Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2114 I Know You Have Been Looking for Him

Not far away, Li Qi had returned, with a backpack behind his back, which seemed to contain something big.

Chen Xin'an shook his head at him. Li Qi, who originally wanted to go to Red Fox and Little Baiyang, stepped back and stood beside Chen Xin'an.

After exiting Times Square, fifty meters to the east is the subway entrance.

Red Fox and Little Baiyang pushed the musical instrument case and took the escalator down to the gate.

After passing a long underground passage, the two people suddenly stopped.

Several Mofei people stood in front, each holding a knife and looking at them with evil eyes.

The leaders are Dreadlock and Wire Curl.

Little Baiyang took Red Fox's arm, turned around and left.

But behind them, there was also a group of Mofei people, blocking their retreat.

The people around him had already seen that something was going to happen, so they quickly ducked to both sides and ran away.

Little Baiyang took Red Fox's hand and slowly leaned back, and soon their bodies were pressed against the wall.

And the group of Mofei people also gathered together, surrounding the two of them.

Little Baiyang protected the red fox behind him and whispered: "When I take action later, I will rush out of the way.

Don't ask for anything, just run out empty-handed.

There is a guard room at the subway station, you need to seek help from the police..."

"Little Baiyang!" Red Fox interrupted his instructions and said calmly: "Actually, you don't have to do this.

I know you have the ability to leave on your own, you can leave! "

Xiao Baiyang turned his head to look at her, shook his head, and said firmly: "I won't leave with your belly.

You just promised me that we would always be together, right? "

Red Fox looked at him with a bitter expression and said: "I just said that I would perform with you.

Xiao Baiyang, you know what I am doing...

You really don’t need to waste your time on me! "

"I know you are looking for him!" Xiao Baiyang looked a little excited and looked at Red Fox and said:

"I know that after so many years, you still can't forget him!

Every place you go has been with him before.

You dream about meeting him again one day!

But I said I would look for it with you.

I don't care that you keep thinking about him, I'm willing to wait for the day when you give up completely!

This way, you will see me! "

The red fox looked at him, with a touch of tenderness in his eyes, and sighed: "Little Baiyang, you are so stupid! Thank you!"

"Hey!" Dirty Braid looked at the two of them with a ferocious smile and cursed: "What are you discussing?

Are you discussing how to beg us for mercy?

I'll tell you a way.

That little girl, take off your clothes and play with us brothers here, and I will spare you.

As for that guy, you dare to hit me, you will only die! "

A man rushed forward, swung the knife in his hand at Little Baiyang several times, and shouted with a grin on his face: "Bring that box over here!"

Little Baiyang and Red Fox also recognized that this guy was the one who snatched the donation box in Century Plaza!

"You've snatched the box, and you still have the nerve to ask us for it?" Xiao Baiyang looked at the guy angrily and cursed.

Unexpectedly, the guy was even angrier than him, and he gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Despicable Chinese people!

It was obviously you who took the box back, but now you still don't admit it!

The guy even kicked me, and my stomach still hurts!

Bring that box over and hand that guy over, and I'll cut off his feet and feed them to the dogs! "

Little Baiyang and Red Fox looked at each other and understood.

It turns out that the guy who robbed their donation box was also robbed by someone else!

I don’t know if it’s a gangster attack or something else, but it’s all deserved!

Seeing these Mo Feiren in front of him, Xiao Baiyang knew that he could not delay any longer.

These guys are like hyenas. The longer we fight, the more they will come, and it will be even more difficult to leave!

"Get ready!" Xiao Baiyang reminded Red Fox in a deep voice, and then he rushed towards Mo Feiren in front!

A group of Mofei people didn't expect that this guy would dare to take action despite being surrounded.

In addition, this kid knew kung fu and kicked the guy who grabbed the donation box to the ground as soon as he came up.

Everyone was caught off guard for a moment!

Xiao Baiyang also took this opportunity to force a breakthrough, rushed into the encirclement with all his strength, and almost penetrated Mo Feiren's encirclement.

But at this moment, he glanced back and almost collapsed!

The red fox didn't follow him at all, he just stood there and looked at him without blinking.

The expression on his face was something he had never seen on a red fox before!

There is guilt, reluctance, heartache, determination...

"Red fox!" Little Baiyang screamed sadly.

Red Fox looked at him with red eyes and said: "You are right, he may be dead!

I have been looking for it for so long, just looking for psychological comfort.

In this case, there is no need for me to live!

I won’t leave, you go! "

"Red Fox!" Little Baiyang's eyes were splitting, and he turned around and ran back, but a Mofei man next to him suddenly rushed over and slashed his neck with a knife!

Little Baiyang subconsciously raised his arm to block it, and the knife cut a deep wound on his arm. The blood instantly dyed his clothes red!

Several Mofei people rushed towards the red fox with a ferocious smile.

At this moment, the red fox had a look on his face that was more sorrowful than death. He put down his backpack, spotted the knife in the hand of a Mofei man, and stretched out his hand to grab the knife with a curl of his wrist!

Back then, she learned grappling from her beloved.

It's just that there are some steel ball-like decorations inlaid on the back of Mo Fei's hand.

When the woman's slender fingers touched those beads, it was more disgusting than touching a handful of snot.

The red fox felt a little creepy, as if he could press these cold and slippery beads into the palm of the opponent's hand with just a strong grip, squeezing out a pool of disgusting flesh and blood!

This made her hands tremble as soon as she touched those beads.

But the opponent instinctively retracted his hand, and the blade drew a bloody mark on the four fingers of Red Fox's right hand!

Red Fox exclaimed in surprise and was about to take action again. Two Mofei people rushed up and held her arms involuntarily, pressing her against the wall!

Mo Feiren, who had beads on the back of his hand, smiled ferociously and cursed: "Want to steal my knife? Come here, give it to you!"

He raised the knife in his hand and struck the red fox hard!

"Stop!" Xiao Baiyang roared angrily, but was attacked from behind by a Mofei man and stabbed him in the back!

Fortunately, he took a step forward and the knife did not penetrate too deep into his body, but only opened a wound!

Little Baiyang staggered two steps, knocked away Mo Feiren beside him, and rushed towards the red fox.

The knife that was slashing at the red fox suddenly stopped when it fell on her body.

Then he raised the tip of the knife and slid open the skirt of Red Fox's long skirt, revealing the black underwear underneath!

"Ah!" Red Fox yelled in shame and anger, trying to cover his body, but his arms were held tightly by two Mo Fei people, and his whole body was pressed against the wall, unable to move!

Xiao Baiyang's eyes were red and he shouted loudly: "You bastards! I will fight with you!"

His kung fu is pretty good, and even three or five people can't get close to him.

But now, he was in chaos and lost all control.

My heart is worried and I can't even exert one-third of my usual combat power!

In addition, he was injured, which affected his actions even more.

So the more anxious you are to rush towards the red fox, the less likely you are to move forward.

Instead, a few more wounds were added in vain, and the whole body was already stained red with blood!

After cutting off the red fox's clothes, several Mofei people laughed with bewildered expressions on their faces.

The man holding the knife turned the tip of the knife and reached for the red fox again. This time he wanted to strip the woman naked!

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