Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2110 Guzheng Performance at Century Square

Sure enough, two police officers stood in the hotel lobby, and three hours later, two colleagues would replace them.

Seeing Boorman coming down, the two policemen quickly saluted him.

Boorman was a little worried and walked over to ask about their equipment and duty status.

The only thing the authorities can arrange now is the police.

After all, most of the energy is still at the Pearl Hotel.

Although there is still half a month before the conference is held, Anhao Group is not the only one who has arrived early.

Most of the GbSA members who came early had the same purpose.

Take this opportunity to travel to the Eagle Flag Country.

After all, this is the most developed country in the world, and Jordan City is one of the most prosperous cities in the world.

If you don’t feel its prosperity, wouldn’t your trip be in vain?

When they turned around and walked back to Linton's car, they saw that the Gloria Business Car not far away for Chen Xin'an was already full of people!

Chen Xin'an stuck her head out of the car window and said to the stunned father and son:

"We are going to Century Plaza. I know you are still at work, so I won't ask you to come with us. Let's go now and say goodbye!"

The three of them were stunned.

Are these people really sick?

I was up there just now, and I promised not to go out.

In the blink of an eye, we drove a group to Century Square?

Don’t you know what your situation is like?

I didn't blow you up to death last night, so today I'm going to send you to your door and ask them to blow you up again, right?

"Come back!" Boorman yelled at Gloria Business as he drove onto the highway.

Golden on the side shook his head and said to him: "Dad, forget it!

They are all adults, it is impossible to put them under house arrest!

Let’s go to the auction company and have a look!

I heard that the Red Hood has arrived in Jordan City.

If I guess correctly, I came here for this auction.

We need to strengthen security to prevent them from taking action! "

Boorman nodded gloomily.

Mark said with a sinister smile: "Don't worry, my people have been waiting for a long time for those guys to show up!"

Boorman scolded him with a straight face: "Don't take it lightly! Your security bureau caught them three times and never succeeded!

Every time you say you have laid a dragnet, but in the end they still escape!

If you let them get away again this time, you won’t stay in the Security Bureau anymore! "

Mark's face was red and he looked annoyed, but he didn't dare to refute. After all, his father was right.

Red Hood and his gang of thieves played tricks on both the police and security agents.

And it’s not just once or twice that I’ve been embarrassed!

But this time he has to take action himself, so none of the thieves can escape!

Century Plaza in Jordan City, Eagle Flag Country, is the most prosperous place in Jordan City.

This is called the Eye of the World.

The eyes of people all over the world are fixed on this place.

It is a global fashion destination, entertainment and shopping center.

The car stopped at an intersection a hundred meters away from Century Square.

Everyone got off the bus here and walked to the square.

There is a large parking building here. Drive up, park your car and take the elevator down.

After finding the parking space, everyone did not get out of the car immediately.

Konoha really rubbed Ning Xiruo's face with both hands, then let go and picked up the hair dryer next to her. What she blew was not Ning Xiruo's hair, but the glue on her face.

After a while, everyone's eyes widened when they saw Ning Xiruo's changed appearance.

This girl's disguise and makeup skills seem to have improved again!

As for Li Qi and Li Niandong, who saw this kind of craftsmanship for the first time, they were even more stunned.

Is this a major transformation into a living being?

Everyone was re-dressed by Konoha, and they could still recognize their original appearance, but they were no longer so conspicuous.

In fact, the most important thing is Ning Xiruo, who is already somewhat famous in the Eagle Flag Country.

If he showed up with his original appearance like this, there would definitely be some unnecessary trouble.

This is thanks to the film "Sunshine Paradise" filmed by Dream Media director Niu two years ago.

Although the response in China is not great, it is really popular abroad!

This kind of literary and artistic film has always been the result of flowers blooming inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall.

Therefore, the poster of the heroine was played on the largest and most conspicuous Nada advertising screen in Century Plaza for three consecutive days!

You must know that if a company wants to broadcast product advertisements on the Nada screen for one day, it will cost more than 150,000 Eagle Flags!

So if Ning Xi went to Century Plaza without makeup, she might be recognized in less than two minutes!

As for Chen Xin'an, although she also participated in the filming of that literary film and was even the leading actor, the response was mediocre.

The acting is pretty good, there is no big criticism, but it is always in a slightly transparent state and does not leave a deep impression on people.

The deliberate smoothing and suppression of Dragon Shield also played an important role here.

So until now, Chen Xin'an is still a little bit resentful, but there is nothing she can do!

Walking in the bustling Times Square, looking at the countless and ever-changing display screens on the buildings on both sides, everyone has the illusion of traveling to the future society.

There was an endless stream of people in the square, rubbing shoulders with each other.

There are people of all colors and nationalities.

There are also many street art performances, and there are people from three levels inside and three levels outside standing next to each group.

"Look at that young lady, she's so beautiful!" Guo Zhaodi grabbed Konoha's real arm and pointed forward and said excitedly.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a young woman in a long dress in ancient Chinese style. She had set up a guzheng, connected the speakers, and was ready to play.

Li Niandong said with surprise: "It's Honghu!

I like watching her videos.

She plays ancient Chinese music with the guzheng in large squares in many countries to promote Chinese music.

She said on the Internet some time ago that she would go to Century Square in the Eagle Flag Country to play.

I didn't expect that she would really come, and we caught up with her. What a coincidence!"

Since they were compatriots, everyone gathered around.

The performance had already begun. Honghu was wearing a bright red ancient dress, with a bun from the previous dynasty, long hair fluttering, and a beautiful shape.

As her slender jade fingers fell on the guzheng strings, the pleasant melody like high mountain streams echoed through the speakers in Century Square.

The young man who had been helping nearby set up the donation box and stood aside silently.

Carrying a black instrument bag, he looked at Honghu infatuatedly.

It seems that not many people play the guzheng in Century Square, so those foreigners find it very fresh and start to stop and watch.

Foreigners like to play art, and Red Fox's performance is really great. Many people generously donate money and put it in the donation box.

"Chen Xin'an!" Mu Yezhen turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an certainly understood what she meant, so he took out his wallet helplessly.

Although it is the most prosperous place in the world, it is not as convenient to go out as in China.

Mobile payment is not popular here, and all transactions are in cash.

Fortunately, the hotel also has an exchange service, which is convenient.

Last night, Chen Xin'an exchanged 100,000 Chinese currency, but the Eagle Flag Yuan he received was less than 20,000.

It's evil, but there's nothing he can do.

As long as it's not exchanged in places like Huaxia Bank, the exchange rate is basically the same, no matter where you go.

It's not that you can't exchange more, the key is that it's too troublesome to carry.

No one can go out with a big money bag, right?

That's like putting a note on your forehead: Come and rob me!

Mu Yezhen was not polite and took out a stack of banknotes from Chen Xinan's wallet.

It was estimated that there were more than a thousand Eagle Flag dollars, and he walked over and put them all into the donation box.

Everyone around looked over.

For this kind of street performance, the tip is a few tens of dollars, at most a hundred or two hundred.

It's really rare to see a thousand dollars like this!

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