earlier than him and were waiting at the entrance of the terminal.

"Master!" Grasshopper and Feng Zhongcheng ran over together and hugged Chen Xin'an's arm.

Chen Xin'an touched their heads and said with a smile: "Wait, master will bring you the most authentic AN suit! I guarantee that none of the other students will have it!"

AN is a high-end sportswear brand in the Eagle Flag Country.

The suit includes everything from head to toe, and the lowest unit price is more than 80,000 yuan.

The limited edition ones are worth millions!

In China, due to the impact of the Luojia Luoning brand in the mid-range price range, AN sets have always been uneven.

Some students bought a pair of AN sneakers worth tens of thousands of dollars and could show them off for a whole semester.

Grasshopper and Feng Zhongcheng are ordinary families, so of course they can't afford it.

Now Chen Xin'an promised to bring them a complete set, but the two sensible children shook their heads, hugged Chen Xin'an's arms and said:

"We just want Master and Mistress to come back safely, we don't want anything!"

Chen Xin'an lovingly touched the foreheads of the two apprentices with her forehead, and extended the little fingers of both hands to them to pull the hook.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said to everyone: "You don't have to come here specially, Xin'an doesn't like a grand farewell.

You go back, you don’t need to bring anything with you, we have brought enough, we can’t take it anymore, and it’s troublesome to check it in..."

Luo Xiaoman laughed and said to her: "I didn't bring it for you, it's our own!"

"Your own? Where are you going?" Ning Xiruo was a little confused.

Luo Qianhe shrugged and said, "We will go wherever you go?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Xin'an was a little confused.

Luo Xiaoman scolded with a straight face: "Old Chen, I still want to ask you what you mean!

It's such a good thing to go to the Eagle Flag Country, you two won't take us with you?

We can’t afford to pay so much for air tickets. Can we buy the tickets ourselves? "

Chen Xin'an looked at the person holding the suitcase in front of him. He saw that every one of the four evils in Kyoto was here.

There is also a standard Eagle Flag person, Catherine!

Chen Xin'an became anxious and scolded them: "Don't be ridiculous! We all have families, why are we going abroad? Refund your tickets quickly!"

He didn't take these guys with him just because it was inconvenient.

This trip to the Eagle Flag Country is actually very dangerous.

The more people who go, the bigger the goal becomes.

For Chen Xin'an, there are more weaknesses!

Ning Xiruo also persuaded everyone: "Xin'an doesn't let you go, it's for everyone's good! In fact, we went there this time..."

Before she could finish speaking, Luo Xiaoman waved his hands and said, "Brothers and sisters, you don't have to say this. We know what Lao Chen thinks. But that's just what he thinks. I've wanted to scold him for a long time!"

He turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Old Chen, this is not what you do to be a brother!

I, Luo Xiaoman, am not well educated, but I also know eight words: share joys and sorrows, and support each other in life and death.

It's good that you haven't forgotten any brother.

Once there is danger, you want to take it all on yourself.

What does it mean?

Are we all Xiaomi under your care?

Pyrothys is in Eagle Flag Country.

The black list sent by the Killer Alliance is still hanging on the Internet.

Do you really think we don’t know what happened when you went to Eagle Flag Country?

At this time, if you don't let your brothers share the burden for you, you still have to bear it yourself?

You are irresponsible to yourself, my siblings and these friends.

Because you can't resist it! "

"And I..." Li Qi said next to him.

Luo Xiaoman glared at him and cursed with a straight face: "Aqi, as brothers, you didn't say anything!

There are not many people that I, Luo Xiaoman, can like, but you are one.

But do you know that I am very angry with you now?

Since you came, you've taken away a lot of the work that I should have done!

What do you mean, are you trying to compete for favor in front of the emperor?

Become the official palace? "

Li Qi scratched his head. This must be what happened. How come it sounds so awkward to say this from your mouth...

Xiao Zhang chuckled and said, "My luggage has been checked in, so it's impossible to refund the ticket!"

Luo Qianhe also said expressionlessly: "I'm not going with you specifically. I want to see my apprentice and get some medicine back!"

Dao Lei pointed at Catherine next to him and said, "I took her to my home during the Chinese New Year. Now I'm going to her home and pick her parents up to get married!"

When Chen Xin'an saw this situation, everyone was determined, and they shook their heads helplessly and said: "Forget it, let's go, let's go together!"

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