Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2105 I care about your accommodation fee?

The scene was a bit awkward.

Cathy said angrily: "It's obviously your fault..."

"In that case, let's investigate first!" Li Niandong interrupted her unceremoniously and said:

"If the investigation results show that it's not our fault, how will you compensate?

Don't evade in front of the police!

Tell me now, if it wasn't us Chinese who brought dangerous goods.

The explosion happened, it was caused by the hotel or other reasons.

Tell me what responsibility you should take for all your remarks just now!"

Cathy's face flushed, and she couldn't say a word.

Giblin said arrogantly: "The police will investigate this matter. But during this period, none of you should leave the hotel."

Li Niandong looked at him and asked: "How long do you need to investigate?"

Giblin said with a stern face: "This is the police's job, you don't need to ask too much. You just need to cooperate!

When the police come back, you gather all the luggage and cooperate with the inspection!

I will notify you when the investigation is over!"

Looking at the attitude of the sheriff, he also stood on the side of the hotel and would not do his best to investigate against the Chinese people.

Cathy also looked like you are completely controlled by our hotel, and she was very proud!

Chen Xinan glanced at everyone, nodded, and said to Li Niandong: "Okay, call!

Let Burman handle this matter!"

When they heard this name, the faces of the people on the other side all changed!

Li Niandong took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. Michelle quickly stopped her, licked her lips and said:

"Mr. Burman you are talking about, is he the leader of Jordan City?"

Li Niandong looked at him with a mocking face and asked: "Why, are there many people named Burman in Jordan City?

He also invited us to dinner tonight, didn't you see him?"

Not only Michelle's face turned pale, but even Jiblin and Cathy next to him changed their faces!

Now they realized that these Chinese people are different from others, and their identities are not simple!

Before, seeing that they booked the presidential suite for a month, they thought they were just Chinese nouveau riche who wanted to make a lot of money.

After all, this is also the unspoken rule of the Eagle Flag Country's catering industry towards Chinese tourists.

This kind of money is not earned.

So even though Cathy had a strong sense of discrimination against the Chinese, she did not dare to refuse the Chinese to stay.

Not having this power is one aspect, but more importantly, she did not dare.

The Chinese are now very rich, and each of them is a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

No matter how much she hates the Chinese, she can't give up the mutton in her mouth to others!

She never expected that the Chinese people she is facing now are fat, but they are not sheep.

They may be wolves!

Even Mr. Burman of Jordan City has to invite them to dinner. They are not easy to mess with!

Jiblin quickly stopped Li Niandong and said, "Madam, I think this kind of thing should be left to our police to deal with!

Give me some time, two hours, at most two hours, and I will hand over the investigation report to you!

It's so late now, there is no need to disturb Mr. Burman, am I right?"

Li Niandong turned his head and translated his words to Chen Xinan.

This also made everyone understand that the real boss is the young man in front of him.

Chen Xinan glanced at Jiblin, pouted his lips and didn't say anything, just turned his head and glanced at Michelle.

At this moment, Michelle's forehead seemed to be sweating more than before!

While wiping his sweat, he said to Chen Xin'an: "Dear guest, on behalf of the Four Seasons Hotel, I apologize to you for what happened tonight!

To show my sincerity, all of you will be free of charge tonight!"

Originally, I thought that the Chinese in front of him would be grateful for his generosity.

But Michelle was disappointed. He saw the undisguised sarcasm on the face of the young man!

"I don't care about your room fee for one night?" Chen Xin'an sneered and said to Michelle: "Wouldn't it be easier for me to buy your hotel?"

Michelle looked embarrassed, but was shocked in his heart.

That's right, how could a local tyrant who casually booked the presidential suite for a month care about the room fee for these few nights?

And from his tone, it's not difficult to take out hundreds of millions of Eagle Flag Yuan!

In fact, it's not surprising. Without such strength, how could Mr. Burman have dinner with him?

This is troublesome!

People don't care about money at all, no matter how much compensation is used!

But all I can give is money, and I can't give anything else!

The funny thing is that what I can give is not worth mentioning in front of others. What should I do?

He glared at Cathy fiercely.

What a good thing you did for me!

I got into a big trouble and offended someone I can't afford to offend!

Yes, this trouble was caused by this stupid woman!

Michelle's eyes lit up and said to Chen Xinan: "I will fire this room manager immediately!"

Cathy's face turned pale!

Now the Eagle Flag Country is in economic depression and the unemployment rate is very high.

It's hard to find a job.

She has worked in the Four Seasons Hotel for so many years, from a room waiter to the current room manager, and her salary has increased several times. It's not an easy thing!

Now everything is going to be lost, and there is no chance to start over. For her, it is a disaster!

Chen Xinan sneered and said to Michelle: "It's not that simple!

Let this room manager go to the lobby door every day and bow and apologize to every Chinese guest who comes in and out of the hotel!

It takes seven days!

The hotel waives three days of room and board expenses for all Chinese guests.

If you can do it and do it well, I will not pursue this matter.

But if I can't do that, I'll let Boorman get to the bottom of it.

Not only the hotel must be held accountable, but the police in Jordan City must also be held accountable! "

The three people in front of them looked pale and kept nodding.

Chen Xin'an's request left them speechless and could only obey him!

After saying these words, Chen Xin'an ignored them and turned around and walked out of the presidential suite.

Back in the room, everyone is there.

Chen Xin'an said to Li Niandong: "Book all the vacant rooms on this floor!"

"Okay! I'll do it now!" Li Niandong nodded, turned around and walked out.

It's not the peak tourist season, so the hotel's occupancy rate is actually less than half, and every floor will not be full.

For a large hotel like this, if the off-season occupancy rate can reach 30%, it will already make money.

Of course, even if it can't be achieved, if there are a few rich people like Chen Xin'an who book the presidential suite for a month every month, it will be a sure profit.

Li Qi came back and said to Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face: "It was too late, the car ran away!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Blue Cress?"

Li Diding nodded and cursed angrily: "I wanted to check the hotel surveillance, but the security guard kicked me out!

I really want to punch them all one by one! "

Li Qi has always had a cool temper. Although he is decisive and ruthless in his actions, his temper is not violent.

Listening to him swearing now, I can only imagine how bad the attitude of the security guards was towards him!

"Old Xiao!" Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, turned to Xiao Zhang and said, "Take Yun Yan to find that Michelle and ask him to take you to check the surveillance!"

"Okay!" Xiao Zhang and Du Yunyan responded at the same time.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I'm going to touch all our rooms now!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Dao Lei, "Dalei Zi, come with A Qi and help me!"

"No problem!" Dao Lei nodded.

Luo Qianhe adjusted his collar and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'll go to the front desk and find a way to check the guest information of our floor!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay! But don't sacrifice your appearance unless you have to!"

Luo Qianhe turned around and walked out, with his back to Chen Xin'an, and raised his right middle finger.

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