Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2113 We are not beggars

Xiao Baiyang's expression changed drastically and he looked at the two guys in front of him.

As expected, they were men with dark skin and dressed like homeless people in hip-hop clothing, which is the standard for African-Americans!

In Jordan City, if you offend the Mofei people, you may die without knowing how you died!

These people are ruthless and do all kinds of evil. They are the black forces that the Eagle Flag Country cannot afford to offend.

Although he was unwilling to do so, after learning the identities of these people, Xiao Baiyang could only stop angrily and did not dare to pursue them any more.

It turned out that the people around were still cursing the guy who snatched the donation box.

Jordan City is not without crime, and daytime robberies like this also happen from time to time.

But thieves have their ways, and in a place like Century Plaza, robbing street performers’ donation boxes is really rare!

After all, this is the Eye of the World and represents the image of the entire Eagle Flag Nation.

If you dare to rob here, you will be sentenced very severely if you are caught. No one is willing to test the law.

But now, it is really happening in front of everyone's eyes.

At first, everyone looked indignant, but when they heard that the other party was a Mofei, everyone tacitly chose to shut up, then turned and walked away.

These people are like psoriasis in the city, they can't get rid of it even after they get stained!

Soon the surrounding audience dispersed, leaving only Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

Little Baiyang was dejected and helped Red Fox pack his things, put the instruments into the bag, and prepared to leave.

But the two Mofei people stood in front of Xiao Baiyang and Red Fox, blocking their way.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Baiyang frowned and looked at the two guys in front of him.

The two dark-skinned guys, one with natural wire curls and the other with dreadlocks, blocked Little Bai Yang and Red Fox with their hands in their pockets, laughing very obscenely.

Dreadlock pointed at his waist and said to Xiao Baiyang: "You hit me just now, shouldn't you compensate me for my medical expenses?"

Knowing that these two guys were in the same group as the person who robbed the donation box, Xiao Baiyang also realized that there were more unreasonable things just now.

He angrily cursed at the dreadlocks: "You obviously stopped me on purpose!

You suddenly appeared in front of me, so I bumped into you.

Besides, it was just an accidental touch.

You don't look hurt at all, it's obvious that you want to blackmail someone! "

The dirty braid kicked Xiao Baiyang in the stomach and cursed: "Damn Chinese, if I say you're hurt, I'll be hurt, and if I ask you to compensate, you'll be compensated. Do you dare to resist?"

Little Baiyang twisted his body to avoid the kick. He gritted his teeth and wanted to fight back, but was held back by the red fox.

"Don't be impulsive!" Red Fox shook his head at him, took out a handful of bills from his bag, handed them to the two people and said, "That's all I have, all for you!"

Little Baiyang said anxiously: "Red Fox, that's our meal expense for a week!"

Red Fox smiled and shook his head and said to him: "You can make more money, it'll be okay!"

The wire reel grabbed the banknote and stuffed it into his pocket.

Then suddenly he stretched out his hand and hugged the red fox in his arms!

With a cry of surprise, the red fox struggled hard.

She didn't seem to have thought that these two guys were so bold and dared to do such a thing in broad daylight!

"What are you doing!" Xiao Baiyang was angry and rushed towards the red fox desperately, trying to pull the wire coil away.

But the dirty braid next to him suddenly took out a switchblade, gestured in front of Little Baiyang and said:

"Don't be impulsive, it's just a joke with your girlfriend, don't be nervous!"

But the wire coiler on the side was smiling wildly and hugging the red fox tightly.

A pair of dirty hands kept groping her body, and even reached into the breast of the long skirt!

"Go to hell!" Xiao Baiyang's eyes were red, and he suddenly kicked off the switchblade in Dreadlock's hand!

Then he punched him on the chin, knocked him to the ground, turned around and rushed towards the red fox!

At this moment, the red fox also clenched his silver teeth and stomped down hard with his right foot!

The steel wire rolled up the top of my foot, causing pain, and I screamed loudly.

The red fox took this opportunity to break free from his grasp, turned around and kicked him hard between the legs!

"Ouch!" Wire Roll's whole body was almost in a ball, and he covered it with his hands.

People are like rabbits, jumping around in circles!

"Damn it, how dare you do it?!" Dirty Braid cursed angrily, leaned over to pick up the switchblade that fell on the ground, and wanted to charge forward again.

Little Bai Yangsi was not afraid, spread her legs, pulled up the horse stance, made a fisting stance, waved to the dreadlocks and shouted: "Come on!"

Dreadlocks was stunned for a moment, but didn't dare to do it.

Chinese people like to swallow their anger and are easy to bully.

But Chinese people who know kung fu are not easy to mess with.

Ordinary two or three people can't beat each other!

The dirty braid swallowed, turned and ran to the wire coil, grabbed his arm, and ran away.

Xiao Baiyang looked angrily and cursed at their backs: "Come if you dare! Do you think we are really afraid of you?"

The two Mofei people didn't even look back and quickly ran away without a trace.

"Okay, let's go too!" Red Fox pulled Little Baiyang's arm and shook his head at him.

"But our money..." Xiao Baiyang looked unwilling.

Red Fox smiled slightly and said calmly: "Just go to other places to perform. Besides, with you joining, I believe I will earn more!"

Xiao Baiyang looked at her with surprise and said, "You finally agree that the two of us can work together and travel around the world together?"

Red Fox looked at him helplessly and said, "Do I have a choice? Even if I drive you away, won't you always follow me?"

Seeing her coquettish look, Xiao Baiyang was crazy for a moment.

It wasn't until Red Fox urged him again that he realized what he was doing and happily went to pack things with Red Fox.

"Chen Xin'an!" Konoha turned around again and looked at Chen Xin'an angrily.

She wanted to rush to help a few times just now, but was held down by Chen Xin'an.

Now seeing that he was about to leave, she looked at Chen Xin'an with a dark face.

Knowing what she was going to do, Chen Xin'an took out his wallet and handed it to her with a look of helplessness.

Konoha was really not polite, this time he took out more than two thousand yuan, threw his wallet to Chen Xin'an, and pulled Guo Zhaodi together and ran in front of the red fox.

Only this time, Red Fox said he wouldn’t accept the money!

She just said to Konoha: "You have already given, and you have given a lot.

We can't ask for your money anymore! "

"But all your money has been taken away! Do you even have money for food?" Guo Zhaodi said to Red Fox anxiously:

"We are all compatriots, and we should help each other!"

Red Fox smiled faintly, shook his head and said: "You have already helped, you don't need to help anymore!

Thank you, it’s a pleasure to meet my compatriots here!

I wish you all the best, I'm leaving! "

Konoha took the money and tried to force it into Red Fox's bag, but was stopped by Xiao Baiyang.

He looked at Konoha and Guo Zhaodi seriously and said: "Red Fox said no, then no!

Thank you very much for your kindness.

Only we are not beggars! "

Konoha's hands really froze, and he could only watch the two of them push the box containing the musical instruments away.

"Old Chen!" Luo Xiaoman shouted gloomily, staring at the surroundings.

In the square where people were coming and going, some dark-skinned Mofei people were mixed in, but their eyes were looking at Red Fox and Little Baiyang without blinking.

Chen Xin'an had already noticed the existence of these people and nodded to Luo Xiaoman.

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