Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2098 Everything has been recorded

In the middle was a tall man with silver hair, probably in his fifties, who looked quite robust.

Next to him was a young blond lady, carrying a black suitcase.

Surrounding them were a group of big men in suits, who, judging from their movements, were professionally trained bodyguards.

When the group of people came in, Eve rushed over and shouted, "Uncle!"

This man was Lyle's brother, Eve's uncle, the chief executive of Leyden, and the most accomplished politician in the Cecily family, Burman!

Eve said that there was only one girl in the Cecily family in this generation.

Eve had two brothers, four cousins, and one cousin.

So the whole family treated her as the apple of their eye and loved her very much.

Leon, along with a group of policemen and inspectors, all stood at attention and saluted Boorman respectfully: "Mr. Boorman, you are honored to be here. I represent the customs of Meister International Airport of Eagle Flag Country..."

"Shut up!" The female secretary next to him shouted at him unceremoniously: "Nothing can disturb the reunion of Mr. Boorman and his family!"

Leon looked embarrassed, opened his mouth, and stood aside honestly.

"My dear little princess, you are finally back!" Boorman opened his arms and strode over to hug Eve.

Eve's eyes were red, and she threw herself into Burman's arms, crying, "Dear uncle, I almost couldn't come back to see you!" Burman's face darkened, and he patted her back gently and said, "I have called your father and know what happened to you in China! Don't worry, uncle won't let you suffer in vain! Whoever bullied you, I will make those bastards pay double the price!" Eve nodded, wiped her tears, pointed at Ning Xiruo and Du Yunyan and said: "Uncle, these are the friends I met in China. They are also my real friends. Also Those who are now locked up in the examination room are not only my friends, but also my benefactors.

If it weren't for them, I would still be deceived by that damn Phillips and might not be able to come back..."

Bullman nodded and comforted her: "The people who saved my little baby are all my friends!

I, Burman, will not let my friends come to my territory and suffer injustice!"

When Leon saw that things were not going well, he quickly said to Burman: "Sir, these people in the examination room must not be approached!

They are very dangerous and belong to dangerous people!

If you don't believe it, please take a look Our colleagues who were injured in the inspection room! Mr. Bulman, I request to use weapons against them now. Otherwise, these people will bring serious security threats to the Eagle Flag Country! " "You are talking nonsense!" Li Niandong cursed in a fluent foreign language: "It was your people who deliberately made trouble for us to enter the customs, and they also acted like hooligans to us and took off our clothes! Friends will certainly not stand up to see us being bullied. You Snake Years fired at will. If our friends didn't know kung fu, they would have become dead now!" "Nonsense! We have received the notice, you These people were not honest on the plane and had conflicts with other passengers, so we will focus on the inspection. How is it to find fault and make things difficult? "

"That's right! You Chinese people, relying on your kung fu, are domineering and bullying other passengers! People like you are not qualified to enter the Eagle Flag Country at all!"

"Even our staff and even the police were beaten by them. It is a disaster for such people to come to the Eagle Flag Country! We are just doing our duty, nothing wrong!"

A group of police and inspectors accused loudly, as if Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were really unforgivable sinners.

Bulman frowned, and he couldn't handle such a situation.

My brother called and said that his daughter would return to China with a group of Chinese people.

And the Chinese man named Chen Xin'an saved his daughter and helped him a lot!

More importantly, he is a person of great status in Kyoto.

For Bulman, this Chen Xin'an saved his niece, and perhaps he just invited this kid to dinner to express his gratitude.

Although he loves his niece very much, with his status, he doesn't need to deliberately show kindness to a Chinese.

But Lyle specifically told him that Chen Xin'an is a very capable person in China.

He also heard the implication of his brother's words.

This Chen Xin'an may be his helper to take a step forward in the political arena.

You know, Burman is a popular candidate to compete for the position of the head of the Eagle Flag Country this fall.

There are also many political enemies.

So the more supporters he has, the more likely he is to be elected.

Domestic supporters are too cunning and are the target of all political enemies.

So without sufficient interests, they will not completely turn to either side.

But this kind of support from the outside world, if it is sufficient, will also produce miraculous effects!

And this Chen Xin'an, according to the information sent by Lyle, is likely to be someone who can influence the support rate!

As for whether he has this ability, of course it depends on his strength.

But since he has the dual recommendation of Lyle and his niece, he is willing to give it a try.

But in this situation, if he forcibly interferes in this matter for a foreigner and criticizes the airport staff, it would be a loss!

Seeing the embarrassed look on Burman's face, Leon winked at Glendon.

Glendon understood and immediately asked the men around him: "How are you?"

Several policemen and inspectors who were beaten by Chen Xin'an and Li Qi shouted:

"We are just performing our duties and investigating what happened on the plane. But they suddenly attacked us and tried to break through!"

"They have been insulting us and even insulting our country! If you don't like the Eagle Flag Country, don't come here!"

"These Chinese are so barbaric! We are just doing normal inspections, but they not only don't cooperate, but also beat people! All of us here are injured!"

Mu Yezhen can understand what these people say, but Guo Zhaodi can't.

When Mu Yezhen translated what these people said to her, the two of them were about to explode with anger!

I didn't expect these guys to be so shameless.

They dared to accuse the villain first and blame it on others!

But just when the two of them wanted to open their mouths to defend themselves, more than a dozen people on the other side spoke together, one by one, and suppressed their voices!

"Don't be angry!" Li Niandong looked like she had expected it and was confident. She sneered at Glendon and Leon and said, "Do you think that by snatching my phone and stepping on it, you can destroy the evidence? Can you make something out of nothing and confuse right and wrong? You are wrong. The phone is just a carrier for filming. The real filming tool is actually it!" She lowered her head, took off a button from her clothes, and said to everyone: "This is my camera, just to record my entire journey in the Eagle Flag Country. So from the moment I got on the plane, everything I experienced was recorded by it. All the right and wrong are recorded in the most original images. Whether you are deliberately making things difficult or performing your duties, you can see it at a glance!" Leon and Glendon's faces changed completely! They didn't realize that the other party actually had such a thing on him! The two glared at a group of inspectors. You bastards are really killing people!

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