Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2092 I will make you regret taking this flight

No wonder I once met Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang at the entrance of the embassy.

It turns out that these guys are just there to apply for visas!

These guys, seeing that Chen Xin'an didn't bring them, secretly applied for visas themselves!

In fact, I don't want them to follow me. Besides not wanting them to be in danger, I also have a big concern.

These guys all have families or girlfriends, and they all go there for the purpose of getting married.

Leaving your wife, children and girlfriend alone and running abroad can easily lead to family discord.

But what I didn't expect was that Luo Qianxue, Wu Yan and Xiao Qin all came to see him off.

They all support their men to follow Chen Xinan abroad.

Although Qian warned and warned to be careful, he also knew that this trip would definitely be dangerous.

But they all believed that Chen Xin'an needed these brothers the most at this time.

They can't stay home just because it's dangerous.

Especially Luo Qianxue, who almost drove Luo Xiaoman away.

Anyway, my daughter will have enough food and clothing for her whole life. You are of no use at home. If she gets angry when she sees you, go and accompany your brother!

This made Luo Xiaoman very depressed.

I have been a vegetarian for a year, and this child is now one month old. I will be able to eat meat in a few days, but he was actually driven away!

After kissing her precious goddaughter, Ning Xiruo went through the security check with Chen Xin'an contentedly.

Thirteen people including Chen Xin'an, Ning Xiruo, Li Qi, Konoye Zhen, Guo Zhaodi, Li Niandong, Du Yunyan, Eve, Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, Luo Qianhe, Dao Lei, and Catherine were traveling abroad this time.

The plane is a super large passenger aircraft.

Economy class has ten seats across the board, four in the middle and three on each side.

Because there were not enough first-class seats, Chen Xin'an didn't book them. He didn't even ask for business class, so he joined everyone else in economy class.

Fortunately, for this kind of large international flight, the seats and aisles of the economy class are still a little looser than those of ordinary aircraft.

After getting on the plane, Chen Xin'an sat with Ning Xiruo, Li Niandong, and Du Yunyan.

On the right are Konoha Makoto and Guo Zhaodi.

The two of them strongly requested to follow them to the Eagle Flag Country.

At first, Chen Xin'an thought she wanted to have fun, but later she found out that these two people actually wanted to get married!

Putting aside the age issue, it is definitely impossible for them to get married in China.

But in the Eagle Flag Country, their behavior is allowed by law.

But Mou Pingxuan told them that this kind of marriage is not recognized in China and does not receive legal protection.

But the two of them felt it didn't matter.

They just want to give each other a promise and a reason to live together.

Even if someone questions it, they can still show their marriage certificate to refute it. It doesn't matter whether it will be recognized by others.

Li Qi sat in the aisle next to them, turning a blind eye to the love between the two of them, closing his eyes to rest.

In front of him were several tall and burly foreigners who spoke very loudly, as if they were angry.

There were no empty seats in the entire cabin, they were all occupied.

Among them, foreigners account for about one-third, and this is only based on appearance.

As for whether there are still big trendsetters or Da Ying people, Chen Xin'an doesn't know.

Although he was just sitting quietly, he had already subconsciously observed everything in the cabin.

Sitting by the window next to the two foreigners was a middle-aged man in his forties.

Wearing a suit and glasses, Mediterranean has a thin strand of hair on his head that sticks stubbornly to his forehead.

Before the plane took off, the foreigner next to him turned his head and said to him: "I want to lean against the window and change seats with you!"

Mediterranean said apologetically: “Sorry, my boarding pass is in this location.

And I have promised my son that I will take photos of the sea of ​​clouds to use as material for him.


The foreigner said with a straight face: "I didn't discuss it with you, I just informed you that I want to take that position.

Do you understand this time? "

Mediterranean glanced at him, smiled, said nothing, and turned his head.

The foreigner said gloomily: "I have cabin fever, so I have to sit by the window. Once I feel uncomfortable, it will make me irritable and even hit people!"

I guess you won't let such unpleasantness happen, right? "

threaten me?

Mediterranean sneered and said to him: "I am Ou Guanliang, the executive president of China Region of Huidu Technology Co., Ltd.!

Please stop your provocative behavior.

If you do this again, I will call the police over! "

The two foreigners glanced at him, with a sneer on their faces.

With a huge roar, the plane shot up into the blue sky.

After entering an altitude of 10,000 meters, the quiet cabin became lively again.

Ning Xiruo pressed her hands on Chen Xin'an's temples.

Even though she has received specialized treatment for her fear of heights, Chen Xin'an still can't get rid of the dizziness caused by the takeoff and landing of airplanes.

Li Niandong, who was beside him, said to Ning Xiruo: "The hotel has been booked and there is a very interesting name. Four Seasons Hotel, a five-star hotel.

However, the room needs to be rebooked, after all, I didn’t know there were so many people there before.

But they may not be placed on the same floor. "

Chen Xin'an raised her head and smiled: "This name is okay, I like it!"

Ning Xiruo asked, "Are you from the Golden Finger Alliance?"

This is her biggest concern.

Li Niandong shook his head and said, "No! I paid special attention to this matter, so I avoided this hidden danger!"

The so-called Golden Finger is an organization under the Golden Glove.

And it’s specifically targeted at the catering industry.

Once there is a Goldfinger logo on the store sign, you can be sure that this store belongs to Goldfinger.

Du Yunyan took out his microcomputer and said, "I'll just check this hotel."

Ning Xiruo stopped her and said, "You can't use the Internet on the plane, right? Don't cause trouble to others!"

Du Yunyan smiled and said: "Economy class has twenty minutes of free trial time, which is enough for me!"

Li Niandong nodded beside him.

Ning Xiruo stopped blocking him.

The stewardess came out with the drinks cart and poured drinks for everyone.

Chen Xin'an asked for a glass of pure water, and a group of girls all drank.

Just after finishing a glass of water, there was a popping sound next to him. Mediterranean lowered his head, looked at the water stains on his chest, glared at the foreigner beside him, gritted his teeth and shouted: "What do you mean?"

The foreigner sitting next to him wiped his mouth, looked at him with contempt and said:

"I told you, I am sick! So no matter what happens, it is beyond my control. Do you understand?"

Mediterranean turned pale with anger and cursed at him: "What's wrong with you? You did it on purpose!"

The two foreigners looked at each other and laughed as if no one was watching.

The foreigner sitting in the middle seat had a hooked nose. He was looking at the Mediterranean Sea with squinted eyes and cursed:

"Damn Chinese people, even if I did it on purpose, so what?"

The foreigner sitting in the aisle had big yellow teeth, grinned ferociously and cursed at the Mediterranean:

“If you don’t change your seat when I ask you to, then you won’t be able to feel comfortable.

If you dare to reject us, you will have to pay the price!

In these fifteen hours, I guarantee you will regret taking this flight, and even more regret rejecting us!

Damn Chinese people, you will change if you are asked, but you still dare to threaten us and call the air police?

Do you think we are afraid of this? "

Mediterranean stood up angrily and shouted to the front: "Air police, stewardess, please come here! There are two people who want to cause trouble on the plane!"

I didn’t expect that both the air police and stewardess were foreigners.

After I came over and asked about the situation, I was able to let the Mediterranean calm down and change seats with the two foreigners!

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