Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2101 Then I’m welcome

The restaurant of the Four Seasons Hotel is on the fourth floor.

Even a five-star hotel will not serve Chinese cuisine, only a variety of Western food.

This is not as good as China.

Fortunately, it’s not all steak and coffee, there are still many Western food options to choose from.

Boorman had arrived with Eve, his wife and two sons.

Eve held her aunt's hand and stood in front of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo and said:

"Aunt, this is what I mentioned to you, my good friends in China, Mr. Chen Xin'an and his wife Miss Ning Xiruo!

Sister Xiruo, this is my aunt Sophia.

These are my two cousins, Mark and Gold! "

Sophia stepped forward and shook hands with Chen Xin'an.

Then he opened his arms, hugged Ning Xiruo, kissed her forehead with his lips and said:

"Thank you, kind-hearted person from China!

Thank you for everything Eve!

I know there is another kind-hearted woman named Xu Qing.

My Eve told me she wouldn't even have made it back to Eagle Flag Country alive without you!

Didn’t Miss Xu Qing come with you? "

Ning Xiruo smiled and said to her: "She has some personal matters, come back in two days.

When she comes, I will invite her to visit you! "

"Really, will Sister Qing come here in two days? I thought she wouldn't come!" Eve looked surprised.

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "I'll probably arrive the day after tomorrow morning!"

"It's an honor to meet you, beautiful Chinese girl!" Mark walked up to Ning Xiruo, looked at her without blinking, and then extended his hand.

When they first saw Ning Xiruo, Mark and his brother had the same expression.

He stared at Ning Xiruo with his eyes wide open and never looked away again!

Ning Xiruo frowned when she saw that he didn't say hello to her husband, but came over to shake hands with her first.

But he smiled and extended his hand.

Unexpectedly, Mark took Ning Xiruo's hand, lifted it up, and brought it to his mouth!

This is a Western hand-kissing ceremony, but it is rarely seen in the Eagle Flag Country.

Ning Xiruo twitched her hand almost instinctively and retracted it!

Mark didn't seem to expect that Ning Xiruo would avoid her, so he didn't catch her and kissed her in vain.

He was stunned for a moment, with a hint of embarrassment and annoyance on his face, but he shrugged calmly, looked at Ning Xiruo with a puzzled expression and asked, "Ms. Ning, what do you mean?"

Ning Xiruo said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm not used to it. Just shake hands!"

Mark curled his lips and said with a look of disdain: "They say that Chinese people are conservative and old-fashioned, and they are indeed well-deserved.

This is just basic etiquette for both parties to meet, so you don't need to make a fuss.

Don't worry about your husband getting jealous.

If he can't even stand such polite greetings, he's not worthy of being the husband of a beautiful woman like you, is he? "

Chen Xin'an and Boorman were talking, but they also heard Mark's words.

Li Niandong, who was translating, also stopped and looked at Chen Xin'an nervously, fearing that he would fall out.

Ning Xiruo has gone to college and is proficient in foreign languages. She has no problem communicating with the other party, so she doesn't need a translator.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Mark, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sophia wanting to teach Mark a lesson, but was stopped by Boorman's look and remained silent.

Ning Xiruo smiled faintly and said to Mark: "Whether my husband is worthy of me or not, only I, the wife, am qualified to judge. Are you right, Mr. Mark?"

Mark lowered his face and snorted, took back his hand, and said with a look of disdain: "Chinese people are like this, ignorant and rude!"

Ning Xiruo didn't like him, and said with a smile: "I don't agree with Mr. Mark's words.

In China, everything is customer-oriented.

Therefore, our etiquette will be carried out according to the guests' way.

Guests can refuse any behavior that may be offensive.

To be rude, it seems that when the Eagle Flag Country greets guests, the order of greeting is first to the husband and then to the wife, right?

So since Mr. Mark is rude first, why should I patiently please you? "

"You..." Mark didn't seem to expect that Ning Xiruo would speak directly without any concern about saving face for him. He was a little embarrassed for a moment and glared at her fiercely.

Only then did Boorman speak and shouted to Mark: "If you are rude to my guests again, go home!"

Mark lowered his head with a gloomy expression, not daring to speak anymore.

Gold pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, walked up to Chen Xin'an, stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Chen, it's an honor to meet you! I have long admired your name!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook hands with him, and asked with interest: "Mr. Golden, have you heard of my name?"

Golden nodded and said: "The hotel company I am responsible for once cooperated with China Sovereign Group.

I also met Mr. Li Zecheng and heard him mention your name.

It’s just that I was short of time and didn’t have the chance to meet Mr. Chen! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

I learned in advance that the Cexire family started out in the real estate and hotel industry.

It's just that they have cooperated with Junhao Group before, and this is the first time they have heard of it.

This Golden looks like a gentle man, which is much better than Mark's dandy look.

Of course, this may be an illusion. After all, the way he was absent-minded when he saw Ning Xiruo just now is enough to prove that he also has thoughts about Ning Xiruo.

But so far, Chen Xin'an has not felt his hostility or malice, so she greets him with a smile.

Ning Xiruo stood next to Chen Xin'an and asked with a smile: "Has the Cexire family ever cooperated with Junhao Group?

Our Anhao Group also has a very close relationship with Junhao Group, but we don’t even know about this. "

Golden smiled and nodded to Ning Xiruo, bowed slightly, and said hello to her:

“Actually, we had contact as early as ten years ago.

At that time, the Eagle Flag Country had a big project, which was done by the Chinese.

Junhao Group is one of the contractors.

And he originally wanted to cooperate with the Cexire family to jointly build a large hotel.

Later, the project was shelved due to special reasons, so the cooperation came to nothing.

Although I was very young at the time, I was not involved in this project.

But I also feel a pity because the hotel was later built by others, and now it is the most famous hotel in the Eagle Flag Country.

The subsequent cooperation with Junhao Group was all small-scale contacts such as international competitions in the hotel industry, and I also participated in several of them.

But I have always hoped for greater cooperation.

Of course, if it were not Junhao Group, but Anhao Group, I would look forward to it even more! "

Everyone burst into laughter. Chen Xin'an reached out and held Golden's hand again and said, "No problem!"

He winked at Ning Xiruo, who nodded.

There is a lot of information in Golden's words.

I need to trouble Yun Yan to check it out.

Boorman greeted everyone with a smile and said: "Let's sit down and chat. Eve, ask the manager to come over and introduce the best delicacies here to our distinguished guests!"

"Okay!" Eve smiled and nodded, raising her hands high.

This is what restaurants in the Eagle Flag Country are like, with booths but no private rooms.

All diners, regardless of their status, eat in the lobby.

Boorman smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, don't be polite. As long as you are in Jordan City, if you need help with anything, you can tell me!

We are friends and we should help each other! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Boorman with a smile: "In this case, I won't be polite!

I really have something to ask Mr. Boorman to help me with.

Just check for me. Who is following me when I come back from the airport today? "

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