Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2102 Everyone has their own thoughts

The surroundings fell silent, and everyone looked at Chen Xinan with a strange look.

Even Ning Xiruo looked shocked, because she hadn't noticed that she was being followed before.

Only Li Qi looked as if he had expected it, looking at Burman and his family, observing their expressions.

Burman looked down, looked at Chen Xinan and asked, "Mr. Chen means that someone was following you on the way from the airport to the hotel? Why didn't Bird tell me?"

Chen Xinan turned his head and glanced at Li Qi.

Li Qi, who understood what he meant, continued, "A blue Chrysler with four people in it.

One of them stuck his head out at the intersection and looked behind. He was a short-haired, dark-skinned man.

And he had an eye patch on his right eye, and he was a one-eyed dragon!"

"One-eyed Phil?" Mark suddenly screamed.

Chen Xinan turned his head and looked at him and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Mark rolled his eyes and said proudly, "I don't know! Why should I tell you?"

Burman looked at Mark with a gloomy face and said, "Are you talking about the guy under Murphy Hans?"

Mark didn't dare to act arrogantly with his father, so he nodded honestly.

Bulman frowned and said to Chen Xinan: "Mr. Chen, do you have a grudge against the Murphys?"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "I don't even know who the Murphys are!"

Golden looked at Chen Xinan with a serious face and said: "The Murphys represent the black people and are also a black organization of the Eagle Flag Country.

They will do almost all illegal things.

And they are powerful, even the police have their people.

You must not conflict with them, otherwise you will be dealt with!"

Bulman said to Chen Xinan: "I will investigate the people who followed you today.

You'd better not leave the hotel these two days.

Mr. Chen, I'll say it in advance.

The Eagle Flag Country and China is fundamentally different in terms of the overall environment.

Black organizations are legal here.

Most importantly, it is legal to carry guns here.

Anyone who has money, a gun license, and official registration can own various types of guns through various channels.

Once a conflict occurs, the severity of the situation will be difficult for even the official to control, do you understand? "

Chen Xinan smiled slightly and asked Bulman: "So, what Mr. Bulman means is..."

Bulman shrugged his shoulders, looked at him and said: "Not only Murphy people, Mr. Chen, try not to have a big conflict with anyone during your stay in Jordan City.

Otherwise, even I will find it difficult to deal with it at that time, understand? "

It turned out that he didn't want to be implicated.

Originally, he wanted to pull the Cecire family into the game, but no one is a fool and will not be willing to be someone else's gun.

So Bulman reminded Chen Xinan that he would not join the game and would only watch from the sidelines.

That's enough!

Chen Xinan never thought from the beginning that he could win over a powerful ally just after coming to the Eagle Flag Country.

Even though he was kind to Eve, it was not enough to drag the entire Cecire family into the water.

And even in Kyoto, he had such a relationship with Yang Hongtao.

Instead, Chen Xin'an saved a lot of trouble.

Now in Eagle Flag Country, Chen Xin'an can be more relaxed.

Without official interference, Chen Xin'an can be less cautious.

He smiled and said to Burman: "Don't worry, I'm just a businessman.

This time I came to Eagle Flag Country, I was also doing official business.

So as long as others don't provoke me, I won't make enemies with anyone here!"

The implication is of course that if others insist on provoking me, I don't care about making enemies with anyone!

How could Burman not understand what he meant? He glanced at him, smiled, and just nodded without saying anything.

The waiter brought the dishes, put them on the table one by one, and lifted the lid on them.

When the chefs of Eagle Flag Country cook, the most important thing they pay attention to is the appearance.

Whether it tastes good or not is another matter, the color, aroma and taste must be in place.

Caviar, lobster, foie gras, beef, black truffles, etc., these are almost standard.

And they are all very precious and worth a lot of money.

As for the taste, Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong couldn't stop eating anyway, Chen Xinan felt that it was just so-so, not bad, and there was no eye-catching taste.

What really opened Chen Xinan's eyes was the various etiquette and rules of eating Western food.

Especially under Mark's pickyness, Chen Xinan felt that he was attending a royal state banquet.

But it did increase my knowledge. After eating such a meal, I can't be called a bumpkin in any Western restaurant in the future.

After eating for two hours, the dinner was finally over.

Both the host and the guests were happy. Most importantly, Mark was scolded for almost being kicked out of the banquet, and he calmed down a lot, finally making the welcoming banquet a successful end.

Chen Xinan led everyone to see the Burman family off.

Golden took out a business card, handed it to Chen Xinan with both hands and said:

"Mr. Chen, if it's convenient, you can call me.

We can meet and chat often.

It would be even better if we could cooperate once!"

Chen Xinan took the business card and said with a smile: "I think so too.

But I have to go to the venue in the next two days, so time is a bit tight.

I will arrange time to call Mr. Golden!"

Boorman turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "This weekend, there will be a charity auction at the Cexire Building. If Mr. Chen has time, can you also come and participate?"

Ning Xiruo asked with a strange look on her face: "Is Haiman's auction the property of Cexi Lei?"

Boorman also looked at Ning Xiruo with some surprise and asked: "I didn't expect that Ms. Ning also knew Haimande! Yes, that is the Cexire family's company property.

Some treasures will appear in this auction, and some top celebrities from Jordan City and even the entire Eagle Flag Country will come.

Mr. Chen and Mrs. Ning can take this opportunity to make more friends, and I will introduce them to you when the time comes! "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo looked at each other and smiled.

It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

I was still checking the information of this auction, but I didn't expect that the big boss behind the scenes was right in front of me. Chen Xin'an was so polite to him that he directly booked a place to attend.

Watching the Buurman family get into the car, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo waved goodbye to them.

The window of the limousine was opened, and Mark poked his head out, looking at Ning Xiruo greedily, with a strange sneer on his lips.

Just when he was about to make a provocative move towards Chen Xin'an, he found that the couple didn't even look at him. They had already turned around and walked towards the elevator!

"Damn it, you will pay the price for today's rudeness!" Mark's face was livid, he looked at the backs of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo and cursed fiercely.

Golden, who was sitting aside, said expressionlessly: "Mark, what my father means is not to antagonize this Chen Xin'an!

I hope you won't ruin your father's plan because of women.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to save you when the time comes! "

Mark said with disdain: "He is just a Chinese upstart, do you have to be so careful with him?

Besides, this upstart is not stupid, and he will not use money to support his father for no reason! "

Golden shook his head and said to him: "What really matters to my father is the female translator!

The Li family's status in China is very unusual.

This name, Li Niandong, is also in the Hexagonal Building database.

But she is just Chen Xin'an's translator!

Moreover, the relationship between the two is not a pretense. Chen Xin'an only has equal respect for her without any compliment.

This is why my father values ​​this couple! "

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