Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2104 Is this the service attitude of your hotel?

It was indeed an explosion, and the explosion took place in the presidential suite!

Almost every guest in each room crowded at the door of their room, looking out.

Chen Xinan asked Ning Xiruo to stay in 2507, and he entered the room with the presidential suite door card.

A pungent smell of smoke hit me!

The whole room was in a mess, the coffee table was completely blown to pieces, and the sofa was also blown to pieces.

A big hole was blown out of the floor, revealing the reinforced concrete underneath.

Because fireproof materials were used, thick smoke could be seen at the scene, but there was no open fire.

"It was caused by a grenade!" Li Qi squatted on the ground, looking at the pit in front of him.

He picked up a little ash with his hand, put it under his nose and smelled it, and said to Chen Xinan:

"Boss, I'll go to the room!"

The most important thing now is not to find the cause of the explosion, but to eliminate hidden dangers!

Luo Xiaoman said with a gloomy face: "Then I will take everyone downstairs now?"

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said: "Don't worry! We can't make a mess now. Let's gather in one room, 2507!"

After a while, Li Qi came out and shook his head at Chen Xinan. "Boss, I'll go downstairs to take a look!"

Chen Xinan nodded, and Li Qi turned around and walked out again.

As soon as he left, Dao Lei, who was standing at the door, said in a muffled voice: "Boss, the hotel people are here!"

A group of people rushed in, led by a fat brown-haired woman who looked at the mess in the room, widened her eyes and shouted: "Oh, my God! What did you do?!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, Li Niandong walked in quickly, stood beside him, and said to the brown-haired woman: "Who are you?"

A young man next to her said to her: "This is Ms. Cathy, the room manager of our Four Seasons Hotel! I am the foreman Ke Moore, these are the security personnel of the hotel!

I would like to ask this gentleman, are you the guest staying in the presidential suite?

Excuse me, what did you bring?

Why did it cause such a big explosion?

I formally inform you that you have to compensate for the various losses suffered by the hotel as a result!

And you will also bear various legal consequences!"

Cathy's face was ashen, and she shouted angrily: "I already It is proposed that they should not rent the presidential suite to these Chinese people. There are obvious discrimination words. I want to complain about you! "Cathy snorted and said," Then you can complain! "Li Niandong was mad, or for the first time to see such a pretty unreasonable hotel manager! Just want to get angry, Chen Xin'an asked her:" Are you wearing that button now? " This was already told to Chen Xin'an when she was passing through the airport.

At this moment, the button was still on her body, she brought it here deliberately.

So she nodded to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "Then there is no need to waste so much time on her! Just use this to complain to them later!

Tell them to either call the police or we will investigate it ourselves, and now let her take the people away!"

Before Li Niandong could translate, Ke Moore on the side had already said a few words in Cathy's ear.

Cathy's face changed, staring at the button on Li Niandong's chest, and shouted to the security behind her: "Don't let her take a picture, grab it!"

Two hotel security guards rushed over, one wanted to grab Li Niandong's arm to control her movements.

The other one reached out and grabbed her chest, his action was extremely rude!

But at this moment, Dao Lei rushed over, swung his arm and punched the man who grabbed Li Niandong's chest in the mouth, blood splashed out of his mouth, and the security guard also fell to the ground!

Almost at the same time, Dao Lei's left palm slashed fiercely on the forearm of another person.

The hand that was originally grabbing Li Niandong's arm suddenly dropped down, and Dao Lei kicked him in the stomach. The man took two steps back and sat on the ground!

"Fuck!" Seeing that the fight had begun, the remaining security guards rushed over.

Luo Xiaoman, who had been holding back his anger for a long time, kicked a sofa!

The nearly 100-pound solid wood sofa was kicked as if it was placed on a slide, leaving several scratches on the floor, and banged on a group of security guards!

The security guards who wanted to rush forward were almost knocked to the ground, and all stopped, looking at the sofa in front of them and the drag marks on the ground in disbelief.

How much force does it take to do this?

At this moment, a sharp shout suddenly came from outside: "Stop!"

A short, fat man with a big belly came out.

Behind him, there was another man wearing a windbreaker and a top hat.

The fat man didn't know how far he had walked, and he stood at the door panting.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, brushed the few hairs on his forehead, and then walked in.

"Michelle, you came just in time! These Chinese people are dangerous elements, call the police and arrest them!

Also, they damaged our room and injured our security guard. We need them to compensate! "

Michelle gasped and said nothing. The man wearing a top hat next to him turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an and Li Niandong, then looked around again, frowned and asked:

"I want to know, what's going on?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked expressionlessly: "Who are you?"

Cathy snorted coldly and said: "This is our Sheriff Jibrin of Jordan City! This is Mr. Michelle, the general manager of our Four Seasons Hotel!"

Li Niandong looked at Jibrin and said, "Mr. Sheriff, I think you shouldn't ask us what's going on, but ask them!"

She pointed at Cathy and the security guards.

Cathy cursed angrily: "You shameless Chinese woman, what nonsense are you talking about! It was obviously you who blew up the room, what does it have to do with us?"

Li Niandong pointed to her nose and asked Jibrin: "Mr. Sheriff, don't you care about such slander and false accusations?

I want to ask this hotel room manager, which eye did you see us blowing up the room?

Just because we are Chinese, if anything happens to the hotel, it will fall on us, right? "

Cathy snorted coldly: "Isn't it true? Why is it that when others are fine, there is an explosion as soon as you Chinese people move in?"

"Then you can hang a sign at the door of the hotel saying that Chinese people are not accepted! Do you dare?"

Li Niandong gave a sharp shout, glared at her and cursed: "You want to make money from the Chinese people, but you also look down on the Chinese people. Who do you think you are?"

"You..." Cathy blushed and didn't know how to retort.

Li Niandong continued to scold: "There was an explosion in the presidential suite of the hotel. Instead of asking about the casualties, your hotel staff came here to frame it!

Instead of looking for the cause of the explosion and troubleshooting hidden dangers, they were being unreasonable and shirking responsibility!

They even hit the guests!

Is this the service attitude of your Four Seasons Hotel? "

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