Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2096: Making a scene at the checkpoint

So what if this is the Eagle Flag Country?

If you dare to attack Chen Xin'an's relatives and friends, even the King of Heaven will have to pay the price!

The inspector who was about to tear off Guo Zhaodi's clothes saw Chen Xin'an's terrifying eyes and was so frightened that he quickly let go of his hand.

Despite this, the charging Li Qi hit him in the chest with a flying knee, knocking him to the ground!

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the people around him.

Li Qi stood beside him, stretched out his right hand, and pointed at each one.

The inspectors all let go of the woman in front of them and looked at the two people with wary expressions.

A police officer pulled out his walkie-talkie and began calling for backup.

The remaining policemen held guns and shouted to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi: "Put your hands up and don't move!"

Chen Xin'an said with a sullen face: "Get down, Ah Qi will do it!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards the muzzle of the gun!

As soon as he moved, Li Qi also moved, grabbed the inspector in front of him, and pushed him towards the policeman in front!

A group of policemen and inspectors were shocked. Aren't these two guys too fierce?

Do you dare to act recklessly even if you are pointed at a gun?

Li Niandong pulled Konoye Zhen and Guo Zhaodi to squat on the ground and quickly dodge to the corner.

But she always deliberately faced Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, always holding her mobile phone in her left hand.

Suddenly her scalp tightened, and a hand grabbed her hair and dragged her to the ground!

"Beichi! Bring over your phone!" The female inspector who was grabbing her phone just now grabbed her hair with one hand and grabbed her phone with the other.

Konoha screamed and his phone was snatched away.

The female inspector was tall and tougher than ordinary men. Two or three were not enough to deal with a woman like Li Niandong.

After grabbing the phone, she threw it to the ground, stepped on it, and crushed it several times, crushing all the parts!

Seeing that she had succeeded, the male inspector next to him raised the corner of his mouth and shouted: "oK!"

Everyone seemed to have no scruples, and everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with vicious eyes!

If you dare to cause trouble at the customs checkpoint, these Chinese people are simply seeking death!


Someone fired, but the next second, with a scream, his hand holding the gun was broken off, and the pistol fell into Chen Xin'an's hand.

However, there was actually a gun rope attached to the policeman at the butt of the gun, which was used to prevent the gun from being snatched away.

It's just that Chen Xin'an had no intention of grabbing the gun in the first place. The gun was quickly dismantled in less than a minute after it was in his hands!

He is quite slow, Li Qi is the expert in this kind of operation.

Various models of pistols were in his hands. Even if he was blindfolded, it would not take more than fifteen seconds to completely disassemble them.

Because they were surrounded by their own people, the police were wary of shooting and were constantly looking for opportunities.

It's a pity that facing opponents like Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, even if the opponent doesn't have a gun, continuous shooting can put a little pressure on these two people.

Shooting hesitantly like this did not pose any threat to the two of them!

A group of police officers did not expect that someone would dare to confront them like this at the airport!

Are these two lunatics?

Don't they know the consequences of this?

But the current situation is that these two guys are even crazier than crazy!

Even when faced with a pistol, he showed no intention of surrendering. In the blink of an eye, he knocked down all three policemen!

The remaining policeman took a step back with a horrified look on his face.

But Chen Xin'an in front of him did not take action against him, but turned around and rushed towards the female inspector!

The strong female inspector stepped on Li Niandong's cell phone but did not let go of her hair.

He raised his arm and slapped her face hard!

She has worked here for so many years, and she has never seen anyone who dared to be so uncooperative with them!

Dare you record them?

It’s simply courting death!

She wants to teach these damn Chinese people a lesson, let them know that the Eagle Flag Country is not a place where they can run wild!

When Konoha and Guo Zhaodi saw Li Niandong being beaten, they rushed over desperately and hugged the female inspector's arm.

But the female inspector was so strong that neither of them could hold down one of her arms!

Instead, she kicked her in the stomach, and she suddenly felt like a river was pouring out of her body, making her want to vomit!

Mediterranean held his head in his hands, lay on the ground with his butt stuck out, huddled in the corner, trembling all over, and kept saying:

"What are you doing! You can't do anything, you really killed me!"


There was another gunshot.

The policeman, who was originally surprised and thought he had finally seized the opportunity, shot Chen Xin'an in the back as he left!

But the scene that appeared immediately left him stunned.

The guy with his back turned suddenly grabbed him with his backhand like a prophet who predicted the future!

The bullet that was fired was actually caught by the guy who seemed to have eyes on the back of his head!

Oh, God!

is this real?

Scenes that can only be seen in movies actually exist in reality!

It was so real in front of him!

Incredible Chinese Kung Fu!

There are ordinary Chinese warriors who defy heaven!

The policeman looked at the man with his back turned, but he didn't have the courage to fire a second shot!

"Ah!" the female inspector screamed, and Chen Xin'an grabbed her braid like a rabbit's tail.

She tilted her head back and subconsciously let go of Li Niandong, trying to grab her hair with both hands.

But he was slapped on the face with a big slap!

She felt that the bridge of her nose had been smashed!

The teeth in his mouth also punctured his thick lips, and his whole head buzzed.

"Fake Squid!" The female inspector yelled fiercely, turned around and wanted to grapple with Chen Xin'an who grabbed her hair, but she didn't expect to be hit hard in the stomach again!

Her huge body of nearly 180 kilograms almost jumped when she was pushed against her. There was a pressure in her chest and she couldn't breathe!

Chen Xin'an let go of her hair and hit her back with an elbow!

The female inspector rolled her eyes, her body was like rotten wood, and she fell heavily to the ground with a bang, motionless!

At the same time, Li Qi's side had also resolved the battle. Nine of the six male inspectors and four policemen in the room were now down.

The remaining policeman held a pistol and pointed it tremblingly at Chen Xin'an and then at Li Qi. He no longer had the courage to shoot!

They have always bullied and beaten others, but today, they unexpectedly encountered two terrifying Chinese warriors!

Not even afraid of guns, such an opponent is not a human being at all, but a devil!

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the policeman coldly. He twisted his right hand and a bullet appeared between his fingers.

With a flick of his finger, the policeman screamed, dropped his pistol, and covered his bleeding right hand!

On the back of the hand, a yellow bullet pierced the skin and got stuck in the gap between the bones!

The policeman turned pale with fear.

This man just flicked it casually, and the force was comparable to that of a pistol!

How to fight this?

If he knew that this was just because Chen Xin'an didn't want to kill anyone or make things get out of hand in this place, but only used half of his strength, he might have fainted from shock on the spot!


The door to the examination room was pushed open, and a group of police officers rushed in!

They were all shocked when they saw the mess in the examination room!

There was a big fight here?

But why were only those women who seemed to have been beaten, while the two Chinese men in front of them all looked unscathed?

Could it be said that all these colleagues on the ground were taken care of by these two men?

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