Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2097 Killing you effortlessly

A group of police officers were furious, pointing their guns at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, and were about to pull the trigger!

"Wait a minute!" A middle-aged man at the door looked gloomy, waved his hand to the police, and then walked in slowly.

"Master Station Master!" A group of inspectors all got up from the ground as if they had seen a savior.

This person is the chief of the checkpoint, the biggest leader here.

The police captain saluted him and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Leon, these bastards dare to attack our people, we must not let them go easily!"

"I know!" Leon nodded and said gloomily: "I'm just confirming their identities!"

He walked up to Chen Xin'an and lowered his voice and said to him: "I know who you are!

I want to remind you, this is the Eagle Flag Country, not China!

Someone paid a lot of money to kill you.

Now that you are in my hands, do you want me to take this money or not? "

His Chinese was very poor, but Chen Xin'an could still understand the general meaning.

Chen Xin'an hooked up a chair next to her, stepped on it with one foot, looked at Leon with a half-smile and said:

"As long as you have the ability, come and get it!

But let me remind you first, these wastes are useless! "

Leon said angrily: "Don't forget where you are now! If you dare to mess around, all the police in the Eagle Flag Country will not let you go! Even the green ones will come to deal with you!"

Chen Xin'an sneered disdainfully, looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Listen, since I dare to come, I'm not afraid of you monsters!

Apart from anything else, if anyone dares to harm me and my relatives and friends here today, I will prevent him from leaving this examination room! Including you! "

Leon's face turned black with anger, he had never met such an arrogant guy before!

He gritted his teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Stupid Chinese! You have no idea what kind of situation you are facing now!

You will pay for your ignorance and rudeness!

No one can save you!

You will regret coming to Eagle Flag Country.

And it will also affect those who came with you!

Listen, I promise you, I will never let any of you go!

They will all die here with you.

I will send you to hell! "

Chen Xin'an didn't speak, but looked at him coldly. The coldness in his eyes made Leon shiver for no reason.

The corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth curled up, and she let out a cold scoff. Without even looking at him, she said calmly: "You overestimating ant! I'll kill you with no effort!"

Leon gritted his teeth angrily and shouted angrily: "You dare to underestimate me? Glendon, take first-level protective measures and allow the use of any weapon to eliminate all resistance!"

The police captain was overjoyed and saluted, "Yes!"

Li Qi stood next to Chen Xin'an and said to him: "Boss, I'm going to go on a killing spree!"

This time when I came to the Eagle Flag Country, I didn’t bring any weapons, and I couldn’t bring them with me.

But this does not mean that people like Chen Xin'an and Li Qi no longer have the means to kill!

No guns, no cannons, the enemy made them for us!

And it was delivered to your door!

There were weapons everywhere, and it would take less than twenty seconds to assemble the dismantled pistol parts.

The two of them have these guns, which is enough to deal with these police officers!

Chen Xin'an shook his head, smiled and said to him: "No need! There is nothing to fear from these people, someone will deal with them!"

Hearing that this guy didn't take him and the police seriously, Leon's teeth chattered in anger!

He gritted his teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Arrogant guy! Do you think this is China?

No one can save you!

What you did is enough to give us reason to kill you on the spot! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with disdain and said, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Leon's face was livid and he was about to give an order, but he heard a clicking sound behind him!

A group of people stood at the door, holding mobile phones or cameras, taking pictures non-stop!

Police Captain Glendon walked over, waved to the people outside and cursed:

"No photography! Delete your photos! Then get out of here!"

Several police officers rushed out and tried to seize the mobile phones of those outside.

It was Ning Xiruo and the others outside the door. Everyone had successfully entered the country and arrived at the checkpoint.

Eve held her mobile phone to her chest and said to the police in front of her: "I have the right to question the legality of everything you are doing now!

I suspect that you are deliberately making things difficult for foreign tourists and even using your power for personal gain.

So I need to photograph evidence! "

Glendon shouted with a straight face: "I'm telling you to shut up now! Delete the photos and videos on your phone immediately, otherwise I will arrest you!"

A policeman walked up to Eve and grabbed her arm. Just as he was about to grab her, Eve raised her chest and shouted:

“My father is a diplomat, and my uncle is the leader of Jordan City University, Burman Cecire!

I have called him and he is on his way now and should be here soon.

Which of you dares to touch me? ! "

The policeman holding her arm seemed to have touched the switch. His hand trembled and he immediately let go of her.

Glendon also looked at Eve in surprise, and then looked at Leon.

At this moment, Leon also realized that he had encountered that difficult person.

Today's things have become more troublesome and not as easy to solve as previously thought.

He turned his head and glanced at the policeman standing in the examination room with his hands in his hands.

The other person nodded to him.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief.

At least there's nothing wrong with it falling into someone else's hands.

It's just that such a scene can't explain anything at all, but it is beneficial to one's own people!

Leon looked at Eve with a gloomy face and said: "Madam, I hope you can understand that you have the right to doubt our work.

But you also have to understand that we don’t allow filming here!

So you'd better delete everything you just took.

And you, please stop filming, otherwise we will take compulsory measures! "

Ning Xiruo snorted and said, "The Eagle Flag Country has always claimed to be the freest country in the world.

Anyone who enters here can enjoy all the rights that a private person should have.

But now you have even been deprived of the right to take photos. Is this the freedom you advertise? "

Leon gave her a sullen look.

Ning Xiruo ignored him, just looked into the room, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Chen Xin'an standing next to Konoha who was unharmed.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and nodded to Li Didian.

He had known for a long time that his wife would bring Eve here.

So he wasn't nervous.

Of course, it wasn't just for this reason that I dared to cause trouble at the checkpoint.

No matter where it is, no matter who he is facing, as long as he dares to hurt his relatives and friends, he will definitely get revenge from him!

"Old Chen!" Luo Xiaoman looked gloomy and wanted to rush in.

Catherine stopped everyone and said: "Don't be impulsive! This is a checkpoint, you can't break through forcefully!"

How could guys like Luo Xiaoman care about this?

Even if it's a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, as long as their brothers are in danger, they will rush in without hesitation!

Seeing a group of people rushing towards him, Glendon's expression changed and he shouted loudly:

"Stand there and don't move or we'll shoot!"

Ning Xiruo quickly stopped everyone and said, "Aman, don't mess around!"

Chen Xin'an was also standing in the examination room, waving her hands to the people outside and saying, "We're fine!"

Luo Xiaoman and others stopped and stood at the door, confronting the policemen.

At this moment, a group of people came from the passage.

Eve breathed a sigh of relief, the reinforcements she had moved in finally arrived!

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