Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2123 You are a selfish person

Daniel, who had just escaped, was caught again, and his mouth was bleeding, so he must have been beaten.

What made Chen Xin'an a little speechless was that his restaurant was next to him, and there were waiters working for him inside and outside.

But when they saw their boss being beaten and captured, all those people stood aside and watched the excitement. No one came forward to help, not even the police!

Seeing the five dark-skinned men lying on the ground, not to mention the two companions holding Daniel, even Daniel was shocked.

It had only been a few minutes, but these people were beaten down by this Chinese?

There were three Chinese people in total. The man and the woman were still on the railing rescuing people. Only this one was left taking action. Who else was he?

How did he do it?

Chen Xin'an ignored them, walked up to the man in the suit, looked at him and asked, "Who do you think deserves death?"

The man in the suit didn't expect that this guy was so fierce. Dealing with the people he brought was like chopping vegetables with a knife, and he was able to deal with them in a few strokes.

Looking at Chen Xin'an standing in front of him, the man in the suit was a little nervous, but immediately straightened his face and said coldly:

"Chinese people, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!

This is a personal grudge between us and Reggie and his son, and has nothing to do with you!

Before I notify Mr. Heyman, I'll give you a chance to get out of here!

But I kept all the money I had with me as medical expenses for my brothers.

I won't argue with you about this matter.

have you understood? "

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at him and said, "I don't care whose dogs you are, if you dare to attack me and my friends, I will deal with you!"

The man in the suit couldn't understand what Chen Xin'an was talking about. He thought he was negotiating terms and snorted coldly:

“No need to bargain with me!

If it weren't for the important things, I wouldn't let you go so easily!

Before I get angry, you'd better do what I say and get out of here right away!

I know you can understand me! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, and then slapped him in the face!

The man in the suit was furious: "You dare to hit me? You are looking for death!"

Chen Xin'an didn't even bother to say anything. Anyway, this guy couldn't understand a word he said, so he slapped him again with his backhand!

This time it was even harder than before, and it made the corners of his mouth bleed!

"Damn Chinese!" The man in the suit reached into his arms and tried to pull out a gun, but Chen Xin'an punched him in the shoulder!


The man in the suit's right arm dropped down, and he screamed loudly in pain.

Chen Xin'an didn't let him go. She grabbed his hair with her left hand, raised her right arm, and slapped him hard on the face!

At the beginning, the man in the suit was still yelling and cursing.

But soon, the blood in his mouth mixed with the broken teeth that were knocked out was spat out. He didn't dare to curse anymore, and he even lost the courage to howl!

The two dark-skinned men who caught Dennis saw their boss being beaten and rushed over.

Chen Xin'an didn't even use her hands. One of them gave them a kick and kicked them to the ground, lying together with her companions.

Daniel stared at this scene blankly, his mouth opened wide into an O shape.

There was a cry from the side, and Dao Lei and Li Niandong worked together to pull Catherine up.

"Lei!" As soon as Catherine came up, regardless of the bruised areas on her body, she rushed to Dao Lei's side, trying to untie his clothes and check his wounds.

Dao Lei pushed her hand away, took a step back, and leaned against the railing.

"Catherine!" Daniel walked over and said with concern, "Are you okay?"

Catherine just glanced at him, said nothing, and ran to Dao Lei's side.

"Xiaodong!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

Li Niandong shook his aching arm and walked quickly to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an kicked the man in a suit on the ground and said coldly: "I'm not interested in any grudges between you and Lei Ji and his son.

But don't touch my friends.

If you want to resolve your grudges, come back after we leave! "

Li Niandong translated Chen Xin'an's words to the man in the suit.

The man in the suit stood up slowly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his clothes, turned and left without saying a word.

The guys on the ground also stood up one by one, helped each other to the door of the restaurant, got into the commercial vehicle, turned around and left.

Chen Xin'an turned around, pulled a chair and placed it next to the railing, letting Dao Lei sit on the chair.

Then he unbuttoned Daolei's upper body, revealing the gauze on his chest.

At this moment, the gauze was completely stained red with blood.

Chen Xin'an turned around and asked the man in the suit: "Do you have a first-aid kit in your restaurant?"

Daniel was still in front of Catherine and said to her: "Catherine, are you injured? Let me see your wounds!"

"I'm asking you a question!" Chen Xin'an shouted at him.

Daniel was startled and wanted to say something to Chen Xin'an, but he met his eyes and his heart trembled.

He could see that the person in front of him was definitely not someone to be trifled with. If he dared to be disrespectful to him, he might end up like those people just now!

And I am okay now, thanks to others.

Daniel swallowed and quickly said to Li Niandong: "Yes, I'll get it now!"

Soon, he brought over a medical kit.

Li Niandong took it and picked out alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Chen Xin'an had already torn off Dao Lei's clothes, exposing his wounds.

Seeing the shocking wounds on Dao Lei's body, Catherine was stunned!

She simply couldn't imagine how Dao Lei could hold on to her when she was falling in mid-air weighing more than 100 kilograms just now with such serious injuries!

He must have been in a lot of pain at that time, right?

Even now, when I see Dao Lei's pale face and the beads of sweat all over his face, I can imagine what kind of pain he is enduring!

Without the interruption of the group just now, Daniel remembered the task to be completed today.

He took out the jewelry box in his pocket, walked up to Catherine and said, "Catherine, I haven't finished what I said just now! Today I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Catherine stretched out her hand and took out the ring from the jewelry box.

Daniel looked at Catherine with surprise and said, "My dear, you have already promised me, right?

In fact, you also want to marry me early, right..."


Catherine raised her arm and threw the ring into the river!

"God! What are you doing!" Daniel was dumbfounded, looking at the ripples on the river with shock.

Catherine looked at him expressionlessly and said: "Daniel, I'm not suitable for you, let's not contact you again in the future!"

Daniel's face turned pale, as if he remembered something, and said to Catherine: "You must be blaming me for pushing you away just now, right?

Catherine, listen to me, I was so scared just now that I didn’t even see clearly that the person standing in front of me was you!

In case you don't know those guys, they are Heyman's guys.

This Heyman is my father's opponent.

If he kidnaps me, he will use me to blackmail my father, and the Reggie family will suffer a great loss!

So I can't be taken away by those people, do you understand?

Of course I shouldn't abandon you either.

Catherine, I was wrong. Please give me a chance. If something like this happens again, I will never push you away again! "

"No, you can do it again!" Catherine looked at Daniel and said expressionlessly:

“Daniel, we’ve known each other since college.

Do I not understand what kind of person you are?

Do you know why I rejected your proposal twice after so many years?

Because you are really too selfish and too insecure for me!

There is only one person who can truly give me a sense of security and risk his own life to save me at this critical moment.

it's him! "

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