Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2093 Why are there animals on the plane?

In desperation, Mediterranean changed seats angrily.

I have no choice but to be targeted by these foreigners for such a trivial matter. In order to keep the trouble at bay, I can only choose to swallow my anger.

The hook-nosed man was sitting by the window, not looking at the scenery outside, but squinting at the Mediterranean Sea with a victorious look on his face.

Sitting in the middle seat, Big Yellow Ya pointed at the Mediterranean Sea without hesitation, and said a few foreign words to Hook Nose next to him, who laughed loudly.

Mediterranean's face was livid with anger. It was obvious that he could understand what the two said, and it was definitely not a good thing.

But he didn't dare to get angry.

When going out, it is better to do less than to do more. These two foreigners are tall and strong, and both of them are much stronger than him.

There is no advantage in taking action, not to mention that the staff on the plane are obviously biased towards them.

"Bach, let me tell you, I never want to go back to this hellish place in my life!

I have never hated a city so much!

Kyoto in China is my least favorite place! "

"I'm not coming back either!

These damn Chinese people raided the entire bar street!

Harry, do you know?

I once opened a store in Tailan for three years, and it was very tolerant of foreigners there.

I have a special purchasing channel, and those medicines are of the highest quality.

But after arriving in Kyoto, the environment here is really terrible.

Not only did they say they couldn't get good products, they also checked very strictly.

I hate this place so much! "

The two of them spoke without deliberately lowering their voices, and both spoke in proficient Chinese.

So what they said was heard by many people, and all the Chinese people showed a trace of anger on their faces.

Li Niandong is intellectual and capable in front of Chen Xin'an, but he is fierce and strong in front of outsiders.

When she heard the two foreigners talking there as if no one was watching, she scolded with a sullen face:

“Chinese Kyoto doesn’t need people like you to like it.

The Chinese people cannot be insulted by rubbish like you!

China only welcomes foreign friends who come here to abide by laws and regulations.

People like you, who come to China to sell drugs in the name of doing business, undermine stability and unity, and trample on the law, you are running fast even if they are not arrested!

In the future, I will return to Diversity no matter how far away I am, and there will be no need to come to China again! "

"That's it!" The Chinese people around him agreed.

Bach cursed angrily: "What are you talking about? Do you want to die?"

Harry pulled his arm, with a teasing smile on his face, looked at Li Niandong and said:

"Beautiful Miss Huaxia, please don't speak to us so fiercely.

You know, the women we met in Kyoto were all smiling when they saw us.

Although we hate Kyoto people, we are talking about men and those ugly old women.

We like young and beautiful girls like you very much!

And they also like us very much!

Don't look at me with such questioning eyes.

Only by trying it yourself can you know how powerful I am! "

Bach laughed and said: "Hahaha! I also like girls in Kyoto, they are really easy to pick up!

I thought they just liked money, but later I found out that even if you don't give me money, they are willing to be with you.

Harry, have you noticed that the girls here have strange thoughts?

They select men from their own countries and want them to be their girlfriends, who must be handsome and have a lot of money for them to spend.

But as long as you are a foreigner, these girls are eager to come to your door.

No matter you are ugly or poor, you are still delicious in their eyes.

Not only do they not refuse your love, they are even willing to spend money on you and buy you gifts! "

Li Niandong's face turned livid with anger and he yelled at them: "Shut your stupid mouth!

We in China don’t have the kind of bitches you call us!

The places in Bar Street are mostly visited by Japanese and Dongchao female students.

Only those female international students can be so shameless!

We locals from Kyoto rarely go there!

Who would blindly fall in love with you without even looking at your sheep-smelling virtues? "

Bach and Harry's faces darkened.

In fact, they really can't tell the difference between Chinese people, Da Ying people and Dongchao people.

Of course this is not the point.

No woman has ever dared to be so rude to them.

You know, in the bar street, men like them who have some financial strength and are from the Eagle Flag country are the first choice of girls, pure hotties!

"Hi!" Harry raised his eyebrows and said to Li Niandong in a frivolous tone:

"This is not the smell of sheep, this is the authentic smell of a man.

It's the smell that really fascinates women.

Unlike you Chinese men, there is no such iconic smell of men, only a disgusting stench!

If you don't believe it, we can go to the bathroom now and let you experience it for yourself.

I can guarantee you will love the taste! "

"Hahaha!" A group of foreign men around him also laughed obscenely.

Konoha, who was sitting behind the two foreigners, cursed: "Go home and let your mother smell it!

You stinks, if I sit behind you, it will be like sitting in a sheep pen!

I feel like vomiting when I see you!

Don't open your mouths to speak, you'll make the air around you stink! "

Guo Zhaodi also held her hand, fanned her nose and said, "I was just wondering why there was such a strong mutton smell.

It turns out to be the smell of these two people!

It stinks!

I didn’t see anyone, so I thought there were two animals tied up in front!

I wonder why animals are allowed on the plane?

Can you two stop talking?

No matter how bad you smell on your body, your mouth also stinks to death!

Don’t you foreigners brush your teeth?

Opening your mouth is like lifting the lid of a septic tank..."

All the Chinese people around burst out laughing.

The group of foreigners all had dark faces.

Bach and Harry were even more angry and their faces were livid.

They all stood up, pointed at the two girls behind them, Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi, and cursed:

"Fake! Shut up, you two cousins!

Believe it or not, I will smash your mouth right now? "

"Apologise! I want you to know who you are!

Otherwise I want you to look good! "

Konoha looked at them with disdain and said: "Nima is my cousin, your whole family is my cousin!

What about your identity? What do you mean by saying your identity?

You are just two unqualified and untutored beasts, and you still want me to apologize to you?

Just go away, okay? "

"Damn it!" Bach was furious. He leaned down on the back of the chair and grabbed the clothes on Konoha's chest with his right hand!

This action is really obscene!

Everyone around him exclaimed.

But before his hand touched Konoha, he was firmly grasped by a big hand!

Li Qi squinted at Bach and asked coldly: "Want to die?"

"Damn Chinese man, it's none of your business, get out of here!" Bach glared at Li Qi and tried to break free from his hand.

But Li Qi twisted his fingers hard, and with a scream, Bach's right arm was pressed against the back of the chair, unable to move.

Harry yelled angrily: "Let him go! Get out of the way!"

He lowered his head and shouted at the Mediterranean Sea beside him.

Although Mediterranean was a little reluctant, he didn't dare to offend them, so he had to get up.

Harry thought he was getting up too slowly, so as soon as he put the armrest away, he kicked him and knocked him down in the aisle!

Harry, who followed him into the aisle, stepped in front of Li Qi and punched him in the face!

"Brother, be careful!" Guo Zhaodi exclaimed.

The next second, Harry was kicked in the stomach and fell next to the Mediterranean Sea!

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