Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2109 The biggest danger is you

The GbSA conference was held in Jordan City, and of course Burman knew about this big event.

But what he never expected was that this woman who looked unparalleled in beauty was actually a candidate for the secretary-general!

For safety reasons, China was deliberately blocking the news.

So even Lyle didn't know.

The official visa was just a special reason, and it was naturally hidden from the embassy by the official.

Now that he heard Chen Xinan say it himself, Burman realized that the woman in front of him was definitely not the kind of vase he had imagined before.

He wanted to cooperate with Chen Xinan and gain more benefits, and it seemed that this woman was the key.

The eyes of the brothers Mark and Golden also changed when they looked at Ning Xiruo.

Especially Mark, the strong possessiveness of Ning Xiruo in his eyes was almost undisguised!

He was even more jealous of Chen Xinan.

This beautiful and profound beauty is actually this guy's wife!

Is he worthy?

Only a man like me can be worthy of such a beautiful and talented woman!

I must find a way to snatch such a woman away.

If I marry a woman like this, I am willing to cultivate my character and never be involved in a flower bush again!

In Golden's eyes when he looked at Ning Xiruo, there was not only admiration, but also respect and appreciation.

As a businessman, he certainly knew how difficult it was to become a member of GbSA.

Only companies with global strength can join.

There are no more than five companies in the whole of China. I didn't expect that the Anhao Group, which was established only two years ago, could be ranked alongside the old big company Junhao Group and become a member of GbSA.

Even able to run for the position of Secretary-General and lead the global trade order!

Such a woman is simply a flawless gem, shining brightly.

Golden felt that he felt ashamed standing in front of her!

Burman looked at Ning Xiruo solemnly, took a deep breath, nodded and said:

"I can promise that I will protect Mrs. Ning's safety at all costs while she attends the meeting and stays in Jordan City!

But I need to rearrange the hotel.

It is convenient to deploy security forces, and I hope Mrs. Ning can cooperate."

Ning Xiruo frowned and said to Burman: "Do you want me to live separately from my family?"

Bullman nodded and said: "The GbSA conference has a special docking hotel, not far from here, called Pearl Hotel.

It is also a five-star hotel, you can bring your husband and a team of no more than five people to stay together.

There are very thorough security measures there, and things like last night will never happen..."

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said: "The conference organizing committee has sent me the Pearl Hotel. I applied for hotel check-in, but I refused.

I chose to arrange my own accommodation, so I stayed in the Four Seasons Hotel which was not far away. ”

Bulman frowned and said, "But Madam Ning, if you don't stay in the Pearl Hotel, I can't provide you with the most comprehensive protection..."

Chen Xinan smiled slightly and said to Bulman, "In fact, we don't want to embarrass Mr. Bulman, but just want you to agree to one of our requests!"

Bulman looked at Chen Xinan with a vigilant expression and asked, "What request? Mr. Chen, tell me first!"

"Guns!" Chen Xinan smiled and said to Bulman, "I would like to ask Mr. Bulman to approve us to carry guns with us.

Of course, we don't need Mr. Bulman to provide us with guns, we can buy them ourselves!"

"This is impossible!" Bulman's face changed and he refused directly.

The Eagle Flag Country's management of firearms is certainly not as strict as that of China.

However, there are strict restrictions on the use of firearms for a certain type of people.

That is, people who have not obtained the long-term residence rights of the Eagle Flag Country and are only traveling or on business trips.

This type of people cannot own guns.

Of course, in the Eagle Flag Country, the gun system of each city is different.

If the city's top leader grants permission, then they can own firearms, and even the police have no power to intervene.

But Burman is obviously not a fool, and he doesn't give Chen Xinan this face.

Because he knows very well that these guys are not ordinary people!

Even if it's just an attendant following him, his skills are very domineering.

If he is equipped with a gun, how much harm it will cause, he can't predict it!

Chen Xinan was not in a hurry. He smiled and said to Burman: "How about this, Mr. Burman, we voluntarily give up the protection of Jordan City's official security forces.

But you have seen what happened last night with your own eyes. We are now facing extreme danger.

If something happens to us, it will also cause trouble for Mr. Burman and the local police!

Why don't I reach an agreement with Mr. Burman.

You allow us to have guns and we protect ourselves.

If we are in danger or hurt, the GbSA Organizing Committee and Jordan City officials do not need to be responsible.

Is this okay?"

Bullman frowned and was about to speak when Golden suddenly said to him: "Father!"

He walked to Burman and whispered a few words to him. Burman's brows gradually relaxed and nodded gently.

"Mr. Chen, I can issue you a special gun license, but there are only two copies."

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Okay! We will prepare other self-defense weapons ourselves!"

Bullman seemed to feel that something was wrong, but the other party had already given in, so he couldn't go too far.

So he had no choice but to nod and said to Chen Xin'an, "I'll say hello to the police!"

Golden took out a stack of invitations from his body, handed them to Ning Xiruo and said:

"Mrs. Ning, this is the invitation letter for Haimande's auction.

How many do you need in total? "

Chen Xin'an looked at the at least twenty cards in his hand, so she simply grabbed them, put them in her arms, and said with a smile:

"There's no need to go to the trouble of counting, we can just write the names ourselves when the time comes!

Mr. Golden doesn’t need to worry about this little thing! "

This is so... snatched by force!

Golden looked helpless, but he was too embarrassed to snatch it back, so he could only smile awkwardly:

"Then Mr. Chen, please don't give it to others.

There will be many treasures in this auction. If someone with bad intentions targets it, it will cause us incalculable losses! "

"Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble!" Chen Xin'an patted Golden's shoulder very intimately.

Mark on the side rolled his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an with disgust and said:

“You’re a big problem yourself!

Mrs. Ning is with you, and she never knows when something will happen!

In fact, in order to better protect Mrs. Ning, I suggest that she live in our house alone!

No one dares to mess with the Cexire family!

When the conference is over, you can just take her back to China!

Don't think wrongly, I am doing this purely for Mrs. Ning's safety!

Chen Xin'an, if you really love your wife, you will definitely agree to my proposal! "

Hey, this grandson!

Are you trying to kidnap me morally?

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a grin and said: "Your suggestion is very good. Don't suggest it again next time! Even if I live in your house, it is actually not safe!"

After listening to Li Niandong's translation, Mark became angry: "What do you mean by this? Is there still danger in my home?"

"Of course!" Chen Xin'an said confidently: "The biggest danger is you!"

"You..." Mark was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

Boorman said with a straight face: "Okay, we are going back!

Mr. Chen, you have been targeted by the Mofei people. Please don't go out these days.

Police have been arranged to be on duty below the hotel. If there is any danger, you can call the police directly! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, took Ning Xiruo and everyone else, and sent Boorman and his son away.

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