Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2125 I don’t like eating with passers-by

The restaurant on the fourth floor of the Four Seasons Hotel still has the same table by the window as last time.

Golden watched Ning Xiruo coming from a distance with a warm smile on his face.

Every time I see this woman, I feel a sense of pleasure.

This typical oriental beauty is so exquisite that even a pure Westerner like him finds it stunning.

There is an impulse in my heart that I desperately want to take her as my own!

Of course, unlike his brother who takes things by force, Golden pays more attention to the willingness and mutual happiness of both parties.

Even though he knew that this beauty was married and the relationship between the couple was very good, Golden still felt confident that he could get this woman with just a little effort!

The greatest confidence comes from his appearance.

It can be said that the best genes of the entire Cexire family are concentrated in him!

He is very handsome. Whether it is a Western woman or an Eastern woman, the common label for him is that he is a handsome guy!

He has three-dimensional facial features and a slender and well-proportioned figure. He is the goddess that others dream of. He can easily win her over with just a few flirtations.

He has done this kind of thing often, so Ning Xiruo is now his prey.

It takes a little effort to get it, and as long as the other party is willing, there is nothing her husband can do!

When the two of them came over, Golden pulled out a chair for Ning Xiruo like a gentleman, asked her to sit down, and said to her and Chen Xin'an:

"Xi Ruo, Mr. Chen, a friend will come over in a minute. I would like to invite you two to get to know each other and see if there are any projects we can collaborate on."


When did this little brat become so close to my wife?

Ning Xiruo also glanced at Golden in surprise and said directly to him:

"Mr. Golden, please call me Mrs. Ning!

Also, since we have met, let’s talk directly in person without sending any messages. "

Golden shook his head and smiled smartly: "I mainly want to talk to you about some work matters..."

"There is no work between us!" Ning Xiruo looked at Golden expressionlessly and said:

“If there are any cooperation projects in the future, you will contact my husband.

Or you can communicate with my secretary without having to find me!

Now I have blocked your account in front of you, please forgive me! "

Ning Xiruo took out her mobile phone and actually put his number on the blacklist in front of Golden!

The smile on Golden's face froze, and he looked very embarrassed.

"I thought we were friends. Isn't this a little rude?"

Golden became a little angry.

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "It is indeed a bit rude, so I apologize to Mr. Golden.

But since you were rude first, I can only retaliate in kind.

I know some of the etiquette of the Eagle Flag Country. Only when the woman's husband is away can a male guest pull out a chair for a married woman.

Otherwise, it is disrespectful to the woman's husband.

Since you don't respect my husband, then I can only disrespect you.

This shows that you are not clean for my purpose.

There is an old saying in China that flies cannot bite seamless eggs.

As long as it doesn't leave any seams for you, there won't be any trouble.

If Mr. Golden feels that I have offended you, feel free to retaliate.

As long as my husband doesn’t feel uncomfortable looking at it, that’s fine! "

Golden was stunned.

Now he finally knew that the woman in front of him, and even the couple, were different from those he had seen before.

He's very good at flirting with girls, but if she doesn't give you a chance from the beginning, how can you flirt with her?

But Golden didn't give up either.

The more such a woman is, the greater the sense of accomplishment will be after getting her!

Just treat this matter as a difficult task and spend some time to find a breakthrough, and you will definitely be able to succeed!

"Okay Mrs. Ning, it was me who was rude!" Golden immediately changed his attitude and apologized to Ning Xiruo with a smile.

Chen Xin'an and Li Niandong had already sat down. They looked at Golden with a half-smile but didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

Golden saw that Ning Xiruo was sitting next to Chen Xin'an, then turned to him and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I may have some misunderstanding with Madam. Things are not what you think. I just want to make friends with you..."

First, let the husband suspect his wife and create a gap between them. It is best to quarrel, so that he can take advantage of it.

This is the best breakthrough.

Chen Xin'an laughed, interrupted him and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll just watch your performance here quietly!"

Listening to Li Niandong's translation, Golden's face froze and he looked embarrassed.

Why do these two people speak so bluntly?

It seems to be pointing directly at people's hearts. It's so hurtful!

Fortunately, Golden's phone rang, resolving his embarrassment.

He picked it up and answered it, then said to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo: "He's here, let's go to the door to greet him!"

Who made it so grand?

Although Chen Xin'an was a little disapproving, it was a treat after all, so he just did as he pleased and stood up with him.

Three people appeared at the door of the restaurant, one was a man with silver hair and wearing a suit.

He is about sixty years old, with blue eyes and a hooked nose. He does not seem to be a good-tempered person.

The other one is a woman in her twenties, with an exaggerated figure, bulging forward and backward.

The key points were very convex and warped, to the point of deformation in Chen Xin'an's eyes.

But according to the aesthetics of men from the Eagle Flag Country, this is the best!

There is another person who is tall and tall, almost two meters tall. He looks like an iron tower when he stands there!

Golden saluted the old man respectfully and introduced Chen Xin'an and the others:

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, Miss Li, let me introduce you.

This is our good friend of the Cecire family, Mr. Stilwell!

The actual controlling shareholder of Green Tree Group!

This is his secretary, Miss Daisy!

This is his bodyguard, Mr. Quinn!

Mr. Stilwell, this is what I told you..."

Without waiting for his introduction, Stilwell frowned and said, "Golden, why did you invite me here?

If it were not my own business, I would not agree to your invitation! "

Golden said honestly: "I'm sorry Mr. Stilwell, I know that this kind of occasion is not suitable for your noble status.

It's just that these friends haven't officially introduced them to you yet, and they don't dare to take them to your manor on their own initiative.

That's why I felt wronged by Mr. Stilwell and made do with it for the time being.

When we meet next time, we can go to Reggie Manor! "

Stilwell snorted and didn't look at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo. He just picked a table and stood next to it.

Quinn placed the suitcase in his hand on the empty table next to him.

Daisy opened the small suitcase and took out a piece of pure white silk. After opening it, she placed it on the chair.

Then he took out a small piece of silk of the same color and texture and spread it beside the table.

He took out a unique silver box from his bag and placed it on the dining table.

Open the silver box, take out the silver spoons, silver forks and other tableware inside, and place them neatly on the silk.

Chen Xin'an and the other three looked at each other in confusion.

This old man is so good at pretending that he has to bring his own tableware when he goes out to eat!

Seeing that he had sat down, Golden immediately asked everyone to move their original seats to this side.

"Mr. Stilwell, these guys are from China..."

The old man interrupted him again and said expressionlessly: "Gordon, you know my habits. I don't like eating with a group of passers-by. It's very unhygienic!"

Golden turned to look at the guests who came in, nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I'll do it now!"

He walked over to those people, waved to the restaurant manager, and said to everyone:

"I'm sorry, we have reserved the venue for lunch today, please go somewhere else to dine!"

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