Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2124 You with a gun and you without a gun are two Li Qi

Catherine turned her head and looked at Dao Lei with gentle eyes. She took the potion from Chen Xin'an's hand and gently applied it on Dao Lei's wound.

“Indeed, he is not as rich as you, nor is he as handsome as you.

You don’t even know how to say nice things to make girls like you.

He also has a manly temperament, is very domineering, and sometimes even unreasonable.

But I am very happy when I am with him! Very reassuring too!

I won't worry that he will push me away, let alone abandon me.

Because every time there is danger, he will stand in front of me immediately!

He would even risk his own life to save my life!

Daniel, you will never be able to do this in your life!

Proposing to me is just a task you do to deal with your father.

I am not the only woman in your heart.

So I don't want to waste my time on you anymore! "

Daniel's face turned green and white. He originally thought it was a sure thing, but he didn't expect that after many twists and turns, he was completely yellow now.

He looked at Catherine a little irrationally and shouted: "Do you think he is a good thing?

How do you know he doesn't have another woman?

Men will play tricks on every occasion. Some people look honest on the outside, but in fact they are more carefree than anyone else! "

Catherine gently put gauze on Dao Lei, wiped away the stains with a cotton ball, and said softly:

“I know he is more than just me, but he is not a playboy.

And as long as I truly become his girlfriend, he will no longer have close contact with other women.

Men in China are all like this. Their loyalty to love is unmatched by the men in the Eagle Flag Country.

Of course there are scumbags among Chinese men, but my man is not one! "

Turning to Daniel, Catherine said, “Thank you, Daniel.

If you hadn't called me here today, I wouldn't have even dared to make this decision.

But now, I finally know who my favorite person is!

Sometimes, a relationship of several years is really not as good as a few months of getting along.

Daniel, I hope you find your favorite!

We should not contact each other in the future because my boyfriend doesn’t like it.

I don't like it myself.

The most important thing is that after a while, I will go back to China with him.

I will rarely come back again! "

After hearing what Catherine said, Daniel completely lost his mind.

He never dreamed that his girlfriend, who had been with him for so many years, would be abducted by a Chinese man in two or three months!

The engagement ring I bought for a large sum of money was gone, and even my girlfriend ran away.

Today was supposed to be a day to propose marriage, but I never thought that my father’s business rival would send someone to come and almost kidnap me, and I’d even receive a beating.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became when he saw his ex-girlfriend kissing other men. He became even more jealous. He stepped forward and wanted to grab Catherine's arm and pull her back to his own. Beside him, he cursed:

"You're a bitch!

You hooked up with other men behind my back, and I didn't even bother with you.

Now you actually want to leave me?

Without my permission, you can't go anywhere..."


With a scream, Chen Xin'an turned around and kicked Daniel directly, sending him flying into the river with a thud!

I, an outsider, cannot interfere with emotional matters.

But now that everyone has made a choice, how dare you destroy my brother's life, can I spare you?

"What happened? What happened to that guy?" Dao Lei looked confused.

He didn't understand a word of it, but he saw that his ex-boyfriend was a little emotional and chatted for a long time, and then he was kicked into the river by An Ge'er.

He looked at Catherine with some worry and said, "Is your boyfriend okay?"

Catherine bit his ear, but did not dare to use force. She just blushed and whispered:

"Ignore him, from now on, I have only one boyfriend, and that's you!

I will stay with you these two days and let you recover from your injuries quickly.

Then, I'll take you to my house! "

Chen Xin'an looked around and said, "Okay, let's talk about it when we go back!"

The four of them turned around and left immediately. Before leaving, Catherine did not forget to take the envelope that Daniel sent.

If it weren't for that guy, Dao Lei's wound wouldn't have collapsed. Isn't it too much to give him some compensation?

Back to the hotel, let Dao Lei and Catherine go back to the room. Chen Xin'an and Li Niandong also returned to the presidential suite.

Ning Xiruo came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Husband, change your clothes. Golden invited us to have dinner downstairs at noon, and he also brought a friend who he wanted us to get to know!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "This guy didn't call me, but he called you!"

Li Niandong had already applied for local mobile phone cards and distributed them to everyone yesterday.

Golden has his Chen Xin'an mobile phone number, but he doesn't have Ning Xiruo's.

Only his father, Buurman, has Ning Xiruo's mobile phone number.

I don't know what the guy means by asking for his wife's number from his father in a roundabout way, and then calling to invite them as a couple.

Couldn't you just call me directly?

Ning Xiruo also smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Just after changing clothes and coming out, Xiao Zhang and Li Qi came back.

Just as Golden hadn't called yet, Chen Xin'an was sitting on the sofa chatting with his brothers.

Xiao Zhang rubbed his face and said to everyone: "After a whole morning of touching, I finally understand this Mo Feiren!

Murphy has about 3,000 people in Jordan City, all of whom live together in Block 11.

In fact, they are not as united as the legend outside, they also have their own mountains, and they are also in constant conflict!

The largest force is those led by Hans, who are also called the hip-hop gang.

There are two others who are equal to or slightly inferior to him.

They are Black Satan and Cowboy.

Black Satan's characteristics are that they have black Satan patterns tattooed on their backs, and their boss is called Peder.

The Cowboys are a group of African-Americans wearing jeans, and the boss is named Heyman.

This guy is also the most cruel and ruthless.

Moreover, this Heyman was forced to fight against someone from Pyroses.

He wants to annex the entire 11th district. "

Li Qi next to him said: "We have to deal with Hans. As long as we don't target all Mofei people, Ped and Heyman should not care.

Hans's headquarters is in the Octopus Building in Block 11.

All his people live in this place.

But they have a lot of guns, and they even have Eagle Flag Country standard rifles!

Boss, do we really want to fight? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That shot from Dalei Zi can't be in vain!

Since you dare to deal with us, you must pay the price!

Even if this is not China, even if this is the Eagle Flag Country, so what? "

Luo Xiaoman laughed and said: "This is where I admire Lao Chen.

No matter what kind of birdie you are, as long as you offend me, I won't spoil you and let you know the pain!

There’s no need to think about it so much. We’ve all been there before, so why are we afraid of a small 11th block? "

Li Qi smiled slightly and said to him: "I'm not afraid, but after confirming the boss's intention, I went to prepare well!"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned, looking at Li Qi inexplicably and asked: "What else do you need to prepare? Buy a gun? I'm not used to that thing!"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Are you used to being used by others? Have you forgotten what I told you?"

Everyone looked at Li Qi with strange eyes.

This made Li Qi look confused, touched his face and asked: "Why are you looking at me like this?

What did the boss say about me? "

Luo Qianhe said with a smile: "Senior brother said, you with a gun and you without a gun are two Li Qi!"

Li Qi is no match for Luo Xiaoman if he only relies on force.

In terms of life and death, even if Luo Xiaoman was killed, Li Qi would not live long.

But with guns, even if the two of them used their own methods, two Luo Xiaoman couldn't kill one Li Qi.

And that’s when Li Qi was able to escape unscathed!

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