Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2095: Difficult Entry Inspection

The plane landed slowly at the Jordan City Meister International Airport in the Eagle Flag Country.

First go to the passport control point to undergo immigration inspection. Everyone waits in line, just like going through security check.

The team that was moving forward slowly suddenly stopped. Bach and Harry, who had already completed the inspection, stood at the inspection gate, pointing at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

The inspector next to him turned sideways, glanced at Chen Xin'an and others, and nodded.

One of the inspectors took out his cell phone and answered a call.

After hanging up, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said a few words to the colleagues around him.

Several policemen came over and stood at the exit where Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were.

The team continued to move forward and soon arrived at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

The inspector just took a brief look at Chen Xin'an's passport and visa, and then made a gesture for him to follow.

Just as Li Niandong was about to step forward to speak, Ning Xiruo stopped her and shook her head.

There are still many people queuing up here to check, so there is no need to waste everyone’s time.

Unexpectedly, not only Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were taken away, but Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi behind them, even Li Niandong, and the Mediterranean Sea!

Except for Eve and Catherine, all the people who had a conflict with the two foreigners on the plane were taken away.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang wanted to rush over, but Ning Xiruo turned around and waved to them.

Don't be nervous first, let's see what these guys want to do.

Several policemen were nearby, watching Chen Xin'an and Li Qi eagerly.

It seems that once they discover any unusual behavior between the two of them, they will not hesitate to draw their guns and shoot them directly!

All the way to the examination room, the two of them were very cooperative and showed no resistance.

The examination room is just a hall, separated by a utility cabinet and divided into two parts for men and women.

It's just that in the men's room, they are all men.

In the women's room, except for one female inspector, the remaining three are also men.

Everyone's carry-on luggage was thrown on the ground. The inspector asked everyone to open it, then took out all the items inside and threw them on the ground casually.

It seemed that nothing prohibited was found, and several inspectors looked unwilling.

One of them raised his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi and asked, "What are you doing in the Eagle Flag Country?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the visa on the table next to her and said, "I have clearly written it on it, it is a work visa.

Can you tell us what's wrong with our documents? "

An inspector said to him impatiently: "You just need to cooperate with our inspection. Don't talk unnecessary nonsense, let alone ask questions. Do you understand?"

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and he said nothing.

The inspector didn't want to let him go, so he walked up to Chen Xin'an, looked at him with a dark face and asked, "Do you understand what I just said?"

Chen Xin'an still looked at him expressionlessly and said nothing.

The security officer next to him smiled at the person who just spoke and said, "Haha, Bailey, it's obvious that he doesn't take you seriously!"

Bailey looked gloomy and said with a sneer: "I like this, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find a reason to deal with him!

Damn the Chinese people, I will let them know that this is the Eagle Flag Country.

If he is not honest, he will not be able to enter this country! "

While he was talking, he had already walked to the wall and took off a wooden stick with a thick wrist from the hook!

Bailey held the wooden stick in his right hand, tapped his left palm lightly, walked up to Chen Xin'an, looked at him with squinted eyes and said:

"Did you hear what I just said? Now I want you to be in my ear and answer me clearly!"

He turned his head and put his ear to Chen Xin'an's mouth, making a listening gesture.

Chen Xin'an frowned, but still didn't say a word.

Bailey raised his head and said with a ferocious smile: "Okay! I appreciate your..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Don't talk!"

Konoha shouted angrily from next door: "You are dreaming! We can't take off our clothes, don't touch me! Get away!"

"Go away and don't touch her! Are you inspectors or bandits? I don't understand what you are talking about! Stay away from Ye Zhen!"

"I want to check your work permits! I want to file a complaint against you! This is against the procedures, you are just messing around!"

The room next door was even noisier than here. Chen Xinan frowned as he listened.

But Bailey felt that this guy was obviously ignoring him, so he snorted coldly and cursed angrily: "Seeking death!"

He raised the wooden stick in his hand and hit Chen Xin'an on the head hard!

These inspectors are always very cruel!

It’s not just for Chinese people. As long as you are not from the Eagle Flag country, no matter what your status is, if you don’t cooperate with the inspection, you will be severely beaten!

In serious cases, they are even beaten to death, then thrown to the police, detained and tortured for a period of time, and then deported back to the country without being allowed to enter the country!

Of course, more people are afraid of being beaten and troubled, so they have no choice but to spend money to buy peace and choose to bribe them.

So all these inspectors are extremely rich.

What I like most is meeting those disobedient entrants.


Chen Xin'an grabbed the stick in the inspector's hand, causing everyone around him to widen their eyes in shock.

But Chen Xin'an ignored them and just listened to the sounds next door.

"Don't touch me! Let go, what do you want to do? Get away!"

"Ye Zhen, I'm scared! Uncle, come and save me! Don't pull my clothes!"

"I'm warning you to stop! I will record everything on my phone! Ah, if you dare, beat the three of us to death, otherwise I will definitely expose your behavior!"

Something happened next door!

Seemingly seeing Chen Xin'an's angry face, Mediterranean quickly hugged his arm and shouted:

"Brother, don't be impulsive!

If you dare to act recklessly here, we will be doomed!

Being kicked back is relatively minor, but if you don’t, you might end up on the entry blacklist, and you’ll never come back again in this life! "

How could Chen Xin'an care about that at this time? She pushed him away, then gave Li Qi a hint and shouted to the next door: "Get out of these cabinets!"

Before anyone could react, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi had already rushed over. Each of them kicked up the wall of the glove cabinet!

The iron cabinet collapsed and hit the floor tiles with a bang.

Several male inspectors pinned Konoha and Guo Zhaodi to the wall, still holding the clothes on their shoulders, ready to tear them down.

A female inspector and a male inspector were snatching Li Niandong's mobile phone.

Hearing the movement behind them, the inspectors were startled, let go of the people in front of them, glared at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi and cursed:

"What do you want to do? Thomas, what are you doing? Are you all dead?"

The inspectors who had just wanted to attack Chen Xin'an and Li Qi finally came to their senses!

One by one, they quickly ran to the wall, took off the weapons hanging on the wall, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

I don’t blame them for their slow reaction, it’s mainly because it’s really the first time for them to see this kind of thing!

Ordinary people come to the Eagle Flag Country and want to enter the customs. They wish to worship them like their ancestors. Who dares to be disrespectful to them?

If you cause trouble here, the consequences will be unimaginable.

This is a contempt for the entire Eagle Flag Country, and being put on the blacklist is considered a light thing.

If you dare to attack the inspector, the policeman next to you can draw your gun and kill him!

An inspector pinched Konoha's neck with one hand, pointed at Chen Xin'an with the other and shouted: "Back off! Otherwise I will..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Xin'an rushed over and kicked him away!

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