Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2103 Just taking advantage without contributing is not enough

The night view of Jordan Castle is really good, even more beautiful than Kyoto.

But everyone can only stand in front of the hotel room window and admire it.

Although everyone is still jet lagged, we are not sleepy now and are in good spirits.

But Chen Xin'an didn't have a fever. Knowing that this was the Eagle Flag Country, he naturally wouldn't ask everyone to go shopping without causing trouble.

What's more, today's journey is tiring, and it's really not suitable to go out at night.

Du Yunyan looked at the computer and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, the cooperation between the Cexire family and Junhao Group started ten years ago.

The person in charge of this project is named Li Jianbang.

It's just that this project provoked some local forces at the time, encountered considerable obstacles, and even fierce conflicts occurred.

So in the end the project was shelved. Junhao Group suffered heavy losses and withdrew from the Eagle Flag Country.

What's a bit strange is that the conflict back then has actually been resolved.

Do not delay the investment of Junhao Group.

Why did Mr. Li withdraw anyway and was even punished by the base for this!

As a result, Li Jianbang disappeared after returning to China, and even his base was abandoned! "

Chen Xin'an lowered his head and thought silently.

Ning Xiruo sat next to him and asked in a low voice: "Husband, what are you thinking about?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and asked Du Yunyan: "Golden said that someone inherited that project, who took over it?"

"Ocean City Real Estate, a company owned by Peroses! The new project is called Red Maple Grove Hotel!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Where is the address?"

Du Yunyan said to him: "Black Eagle Island!"


Chen Xin'an looked like he suddenly realized something.

After looking at the time, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Okay, everyone is tired, let's go back to sleep!"

Luo Xiaoman looked at his watch and said, "You want me to sleep at noon? Can I sleep?"

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Go to the window and take a look, is it noon?

Don’t use Chinese time, you have to get rid of the jet lag yourself!

If you don’t force yourself to rest, you won’t be able to recover even after a week! "

This is true!

Everyone also knows that it must be difficult to sleep these days.

There is no way. If you want to adapt to the local area, you must adjust your biological clock yourself.

Everyone had to leave one after another and return to their rooms.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo also looked at each other, left the presidential suite and entered 2507.

After taking a shower, I lay on the bed and looked at Chen Xin'an lying on the bed, but she didn't close her eyes, just stared at the ceiling blankly.

Ning Xi simply lay on Chen Xin'an like a kitten.

She raised her little face and looked at him and asked, "Hubby, are you worried?"

Chen Xin'an hugged her with both hands, shook his head and said, "Before coming to Eagle Flag Country, Mr. Li once came to me and asked me to help him find his son in Eagle Flag Country, named Li Yinuo.

Back then, his wife divorced him and immigrated to the Eagle Flag Country with her son. They had contact with her at first, but then they lost touch.

This time of disconnection was ten years ago.

I'm wondering if this project is related to the disappearance of Li Yinuo and his son? "

Ning Xiruo's eyes widened and she said in surprise: "Long Dun already wanted to establish a presence in the Eagle Flag Country ten years ago.

But it doesn’t look like it’s going well!

The biggest obstacle should be Pyroses!

Husband, do you want to find Li Yinuo? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I promised Mr. Li!

What's more, with our relationship with Mr. Li, even if he didn't entrust me, now that I know about it, I will definitely help him find it! "

Ning Xiruo nodded.

Of course she knows best what kind of personality her man has.

Your own affairs can be over as long as they are the same.

But when it comes to treating friends, you won’t hesitate to go through fire and water!

Ning Xiruo said with some worry: "But now, we have to face Peroses, or even go deep into it. It's too dangerous!"

Chen Xin'an tightened his hands, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "From the moment we came to the Eagle Flag Country and set foot on this land, we have been face to face with Peroses!

This decade was the period of rapid development of Pegasus.

From a certain perspective, it actually robs me of resources that should belong to me.

After all, the Junhao Group originally belonged to me. If I don’t want it back, I can take advantage of our own people.

This bunch of dead foreigners are using conspiracies and tricks to plunder, so we can’t stand it!

Don't worry, I won't do this in a big way, I'm just investigating.

I will communicate with Boorman and he can stay out of it, but your safety must be guaranteed! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Husband, the Cexi Lei family is not a fuel-efficient lamp..."

"I know!" Chen Xin'an chuckled, nodded and said: "At least, he is not from Pajosese!

What's more, we still have a trump card! "

Ning Xiruo raised her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "You mean Xiaodong?"

Chen Xin'an pinched the bridge of her delicate nose lovingly and said, "Smart wife!

With Boorman's identity and ability, it is impossible for him not to investigate the details of us people.

During dinner tonight, his wife Sophia sat next to Li Niandong and was very attentive to her.

It is enough to show that they know that this girl's identity is not simple.

When it comes to running for chief executive, perhaps our 50 million investment in Boorman is not as good as a phone call from Li Niandong.

The Eagle Flag Country has been in economic downturn in recent years. Do you know what gimmicks every chief executive uses to rise to power?

That is to significantly capture the market in various fields in China!

It's a pity that those big capitals didn't do it.

If there were connections like the Li family, Boorman would have greater hope of succeeding in taking office!

You must know that China is the sweet potato in the eyes of these large financial groups! "

Ning Xiruo nodded, agreeing with her husband's analysis.

"But, if they can just win over Xiaodong, why do they still need to show favor to us?"

Ning Xiruo said with a puzzled look: "These foreign politicians are all extreme egoists.

For them, unnecessary actions are just a waste of time and shouldn't be done, right? "

Chen Xin'an laughed, hugged her daughter-in-law's delicate body and said, "Do you think Boorman is stupid?

Although he knew that Li Niandong had a special status, it was impossible for him to directly win over her.

What's the point of letting us Chinese people participate behind the scenes in the election for the chief executive of the Eagle Flag Country?

Therefore, he only hoped to use Li Niandong to gain some momentum, but he would not let his political opponents accuse him of colluding with the Li family of China.

So a buffer is needed in the middle.

So we are the best bridge.

We have the financial strength to do business in partnership with their family.

And he has a background that can increase his momentum. Of course he is willing to have a good relationship with us!

But everyone takes advantage of each other in the property market.

I am also leveraging the power of their family.

If you want to completely choose yourself out and stay out of everything, how is that possible?

Did I agree? "

As soon as she saw the corner of her man's mouth turned up, Ning Xiruo knew that Boorman and his Cexire family would be in trouble in the future.

There are many people who just want to take advantage and don't want to pay, but she has never met anyone who can do this to her man after so many years of marriage!

It was past twelve o'clock, and it was time to go to bed even if I wasn't sleepy. Chen Xin'an didn't bother his wife, so he just held her and slept comfortably.

I felt like I had just fallen asleep when there was a loud bang in my ears!

Immediately the windows shook!

Chen Xin'an subconsciously rolled his wife into the quilt, pressed her under him, and looked around with wide eyes.

Ning Xiruo was also awakened, huddled in Chen Xin'an's arms and asked, "What's wrong with my husband?"

Chen Xin'an looked out the window, shook his head and said, "I don't know, the sound should be an explosion!"

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