Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2111 Fighting the piano

After noticing the donation, Red Fox did not stop playing, but just glanced at Konoha and the people beside her.

Seeing that he was a compatriot, the red fox showed a smile, then lowered his head and bowed to express his gratitude.

The young man standing next to him danced excitedly and bowed deeply to Konoha.

At this moment, a sound of rolling wheels suddenly came from behind everyone.

Several foreigners in suits and ties, pushing a piano, slowly arrived not far from Red Fox.

They were playing twenty meters away before, but for some reason, they suddenly came here, less than five meters away from the guzheng!

And they also turned on the piano and connected the stereo.

As a bearded man sat in front of the piano and pressed his hands down, the passionate sound of the piano instantly overwhelmed the sound of the guzheng!

Fortunately, the audio power of both parties is similar. After all, when doing street performances, there are still strict restrictions on sound, and high-power audio cannot be used.

Therefore, although the sound of the piano overwhelmed the guzheng, it did not completely cover up the sound of the guzheng.

But in this way, Red Fox's rhythm was completely disrupted.

The young man had an angry expression on his face and walked over to argue with the group of people.

But before he could say anything, two men in suits pushed him away!

In desperation, Red Fox could only increase the strength of his fingers, change the style of music, and speed up the speed.

Just after she changed a song, the piano player immediately changed the song, hitting the keys with both hands, and made a high-pitched tune.

The audience, who originally thought it was very noisy and were about to leave, now looked very interested and stopped again, with more people watching.

This is what often happens when playing on the streets.


When someone feels that the performance next to them affects them or even steals their own audience, they cannot fight with the other party.

Otherwise, they will definitely end up in the police station, and they will also face fines that they cannot afford.

So everyone will compete in a more civilized way.

That is to use your own art form to compete.

The audience will cheer for whomever they like.

The losing party will naturally give up their territory and go elsewhere.

Now seeing the gesture of the piano player, it is obvious that he is declaring war on the red fox.

Come on, let's play the piano!

The young man turned his head and looked at the red fox with some worry.

The other party came well prepared and had an advantage in the musical instrument. It seemed that he would definitely lose in the piano duel!

After all, compared to the guzheng, the piano has more keys and a wider range of sounds, and there are more choices for the songs to play. There is no comparison at all!

The bearded man also stopped, smiled at each other with his two companions, looked at the red fox with contempt, and said: "Chinese music? Rubbish!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, raised his thumb, and pointed it at the red fox.

Then, in full view of everyone, rotate your wrist so that your thumb is pointing down!

The two companions also gave the red fox a thumbs up like him!

"If you don't dare to play the piano, get out of Century Square. This place does not belong to you Chinese!"

"Chinese people don't know how to play musical instruments at all. Third-rate performers like you shouldn't be here!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The young man's face turned pale with anger, and he wished he could seal the mouths of those guys.

But he didn't dare to really take action, otherwise he would definitely attract the police, and it would not only be him who would be unlucky, but Red Fox would also be implicated.

But at this moment, a crisp guzheng sound came, and the tune made everyone open their eyes.

A blond woman in the crowd pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose, looked at the red fox in disbelief and said:

“Is this the Seventh Symphony?

But this is piano music!

And it is considered the most difficult piano piece to play in the world!

What does this Chinese girl want to do?

Does she want to challenge the world's most difficult piano piece using the guzheng?

This is simply impossible!

I think she must be crazy! "

The bearded man was also stunned, looking at the red fox in disbelief, and said with a mocking look:

"what do you mean?

Does choosing this song mean that you have voluntarily admitted defeat?

Then get out of here quickly! "

The red fox just glanced at him, and the red gauze covering his face fluttered a few times, seeming to make a "bang" sound.

Then she lowered her head and started playing, it was the Seventh Symphony!

At this time, Big Beard can only choose to accept the challenge. If he doesn't play, he will admit defeat!

There was a trace of hesitation on his face, as if he didn't have much confidence in completing this difficult piano piece.

But even others dare to challenge him in playing the guzheng. He has an advantage on the instrument, but he doesn't dare to challenge him?

Then don't even think about showing up in Century Plaza anymore, it will be embarrassing to your family!

I can’t believe that you, a guzheng player, can still play this most difficult piano piece!

If you can't stop playing, it's you first. It doesn't matter if you finish playing or not. I just need to beat you!

Bite the bullet, the bearded man also pressed the keys with both hands and began to play the most difficult piano piece in the world.

"This Chinese girl is overestimating her abilities! How dare she use an instrument like the guzheng to challenge the most difficult piano piece?"

"Even someone like me, who has passed Level 10 on the piano, cannot successfully play the Seventh Symphony. It is impossible for her to play it on the guzheng!"

"Do you know why there is no Chinese lady performing in Century Square?

Because the literary and artistic standards of the Chinese people are really too low!

Their performance, let alone the elegant hall, even in such a place, it is difficult to have highlights!

This girl is just humiliating herself! "

Everyone around was talking a lot.

The person who spoke last was even a man with a Chinese face.

After he finished speaking, he shook his head, looking furious.

The red fox ignored what the people around him were saying and just played the guzheng quietly.

The music has entered the difficult stage, and she has fully concentrated on her playing.

The bearded man didn't dare to be distracted, and his fingers quickly landed on the keys.

The core of Douqin is to use your own rhythm to interrupt your opponent's rhythm.

The real suppression is not in the sound, but in the rhythm.

The real master is to make the opponent unable to perform his or her own playing, or even to be subtly brought into the opponent's rhythm.

Big Beard is now desperately trying to disrupt Red Fox's rhythm, of course not with noise pollution, otherwise it would be considered defeat.

He must ensure that he plays accurately, and then use his own rhythm to influence the other party.

But the other party was always a little ahead of him, and a few times he even felt like he was in a hurry!

The bearded man calmed down his mind, forced himself not to think too much, and completely integrated into the performance.

Only by playing the piano with all your heart and integrating your emotions can you complete this performance and even win in the performance.

But now he vaguely realizes that his opponent is really difficult to deal with. He has a profound knowledge of guzheng, which is no less than his years of playing piano!

At this moment, he seemed to hear the exclamations from the surrounding audience!

He took the time to glance at his opponent, and he was confused!

The music reached the most difficult part, and even he found it very difficult.

But the opponent was playing with ease, and the rhythm was even accelerating!

Just by being distracted like this, his rhythm was messed up!

"Oh God! Is this a rhythm that humans can play?" Looking at the afterimages of the red fox's hands, the people around him exclaimed in surprise!

No one thought that this Chinese girl who looked weak and weak could have such great attainments in playing the piano!

The speed with which she played the piano with both hands made everyone see only an afterimage!

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