Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2126 If you don’t like it, don’t eat it

Chen Xinan looked helplessly at Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong beside him, and the three of them sighed in their hearts at the same time.

This man can really pretend!

In fact, it’s not pretending.

In other words, this is the arrogance or hypocrisy imprinted in the DNA of the nobles of their Eagle Flag Country.

That one is the president!

The restaurant manager didn't dare to offend, so he quickly cleared the guests away.

Golden came back and said cautiously to Stilwell: "Mr. Stilwell, is it okay now?"

Stilwell sat on the chair and snorted, glanced at Chen Xin'an and the others, and asked expressionlessly: "Are they the Chinese people you want to introduce to me?"

Golden quickly nodded and said, "Yes! This is Mr. Chen Xin'an, President of China Anhao Group.

This is his wife, Ms. Ning Xiruo.

She is also one of the candidates for Secretary General of this GbSA conference!

This is their translator, Miss Li Niandong..."

"Wrong!" Ning Xiruo interrupted Golden, "She is not our translator, but our friend. By the way, she is our translator out of friendship!"

"Whatever!" Stilwell waved his hand and said impatiently: "I'm not interested in knowing so much about some little people.

If I didn't have a project to start in China in the second half of the year and need people, I wouldn't come to see you people.

Daisy, I'm hungry. Go get me something to eat first! "

"Okay boss!" Daisy stood up, winked at him, and turned to leave.

Looking at her swaying walking posture, Golden's mouth went dry and he couldn't help but lick his lips.

But in the blink of an eye, he saw Stilwell's sarcastic eyes, his mind was trembling, and he suddenly woke up.

No one can stand the temptation of Daisy, especially when facing her back, no man can remain calm.

So Stilwell can judge that the three Chinese people opposite are all women!

That guy named Chen Xin'an didn't even look at Daisy. What is he if he's not a woman?

Unexpectedly, when the old man ordered something to eat, he only ordered it for himself!

It doesn't matter whether your food is good or bad, but everyone is in the restaurant, sitting at the same table.

When you order something to eat, you only order it for yourself, not anyone else.

How ridiculous is it for everyone to watch you eat?

This is completely disrespectful!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Golden and asked, "Mr. Golden, you invited us down here just to watch others eat?"

After listening to Li Niandong's translation, Golden waved his hand and said, "No, no, it's just that our dishes have to wait for a while, and it takes a little longer..."

Ning Xiruo frowned and said, "Then let's wait together and eat together, okay?"

Golden glanced at Stilwell and said, "Actually, Mr. Stilwell doesn't like to eat with others. It's okay if we wait for a while!"

"It doesn't matter to you, we do!" Li Niandong looked at Golden and said, "This is a great disrespect for the guests!"

Stilwell picked up a piece of steak with a silver fork and was about to put it into his mouth. He said without raising his eyelids:

"Are you worthy of my respect?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Yes, what qualifications do you have to let us watch you eat?


He spat directly on the plate in front of Stilwell!

"Oh! Shit!" Stilwell's face turned dark!

Daisy and Golden next to them were both dumbfounded.

Quinn came over angrily and without saying a word raised his fist as big as a sand bowl and hit Chen Xin'an in the face!

There was a look of sympathy on Golden's face!

I knew that Chen Xin'an had a bad temper, but I didn't expect that he would seek death like this!

It was not good to offend anyone, but Mr. Stilwell, who even treated his father with respect!

Do you know how powerful they are?

Apart from anything else, do you know how scary his bodyguard is?

I saw with my own eyes that more than twenty Murphys wanted to assassinate Stilwell, but this Quinn was able to deal with it all by himself!

Okay, now, if you don’t get thrown from the fourth floor today, you will have to lie down and leave here!

Just the next second, Golden's eyes almost fell out!


There was a crisp sound, and Quinn's thunderous punch was caught by a hand, making him unable to move!

Chen Xin'an didn't even stand up, her butt didn't leave the chair.

He just raised his left hand to cover Quinn's fist, and the thunderous blow instantly stopped the wind and rain.

Quinn's face turned red and she felt as if her fist was pressed against a wall. It would be difficult to advance any further!

He gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Let go!" Then he pulled his arm back hard!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an's five fingers on his left hand suddenly tightened, and his fingertips pressed hard into the middle at the same time!

How could a mortal like Quinn be able to withstand the heaven-defying divine power of the fourth level of inner strength?

He felt as if his right fist was caught by a steel claw.

Just when he was about to break free, the steel claws suddenly tightened!

Every bone in his right hand was squeezed and contracted, causing unbearable pain.

Quinn groaned, and with the force of his wrist, he knelt down on one knee!

The three foreigners all stared at this scene with their mouths open.

Stilwell couldn't believe his eyes!

The most capable person around him was so vulnerable in front of this Chinese!

Feeling shocked, he wanted to drink a glass of red wine to calm down the shock.

But as soon as I picked up the cup, I remembered that the guy just spat.

Of course, it's so far away that it won't splash into the cup.

However, he is so pampered that he cannot touch things that others have spat on.

He quickly put the cup down and shouted to Chen Xin'an with a sullen face: "Let go! Do you know what you are doing?"

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at Stilwell. She grabbed Quinn's right fist with her left hand, pointed at Stilwell with her right hand, and said to Li Niandong:

"Tell him that no matter what investment he has in China, I have withdrawn it now, so don't have any such plans! As long as I am here, his business cannot be done in China!"

Li Niandong translated Chen Xin'an's words to Stilwell.

Stilwell sneered and said, "Who do you think you are? Do you know what project I want to invest in China? Do you know who asked me to invest?"

This time Li Niandong didn't wait for Chen Xin'an to speak and said directly to Stilwell:

“No matter what you invest in China, no matter who invites you to invest, or where you invest in China.

As long as he says you have no chance, then there will definitely be no chance! "

Stilwell looked contemptuous and his eyes were angry. Just as he was about to speak, Golden quickly said to him:

"Mr. Stilwell!

With both of them, you really need to think about it.

This is my advice to you on behalf of my father! "

After hearing what Golden said, Stilwell frowned and fell into deep thought.

He can give no face to anyone.

But he still had to listen to Boorman's words.

After all, this is his ally and the person who is about to run for the leadership.

The Cexire family should know better about these Chinese people.

In fact, Stilwell also knew very well that since Golden introduced these people to him, it meant that they had some power in China.

This is why Stilwell agreed to come and meet.

He now needs some Chinese people who have the strength to help him.

In his impression, Chinese people are greedy for money and love to take advantage of themselves.

As long as he gives a little charity, these people should be able to work for him obediently.

But now it seems that this plan has failed.

These people don’t seem to be dog material, do they?

"Husband!" Ning Xiruo called Chen Xin'an softly and shook her head.

Chen Xin'an let go of Quinn's hand and kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

He spat and cursed: "If you dare to chirp again, I will kill you!"

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